Lt. Eddy just revealed a new Perils in Paradise card: Climbing Hook
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I think this is kinda just a worse Foamrender.
But maybe DH can use it better.
It's actually kinda good right?
Well, I don't know, it kinda feels like paying 2-extra Mana for Metamorphosis. But I imagine this card with Bladed Lady as a pretty sweet combo. I believe that if you can deal 15 damage with this, it already payed out, and is not too hard to do, tho it is kinda slow. On Shaman with Windfury I can see this as a bigger threat. If you can give somehow +1Attack to Sand Art Elemental, or you manage to have a 5-Attack minion ( Cactus Rager finally time to shine?) it could be very dangerous.
It's 4 mana to get the Metamorphosis Hero Power, but now you need to spend an additional 1 mana for each use. So in the end, you're still spending 6 mana for 10 damage over 2 turns, but with Climbing Hook you're frontloading the cost while Metamorphosis is distributing the cost over multiple smaller intervals (usually better).
Weapon stats are always fun to watch, cause why is a legendary (in WoW lore) weapon hitting less than a climbing hook?
Cause the legendary weapon has an big effect. Don't know if its good, but its "big"
Why is there a shaman icoin if you hover over the image?
The shaman's Tourist is a demon hunter
It can be played in Shaman decks using the Shaman tourist.