Hearthstone Discord just revealed a new Perils in Paradise card: Adaptive Amalgam
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Is Magnetic an enchantment? I want to use Zilliax to Magnetize onto it and wondered if it also gained Magnetic once it does and I redraw it because that would be kinda sweet.
Yeah it should be able to become thicc like that, though the "historical" problem to drawing stuff from a deck is that it's low probability until it's late-game, or unless the deck is very specialized to target very big draw or a lot of dredging etc (I suppose this one as an "All" type could use any of the "Draw a <type>" cards to build around your concept).
Do magnetized mechs count as "enchantments"?
They should, yeah
Everyone has Immortal Prelate now. But I severely doubt anyone other than Paladin would be interested in it, because most classes don't have nearly enough buffs to justify running this.
Mark would love this card though. Be prepared for a new renaissance of Mark OTKs.
LET'S FKING GO! One of my favorite combo's is now Neutral!
Da Undatakah in Wild! You could combine this with Shudderwock, in Death Knight and pass the deathrattle to fellow minions.
Just have the amalgam die and Flesh Behemoth. Then just slap taunt, lifesteal, rush (and maybe windfury) on it and you have an immovable minion. No Reno or poof or transform and it's literally gg.
I can only see another Undead for my armyyyyy! *evil laugh
This is a deck-enabler. Use tribal tutors to draw this, and then buff it. It should be quite good as long as you can give it either rush or taunt.
Here is the tech as I understand it. Rogue can tutor mechs, pirates, and minions in general from its deck, and it can magnetize any keyword in the galaxy including stealth. You magnetize to this guy a few times and it'll be a massive, potentially lifesteal, potentially windfury, potentially uninteractable minion you can keep fishing out of your deck.
Also Lab Constructor exists, so now it doubles its stats every turn and more get shuffled into your deck which are also all self duplicating. It'll take more than a single Reno battlecry or silence to stop them.
i once make prelate deck but because it weak to half of the class, i specifically playaround silence and stuff and still maintaining prelate usage. those priest are crying in the corner after seeing their 100th silence fails to stop the prelate(s)
Did Amalgam of the Deep cause too much confusion? Why do they add "this has all minion types" in the card text, when the card already has the tag "all"? Even weirder since the name "Amalgam" is already synonymous with being all minion types. With a card like Mistake, I'd say "fine, it has a different name, and no other card text". But here, it feels... weird, like a step back.
Anyway, Immortal Prelate was not that hot back in the day, in the class with the most minion buffs. But this costs less, is neutral, and there is way more buffs for specific tribes, like magnetic minions for example. A 1 mana double returning Lab Constructor, for example. Handbuffs got a lot better, Boogie Down can still be a thing... There sure is a lot of stuff it can do.
Priest might also appreciate just another 1-cost dragon, but then again, it might not want to see it returned to their deck, because you eventually want to draw other cards.
A nice card to have probably, just in case some tribal synergy takes off, or this card finds some unique combo to turn it into a game-winning threat. But at first glance, I have mixed feelings. I like it, I think there's some potential, but I wonder if it's actually any good.
I swear I don't get why they randomly go back and foward with the description of what an Amalgam actually is. It's already clear that it has All minion types. From the 6 Amalgam in total that are in the game (not counting BG) 3 of them say "This has all minion types" and the other 3 don't have it. Is such a weird decision.
I like the card a lot. Is always kinda weird when a card has a Keyword in the name, and dosn't has that Keyword. But I'm kinda sad for Immortal Prelate , it always was one of the coolest cards in my opinion, and it's kinda my main incentive to play with Paladin, which I usually don't do cause the class feels pretty boring for my taste.
And this kills that card in, well, every single aspect. And Powercreeps like this are always sad for me, cause they feel that they are taking away cards from my collection. Is like Shadowbanning a card. Yes, I could play Immortal Prelate but why would I do that if I can play this instead? So automatically, having Prelate in my deck is a bad play. So then I can't play it anymore. So if like they permanently banned one of my favorite cards. It could be solved by buffing Prelate, but for expecting they to buff Wild cards, specially Wild cards that don't see much play, you need to have 25 churches worth of faith
This could be fun,if it crawls in Deathstalker Rexxar' s pool
Immortal Prelate but better. This doesn't feel like a very buff-heavy meta, though.
For real. It's off sobbing in a corner. I kind of wish they would buff the thing. (Make it shuffle a copy when it would be silenced or something.)
Why bother, if you can just otk turn 7
This art is TERRIBLE. Where's the mech/elemental/murloc/etc. parts on this amalgam?! This is just a beast hybrid only!
Hearthstone is LITERALLY unplayable.
This was THE last drop. I quit.
It's underwater.
I mean, you can say the same with Amalgam of the Deep . They just tried to show everything on the original Amalgam, and that one is already outdated cause dosn't has Naga or Undead parts.
So Amalgams now are the "suggestion" of a chimera like creature, tho you could argue it has Dragon and Naga parts.