Hearthstone Reddit just revealed multiple new Perils in Paradise cards.
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hes probably going to slot in perfectly into...
naga - spell - naga - spell - naga - spell - naga (discover) spell....
This are the most interesting Neutral Commons I see in a long time. I like that this set kinda implies that the pirates have an honest job at a vacationer hotel when they're not pirating.
Concierge could be interesting with Tourist. There is potential right there. The Seahorse kid and the Panda guy look pretty strong.
I can't really see any real Combo with Bayfin yet. Also I'm pretty sure that swaping minions dosn't count as being summon, but the card Silence the minion anyway, so you can't even do anything crazy, like give a Majordomo Executus to your opponent or something. And the cards that summon during your turn usually are small minions.
BUT. If you play Dirty Rat , or even more diabolical Front Lines , it could be quite interesting. I don't think that good, but at least cool. Also it naturally counter stuff like Reborn or Deathrattles that summon stuff.
Concierge is the proof they’re not going to learn. Print card like this -> it’s f-ed -> who could have thought about this -> “but not less than one” -> repeat next season
So much flavours! I'm really loving this!
so they remove windfury for paladin from excavate card just to print this Sailboat Captain next set ! super logic again blizzard
Southsea Deckhand + Sailboat Captain still works morons
It's even worse in Wild, where Pirate Rogue is very much a thing. Absolutely gross card, baffling why they would green light anything like it. Hell, it's not even a "Give a friendly Pirate Windfury this turn only". Like wtf.
I agree - I think Sailboat Captain might be a mistake.
Paladin already gets to double dip on hand buffs through Outfit Tailor. Add in Sailboat Captain and you get double the benefit again. A single Painter's Virtue buffing just Outfit Tailor and Southsea Deckhand is 20 charge damage from hand with Sailboat Captain for 7 mana (I know that technically the Deckhand cant attack in this scenario, but the point stands - they usually have far more than +3/+3 anyway).
This is easily going to be one of the more frustrating combo's in the game.
IT IS just so lame they doing this All the time.
Droped nerfs first to prevent leroy to kill you with winfury , talking about make game Better to not die to this stupid combos for low mana dmg from hand and they just print exact same things.
Idk if they are degenerate in blizzard or what IS going on , looks like monkeys doing the Job to me
I do like all the pirates they print!! excited for this expansion tbh
Tidepool Pupil strong card
Reminder that there was also Dread Deserter in the other post of this reveal. Together with Sailboat Captain that is...something.