The unexpected teaser for the upcoming expansion! Apparently it will be revealed on Monday the 17th of June, at 10am PT/ 1pm ET/ 19:00 CEST/ 18:00 BST. Come join us then!
Quote from BlizzardYour flight departs tomorrow at 10AM PT ✈️
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Perils in Paradise ... vid out on HS Twitter
Sadly, today, right before "Expansion Reveal" I think I faced cheater in Standard mode :/
How typical Demon Hunter, who didn't have any weird Splendiferous Whizbang effect, and was just playing typical Demon Hunter Umpire's Grasp --> Window Shopper ---> Magtheridon, Unreleased ---> Illidari Inquisitor ---> Abyssal Bassist etc., how did he got a "Wish card" that he could use 3 times?
What you’re describing is the deck list for DH that Whizbang provides.
Wow - I had zero clue about this. The problem is that there was no animation at the beginning with Whizbang's effect, so I was very confused.
Also had zero clue about that article, and about this kind iof special deck.
Thanks for the information.
Portion of knowledge for me I guess 🙃
So about my previous post....
It's going to be a vacation set? Are we talking about bikini skins, and hotel staff minions?
Both the teaser and the cardback make enphasis in a treasure map. It could be Piracy in Pandaria, be setted in Turtle Beach, and have an scry related mechanic. Tho if is a beach set, I would choose Longshore or something like this, but dosn't stats with P. But the only reason to think in Pandaria is for the P, and for the copium for the Monk class. Pretty sure that when we finally go to Pandaria it's going to be focused in *just* Pandaria, not in Treasure Hunts and Cheese, it's lacking Jade Serpents and Toriis.
But I'm calling it now, This is going to be Daelin Proudmoore set debut.
Paradise in Pandaria
Kweh kweh :) Chocobo!!!
Plunder Isle Paradise
Holiday in Kezan
Chocobo island!
My money is on Powercreep in Pandaria :D.
Party in Pandaria
Monk class reveal coping.
Tropical Treasure hunt
Think it’ll be something “… in Pandaria”
I doubt it is anything Pandaria. I assume when they eventually release the Monk class they will make that Pandaria themed but it's likely too soon for that since it's only 4 expansions since DK launched and they probably don't want to make 2 expansions with very similar themes.
I could be wrong though.
Party in Paradise?
HS community right now 😉
Pirate Island Party?
Card back or pack looks like treasure map. So your idea is good
Planes in Paradise?