Legend Stuff just revealed multiple new Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions cards.
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Overall I am disappointed with the miniset cards. There are some quality of life cards but I am seriously contemplating paying 2000g for the legendary cards. The epic this mini set is not worth it at all. I guess it is because I am not looking forward to playing either Hunter or Druid to try their class legendary anytime soon.
I agree. I don't see much that's going to dislodge the top three rock-paper-scissors archetypes.
I do see a lot of cards that would be fun to play if those three archetypes were to burn in hell where they belong, but Blizzard doesn't seem willing or able to do that for us.
So glad lock got these crap cards. Well deserved!
Wow, I didn't know that a discounted Alex was considered a crap card!
It is pretty mediocre though. It's the other two that are scary
Im guessing it's random so you either go in the middle for a half clear or take a 50% risk of it whiffing and losing you the game. Won't see play unless you can choose the direction.
So if there are 4 enemy minions and you choose one of the side ones this card deals 2+3+4+5=14 dmg for 3 mana?! Do i misunderstand the card? I think this would be rly strong
If I'm correct, this works similar to The Lurker Below, where you have complete control of what it targets initially.
The initial card is not in question; obviously that's targeted. Some people are hoping you get to choose whether it moves left or right, but that's not how it's going to work unless you play it on one end or the other.
This is the card reveal of all time.
So is Domino Effect's left-right random or controlled?
if U play it on a middle minion, its random
but if U play it on the edge, its go throught the minions cuz the other Way is empty
Isn't it the same like Rolling Fireball?
The wording is kind of poor. It almost indicates that the right or left would change after each instance of damage being increased.
No Add 5, Discard 5 pack card?
We don't want Warlock getting Discolock support.
Would be broken as hell with imp, 2 mana draw 5 is kinda good
How do INFERNAL works with Ragnaros Hero?
max health also set 15
How is the INFERNAL! working? Like Alexstrasza?
Is your maximum health 15 then?