Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed multiple new Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions cards.
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These are all potentially very good cards.
I... vaguely remember The Storm Bringer seeing play? I feel like there was one deck that ran it, but it wasn't great and the deck wasn't great either. Shaman just doesn't feel like the class for it at the moment. You could think about it in paladin or hunter, even priest. Shaman not so much.
Flamewreathed Faceless cries in the corner rn, somebody help him :))
Arena mfs in shambles
Growfin is really flexible. Good early, decent late, and synergizes really well with Shudderwock.
For Rocker Hopper you pretty much need a way to clear the overload, which there is only one card for at the moment. Hence I doubt it will see any play.
Wave is just bad.
Wave of Nostalgia is massive for Evolve Shaman in Wild
Welcome back to Standard, The Storm Bringer!
Recruit Frog Shaman pleaes pleaes please
These cards are awful and don’t fit in any current archetype
If it did hand or deck, it would specify like how Wish Upon a Star or The Azerite Murloc, as they would specify more specifically.
We're reaching new levels of powercreep we can't even imagine
And just because this is a bad card they will print next time 4 mana 12/12 with something like "place forever 1 overload to your hero"
The minions seem nice for an aggro style Shaman deck but I can’t help but suspect that Wave of Nostalgia is just there to dilute the Nature spell pool more than anything.
I guess Wave of Nostalgia can be used as a janky mass “polymorph” to deny Warrior’s mech targets to resurrect
Yes but it can backfire pretty badly
It's a common card?!
I don't believe this is the case. It appears to be battlefield only.
Murloc Growfin is VERY good. 1 mana for two 1/1’s is already good. But one that spawns one with rush AND “draws” a card that is also good value is insane. This might straight up be one of the best one drops ever printed no kap.
Rocket hopper is flashy, but probably weak. They have a spell that summons two 5/4’s with rush, but only overloads 1. Overload 4 is MASSIVE, and almost just gives your opponent two turns in a row.
Nostalgia is probably a meme but fun.
Woah, ALL means in both players hand, deck and battlefield? 😳
no just battlefield
Does it? Isn't it just both players' boards?