Talso just revealed multiple new Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions cards.
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Mine has been broken since the start of this expansion lol seems to be only on mobile/Mac devices though and nothing I've done fixes it at all
ahahahahah top, gg hearthstone
Just what the game needs - more mana cheat. It's the best sort too - the sort that relies on basically nothing and carries over multiple turns. Warriors armour gain is so cheap and extensive that the only reason this requirement is a problem is turn 1 or 2 where they haven't gained any yet. Even then, the 0 mana armour gain card exists...
Will almost certainly end up in all Brann warrior decks.
Safety Expert is probably not good because we don't have enough bomb support to justify this, they definitely toned down this archetype and I don't see them printing more bomb cards anytime soon. They printed them for this set because of D. Boom for nostalgic reasons.
You just know Part Scrapper is going to manifest a broken deck. Maybe not now but in the future. I already think it's busted with Zilliax but I don't think it's better than just playing brann.
Pack is hot steaming garbage.
Quit whining and just delete the game
forgive me, am I the only one whose store hasn't worked for 1 week? I laugh if even after the release of the mini-set it will be like this and I won't be able to buy it
Are you playing on mobile? Try resetting the Hearthstone app - go into program management and forcefully shut the app down, wait a moment and then relaunch it. That usually fixes Hearthstone problems for me.
bro thanks for the advice, I just tried but it didn't help :(
Warrior can play Zilliax for 4 mana now and dodge getting Renoed.
What do you mean with dodge getting Renoed? Bombs don't stop Reno anymore since they changed the mechanic to "no duplicates in your starting deck".
Reno removes without killing Zilliax (the duplicate one) and therefore these two Zilliax can’t be rez by Dr. Boom. With the mana reduction, Zilliax will have to be dealt with by using regular removal, so they will be summoned again with Boom.
This mana cheating is huge. Unless you can afford to tank the Zilliaxes for atleast 5 turns.
Warriors are already running Frequency Oscillator just to play it 1 turn sooner.
Safety Expert - Do we really need more shuffle shenanigans? I had enough of bomb Warrior in the mech control warrior era. for a lifetime… Guess it is back now, once again.
Part Scrapper - Really good card with a pretty fair mana cheat mechanic. You need 3 steps to get value from this. 1 armor card, this card and then the mech itself. If we must have more mana cheat in the future I would like to see more of this design.
Standarnized Pack- Nobody is going to run this unless taunt warrior becomes meta which I really doubt is going to happen. Cool to have in the card pool tho if it randomly gets generated somehow.
Bomb Warrior will likely make a comeback in Wild with these cards.
With Safety Goggles and Part Scrapper, you can play up to a 9-cost Mech on turn 3. 10-cost if you play Frequency Oscillator turn 1.
Part Scrapper is what Botface really needed lets goo
because everyone's favorite class: Warrior, needed 1 more card than the other 10 classes...
I think the existing deathrattle mech is better than Safety Expert. It doesn't deal as much damage, but it's pretty much always enough anyway and it's way cheaper and better for board control. Part Scrapper is going to be extremely nice for that deck.
The pack is shit.