Blizzard make tepid changes to placate Community outrage over increased Quest requirements, as well as bug fixes and Battlegrounds Armor changes.
Quote from BlizzardPatch 29.2.1 is a server-side hotfix rolling out now with the following game updates and bug fixes.
Weekly Quest Update
The Weekly Quest requirements are now as follows:
- Use your Hero Power 30 times (instead of 40)
- Play Battlecry cards 75 times (instead of 100)
- Play Miniaturize or Mini cards 32 times (instead of 60)
- Win games in Tavern Brawl, Arena, or Battlegrounds 10 times (instead of 15)
- Win ranked Hearthstone games 10 times (instead of 15)
- Damage enemy heroes 400 damage (not changed this patch)
- Spend 750 mana (not changed this patch)
XP granted by the Weekly Quests is not changing from the new higher amount.
Dev Comment: To get these changes out as fast as we could, we’ve put them into this server-only hotfix. That means there will be some weirdness where the numbers look unchanged in the client, but function as described above (so your ranked wins Quest, for instance, will read 9/15, but get completed after your next win, at 10/15). We are putting together an additional client-side hotfix patch to clean up this issue soon.
See our recent blog post for more on why Weekly Quests were changed with Patch 29.2 and why they’re being adjusted again with this patch.
Battlegrounds Updates
Armor Updates
The following heroes now have more Armor:
- Millhouse Manastorm now has 10 Armor at all ranks.
- Cho and Gall now have 14 Armor.
- Queen Wagtoggle now has 10 Armor at lower ranks and 15 Armor at higher ranks.
- Arch-Villain Rafaam, Fungalmancer Flurgl, and N’Zoth now have 15 Armor.
- Dinotamer Brann and Ozumat now have 18 Armor.
The following heroes now have less Armor:
- Ysera now has 10 Armor.
- A. F. Kay now has 14 Armor.
- Millificent Manastorm now has 10 Armor at lower ranks, still has 16 Armor at higher ranks.
Bug Fixes
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Death Knight weapons could sometimes gain the ability to Freeze targets.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Splendiferous Whizbang’s Rogue deck would sometimes not include its Treasures.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that caused some Battlegrounds Duos games to instantly end right after hero selection.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with Cariel Roame causing disconnects.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with Al-Akir’s Hero Power causing de-syncs.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where using Reno Jackson’s Hero Power on a Shellemental didn’t give a Golden Spellcraft spell that turn.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Rylak Metalhead’s effect triggering Deck Swabbie would give both you and your partner the tavern cost reduction.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Storm Splitter would copy any spell, not just Tavern Spells.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Golden Zilliax (with the Magnetic Module) couldn’t be played after being passed to your partner.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Man’ari Messenger’s Battlecry would affect all players if activated in combat.- [Achievements] Fixed a bug where Doctor Holli’dae’s achievements didn’t progress.
- [Localization] Fixed a text issue with the German version of Watercolor Artist.
as an amateur developer who creates games for fun at home, I feel the urge to create an alternate card-based game to let Blizzard see what it feels like not to to rip off your players.
Yeah I am still not logging in to do quests in this form.
CEO: would you like to adjust quest requirements?
Dev: double it and give it to the next person
Previously, the limit for moving to the next level was approximately 1500 points and for this, for example, you had to complete the “5 wins” quest, which gave 2500 experience: 2500/5 = 500 experience for 1 victory. Now the limit for moving to the next level is approximately 1800, the quest “10 victories” gave 3500 experience: 3000/10 = 300 experience for 1 victory. For the quest "5 victories in the arena, brawl or battlefields" 1750 experience was given: 1750/5 = 350 experience for 1 victory. Now 2250 experience: 2250/10 = 250 experience for 1 victory. In the end, mathematics tells me that the limits have become larger, but the experience for quests is less. But in the case of “15 victories”quest it’s more significant! But thanks for optimization with 10 intstead of 15..
Just to add onto this a bit, a really good video from Hearthstone Mathematics on YouTube was put out this morning. They do a lot of breakdowns between expansions and with major changes. 10/10 video talking about the new changes and their thoughts on why they did it and how bad it is actually going to be.
had a quick look of the video.
So it seems blizzard is making the casual player to choose. Either spend large amount of time playing hs, or get less gold and spend money on packs.
Or maybe just uninstalled as people not spending enough money or time post no value to blizzard at all?
It also seems active player aren’t getting anything out of it neither. 1500 more xp pw does not make a huge difference.
I consider myself as semi active since I dont stop playing after completing my quest. But having to do 10 win really feels like a grind. Especially reward isnt worth the effort.
This is the worst time of hs and its not gna get any better.
We have 5 , then 15 , then 10 and we say we go down by 1/3
TRUE IS you pay double !!!
So many butthurt people. If you play more than 20minutes a day, you will complete those quests passively just by playing. I play only on my 30min lunch break and i had weeklies completed by tuesday? So now it will be complete at Thursday at no extra effort. Does i have to remind you that you can reroll a weeklies once a day, until you find one that fits you playstyle? so you are not forced into formats you dont like?
And I thought the Snap devs were bad, these guys are next level.
Balancing their quests like they are balancing their game.
This ain't it.
I'll be requesting a Tavern Pass refund and doubt I'll spend another cent on this game again.
That is actually a good idea. I'll be requesting a refund for my battle pass too. I paid for it in good faith and then a few weeks later they made it way harder to complete.
Want to join the lawsuit. Paid for Leeroy and the mega bundle to play Paladin, but nerfs limit playtime to ~5 days.
Paladin is the least played class in the game now. Not what I signed up for. Feeling misled and frustrated. Don't want to play a different class. This is BS.
How do I request a refund? Seems like a good idea
If you want to go the extra mile, there's this:
By changing the terms of reward acquisition (reducing the value of the product for casual players) after the Tavern Pass was purchased, Blizzard has committed fraud.
I requested via support and it got denied due to:
Meh, I'm not gonna bother fighting them for $20.
But at least it would register in their customer support statistics and maybe alert them that the playerbase isn't happy.
Gg wp blizzard
hmm this is good, but what if we halved it again, to the numbers it was a week ago, that might be better.
Exactly as predicted, 15 to 10, what a joke.