What was already a bittersweet day with the removal of Duels contrasted with the arrival of the Duos game mode in Battlegrounds, had an even bigger shadow cast over it when realization hit over what Blizzard had meant with "Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP. " in the Patch Notes last Thursday.
As an example, an image below of 2 very common quests to get as your Weeklies in Hearthstone.
The Quest on the left is the weekly everyone gets to win Ranked games. This used to be Win 5 Games and is now Win 15 Games. This used to reward 2875 xp (assuming you had the battlepass) and now rewards 3450 xp. So 575 xp increase on a 2875 xp total. That is a 20% increase in XP for 150% increase in requirements.
There have also been reported upgrades to quests from 16 Miniaturize Minions played up to 60 Minis played, Spend 500 Mana increased to Spend 750 Mana, 50 Battlecries played increased to 100 Battlecries played and Use Your Hero Power 20 times increased to 40 Times (which is quite ironic because this quest was actually made easier not long ago, only for it now be harder to complete than it previously was).
All the quests follow the same pattern of having greatly increased requirements, off set with not even close to the same increase in rewards.
A Blizzard CM on reddit called it "sticker shock" but that does not seem to accurately describe the feelings in the community over a change that sees the typical requirement for quests go up 150% and the typical reward not even increase by 30% in response to it. We created this post for you to vent your feelings over this change, submit ideas for what needs to change, or leave comments on what you are going to do after this change has been made.
Be aware though that our usual rules apply, and we will not condone threats, hateful language and similar bad behaviour.
I quited this game like 17 days now and my sanity already got better
Play 60 mini/aturize cards, no lol, I don't think I will
This will probably nicely help me getting rid of my addiction to HS
rofl and people said everything would get better after bobby is gone.
HS players having a meltdown on twitter/reddit. Screw Blizzard man
Some of these increases don't matter in the slightest, like spending 750 mana or using 100 battlecries is still trivial. But 60 miniaturize/minis is insane, I don't even have a single miniaturize card in any of the decks I play. I don't want to have to play unranked or play a shitty deck and lose rank just to complete weeklies.
Yeah, I have been playing for 10 years now. I do not consider myself a whale, but I am far from F2P. I have pre-ordered almost every expansion and my collection Achievements show me at 92%. I am in a position that I do not really have time to play games, but can spend money instead of time. There is no issue with me paying money to support a game I enjoy.
The first rewards track was not good, but I have really enjoyed it after the second pass. The improvements to the rewards system and duplicate protection caused me to play the game more and spend more money. While I am not the most active player, I think I have only missed completing a few daily and weekly quest since they were introduced. Sometimes my weeks are busy and I am stressing about completing all my weekly quests late on Sunday nights. It is especially hard when the Meta makes the decks I want to play hard to win with.
I just do not have the time to "Win 15 games of Ranked" every week or any of the other crazy requirements. This is one of the few times I have seriously thought, "Do I just stop here since there is no way I will finish 37 more levels to finish the reward track?" (Normally finish between 150 and 200)
The increased expense does not match the points... but this is still no problem for me.
For me personally, this is an overall positive change. More points are good and the additional effort is not a problem for me. This gives me additional motivation to play more Hearthstone again. :)
Just want to thank xskarma for the fitting Bounty Wrangler card art as the topic picture.
Absolutely no way this wasn't done to make us get more frustrated with progress (especially for free to play players) and end up buying out more packs/mini-sets cause we can't get up the gold that's locked behind the free track. Forcing players to choose meta-decks so they can decently get up win-rates, sucking the soul out of players who play for fun and interesting decks. Nothing against meta deckers, but that's all you're gonna see now.
I stopped playing on 21 January 2021. I think it was Mercenaries and runestones and I thought the game direction wasn't for me anymore.
Over 3 years later, end of last month, I happened to see a Hearthstone youtube video and thought perhaps I'd try the game again.
Sure, I knew I'd be missing 3 years worth of gold, dust, expansions and mini sets, but perhaps could build up again. I'm only a casual player but in time maybe can at least get all the commons from standard packs for standard expansions.
Got to 3 ranked wins on my 5 win quest. I can do another 2 this week!
Blizzard: No you now need another 12.
Me: Coming back was a mistake. Shame, but better happens (for me specifically) just as I come back rather than when I get more invested.
I always thought runestones was a stupid childish idea.
Maybe balance the game first, so playing standard is actually fun? A$$holes
The bit I have an issue with is the continued mixing of "Win X games" along with specific requirements in other quests (Forge X cards, Excavate X cards, Play X cards with Finale, Play X Murlocs, etc.) that essentially force me to play a sub-optimal deck to fulfill that requirement which means my chances of actually winning are artificially hamstrung. Or, hell, even the Nozdormu quest, which typically sees me cramming that guy into a deck for 3 games and then ripping it out.
None of that is objectively fun.
You know how card texts sometimes don’t manage to convey what the reality of what the card does? For instance in battlegrounds, rivendare has “taunt if you play this card or elusive if your opponent plays this card”. Well the new weekly quests aren’t +20% XP, they are -100% XP because there is no way I’m playing 60 miniaturize cards or winning 15 games of battlegrounds in a week.
Change it to 'play 15 games' instead of 'win 15 games', this is bullshit.
I love this game and have been playing since GvG. I normally JUST get the 5 standard wins each week. There’s absolutely no way I would EVER get 15 wins in a week, especially in multiple modes. I guess I’ll be re-rolling the wins quests until I get the Battecry quest and can hopefully get it via a couple of Murloc-centric BG games.
Seriously though, this is going to turn A LOT of people off to the game. It’s just too much of an increase with minimal upside. I have a feeling they will reverse this (somewhat) in the coming weeks if the community backlash is strong enough.
Increasing from 5 t o15 is 200% increase, not 150%, which is even worse. 3x harder for +20% reward, makes quest worth only 40% of what they were worth before the change. That is fucking insane. Moreover, even if it was 2x harder for equal 2x reward, it still would be a change for worse in my opinion, making it a chore to complete quests weekly.
I played fairly reqularly since GvG, but as many people wrote, I too consider quitting at this point. Kinda sucks, cuz i felt like new expansions and updates were getting in fact better and better, but Blizzards greed continues it's killing spree. RIP HotS & now HS too.
Terrible, terrible move. When the game is already dwindling and have to deploy bots to be kept alive, this is what they come up with? Thought this was a bug or something but it’s actually deliberate, disgusting. Was already on the verge of quitting permanently (just logged in each week for quests) but now it looks even more lucrative to quit permanently.
I've been playing HS casually since beta, I say I was able to finish weeklies about 50% of the time. The ability to play a game casually ~5 hours a week is why I chose to play this game.
Well, so long HS!
This is obviously a very costumer-unfriendly move.
Hearthstone is a F2P game mostly.
What usually was supposed to make the most money for blizzard was cosmetics and the battle pass, and I think for the most part, we understood that and we were okay with every 3 months paying for it.
In return, if we engaged with the game weekly and daily for some about of time, we got our mini-expansion + 50-60 free packs with a new expansion.
I thought that balance was fine, but maybe they were losing money on it.
I know Legends of Runeterra was losing money lately and they cut most of their staff.
But even if this was the case, this move just kills the game.
it will turn off most if not all casual players, and a game with no casual players is a dead game.
Most likely scenario is likely they will lower the quest requirements in a week or two and expect us to say "thank you".
not gonna happen.