What was already a bittersweet day with the removal of Duels contrasted with the arrival of the Duos game mode in Battlegrounds, had an even bigger shadow cast over it when realization hit over what Blizzard had meant with "Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP. " in the Patch Notes last Thursday.
As an example, an image below of 2 very common quests to get as your Weeklies in Hearthstone.
The Quest on the left is the weekly everyone gets to win Ranked games. This used to be Win 5 Games and is now Win 15 Games. This used to reward 2875 xp (assuming you had the battlepass) and now rewards 3450 xp. So 575 xp increase on a 2875 xp total. That is a 20% increase in XP for 150% increase in requirements.
There have also been reported upgrades to quests from 16 Miniaturize Minions played up to 60 Minis played, Spend 500 Mana increased to Spend 750 Mana, 50 Battlecries played increased to 100 Battlecries played and Use Your Hero Power 20 times increased to 40 Times (which is quite ironic because this quest was actually made easier not long ago, only for it now be harder to complete than it previously was).
All the quests follow the same pattern of having greatly increased requirements, off set with not even close to the same increase in rewards.
A Blizzard CM on reddit called it "sticker shock" but that does not seem to accurately describe the feelings in the community over a change that sees the typical requirement for quests go up 150% and the typical reward not even increase by 30% in response to it. We created this post for you to vent your feelings over this change, submit ideas for what needs to change, or leave comments on what you are going to do after this change has been made.
Be aware though that our usual rules apply, and we will not condone threats, hateful language and similar bad behaviour.
Spending money is the easiest way to progress your collection. If you don’t want to spend money then I guess this game isn’t for you. You should try some retro games that are free to download. I hear there are thousands of them.
…says the shareholder.
F2P is a business model to get people engaged in a game without having to shell out $70 for it before they play. If they like the game and stick around the more they are engaged with the game results in them spending more over time and when people invest time into things they are less likely to leave. All companies exist to make a profit because if they don’t they cease to exist. Maybe in the hearthpwn world people are zombies and do things for others because they feel the need to be rewarded with the hard work for the sake of hard work., huh. I know the hearthpwn world is basically a mirror of communist Russia and everyone is Stalin but there is something that exists called reality and it’s quite different in the Capitalist system. If you don’t like it you don’t have participate because in the capitalist system you have a choice unlike the communist system we don’t kill you if you don’t agree with us.
Im surprised anyone in the hearthpwn world even plays hearthstone tbh because it’s made by an evil greedy corporation out to suck the very life from your body. You all should be playing that marvel snap game made by that other guy. I hear that game is a gamers Utopia. You should check it out.
f2p can’t be whales bud because they don’t have the money to begin with or else they wouldn’t be whining about the stupid fking quest changes like they do.
The day the players who actually quit hearthstone that say they are will be the day the sun rises in the west. Seeing as how complaining gets the company to change things you guys should start complaining about the pricing really loud and maybe they will just make it all free because that’s what the hearthpwn community wants…everything for free.
it’s quite sickening to be honest. Misery loves company ……that’s for sure. The comments are entertaining and as a shareholder in the company I can assure you that we won’t miss the money you don’t spend. We all bow before the almighty f2p who graces us with his majestic presence!! God knows if his presence was gone oh God what oh what would we all do to survive …..rotflmao. There is another name for something that plays the game and doesn’t spend a dime to support it …we call them bots.
btw blizzard gave me overwatch for free and I never even bothered to install it because It looked like another dumb shooter not worth playing even for free I guess Blizzard came to that conclusion as well because nobody was paying for it so hey no harm there.
when windows moves to subscription service I can’t wait to see all,of you migrate to Linux ….laughing my fucking ass off!
Are these comments coming from ChatGPT or something? What the hell am I reading
That’s a truism. It’s not so much about making profit so much as what needs to be done to drive profit.
This sounds like 2024 McCarthyism. It’s also beside the point, I doubt people complaining about the increase in requirements are exclusively communists, I’m baffled I need to actually write this down.
It does look like shit, agreed.
Nonsense, “bud”:
This is from a different article:
Keyword being ‘convert’ here.
Your mind works in binary and absolutes, it’s like you can’t process subtlety, why is that do you think? You disagree with the reward requirement = communist. It’s unreal. You have no clue if the people disagreeing with this recent change are whales or not, none. Zip. Hearthstone business model of FREE to play, so yeah, some people are engaging on that premise.
I do agree that I doubt a significant amount of players will quit over this. I think it’s likely posturing, they’ll probably play as much as they used to.
I can’t figure out how to make you understand that the business model is to attract customers by making it free in the first place in order for them to spend later. So for *currently* F2P players to leave shouldn’t be something Blizzard doesn’t care about.
Also, you might be interested to read the latest news on the front page where the dev themselves admit they went too far:
So, the more you know, right?
For a game like this to work, you need a strong active player base, the only way to achieve that in this day and age when the market is flooded with games is to offer a decent F2P experience... As simple as that...
This change is most likely the final push I needed to separate myself from this game. I've been a loyal player for the last 10 years and I've never felt so pushed away. I was already struggling to complete the weekly quests while maintaining my daily life and they make them 3 x more difficult to complete? Not only that (and I know I am the minority here) but I can't believe they just axed duels mode all together. This was by far my most enjoyed game mode that they have ever put out. I really just now have no desire to play this game anymore. This is so sad considering Hearthstone has been such a huge part of my life over the last decade. 💔
Totally onboard there... I really enjoy the game, but as life gets busier, it's not easy to put as much time into a live game...
This is a bit too far into the parasitic gameplay side of time investment for a supposedly casual mobile game, Id hope this impacts their bottom line but I know it wont
When I saw this, I thought it was a joke. If true, it will likely cause me to uninstall, after playing since beta. I don't have time to grind for hours a week, and quests are the main way to progress your collection. If they get harder, I'm out. :((
From 5 to 15 is +200% increase, not 150%.
worst change ever...
That' was too easy to make all the Quests day one even for a little player like me....so understand that. But hope that's not the first step to give less golds...
first i was pissed, but when i tought more about it im fine with these changes
ill just reroll win quest and do 3 2250 weeklies, i do most of these half afking while doing other stuffs so i still earn 750 more exp than before
for me win-win but i understand while people are mostly pissed
The fact that they changed the quests mid way after paying for the battle pass under the assumption nothing will change is pretty shady. I would like a refund please thanks.
Exactly. I spent a fortune on this game years ago. Then I managed to not spend on it for a long time but recently bought the tavern pass for the skins. Then this....
As to your last comment about player engagement you are 100% correct. The community has been conditioned to throw a fit and then have Blizzard respond by changing things to appease the mob. As it stands now I’m just a collector and only engage the game with as little effort as possible to get the 200 packs from the track and that’s it. Anything to do with BG’s is zero effort to complete. The quests before the change take me roughly 40-60 minutes per week to clear and that includes all 7 daily quests as well. Even with the 20% add on from purchasing the paid reward track you still have to complete the quests to eventually hit 400. I could ignore the win 15 and I could probably still hit 400 with a week to spare but now with the added xp it will take a few days off my projected time to 400 at about 19-22 days before the season ends.
Seeing as how I stack my quests and reroll until I can complete as many as I can concurrently the new win 15 a week will absolutely make me engage the game more. Instead of hitting casual and conceding on turn 6 for three games to clear 3600xp worth of daily play three games as x class I’ll actually go to one of many sites and copy paste the best deck for the class and actually play it in standard to add to the weekly win 15 total. Spending mana and playing minions quests will complete themselves just by doing this.
The amount of times I have heard people say “ oh no I’m quitting now” over the last 10+ years is astronomical but yet the game lives on.
As a stockholder in Blizzard I can assure you that at the end of the day it does not care one iota if any player who spends little or nothing leaves because for every one that does you have 100’s more that don’t.
I find it very intriguing that a person who supposedly likes a game would ever complain about having to play it more, that whole concept sounds counterintuitive to me.
i understand people have limited time and other things to do but so does everyone else but you find the time for what is important to you.
Companies exist to make a profit and that is the only reason they exist. People need to understand this has nothing to do with greed because in the end the players determine if a game succeeds or fails.
If you spend little to no money ,sad fact : Blizzard will not miss you.
Blizzard gives me $250 worth of packs for $19.99 I think that’s more than fair. Instead of buying extra packs I spend the money on all the cosmetics. If Blizzard didn’t have the cosmetics they would be losing out on that pack money completely and that’s not a good thing for long term sustainability.
The community needs to look at things from both sides instead of just melting down over everything and crying “greedy corporation”.
Think of ways to meet and defeat the new challenges instead of complaining and threatening to leave. The day the game dies is when it is no longer profitable to run but trust me the game will still be here whether you are or aren’t.
Good Luck everyone ! Things are not as bad as they seem.
This is a business decision to increase player engagement. Plain and simple. And there is nothing inherently wrong with that. You aren’t wrong, it’s just tough pill to swallow.
I used to do a $50 preorder every expansion, but took a break during Scholomancy (my phone was no longer supported and I don’t play hearthstone in he desktop.) Since then, I’ve pretty much just bought the reward track, and a single preorder for Festival. I enjoy the game, and will keep casually engaging with it for a long while. $20 an expansion is okay by me.
I just wish the increased percentage of quest difficulty was a bit closer to the increase of reward. X2 effort for 1.5x reward would have been fine. X3 effort for 1.3x reward makes me feel like Blizz doesn’t care about me. But again, it’s not the companies job to love me. This isn’t a corporate goof-up, this should have been more clearly communicated by the development team.
Do you remember when the community “threw a fit” regarding the reward track when it was implemented? Do you remember who ended up benefiting from it?
”I find it very intriguing that a person who supposedly likes a game would ever complain about having to play it more, that whole concept sounds counterintuitive to me.”
Speaking of counterintuitive:
Overwatch 1 used to use a subscription service. Overwatch 2 moved to F2P. Does this strike you as a move from a company who doesn’t care if F2P players leave? (Overwatch is a game from Blizzard). Since, as you’ve said, companies exist to make money, isn’t the logical conclusion that F2P is a better business model?
Based on your reasoning:
Can you see how there’s something off in premises? If F2P are to turn into whales like you, they need to stick around long enough to do so. If they leave, do you not understand how it’s something they probably *do* care about?