An important Rules update as well as the notes of the Known Issues coming with Patch 29.2. Read on for the details!
Updated: Saturday
Quote from BlizzardRules update: cards that force spells to be cast (like duplication or recasting) now check for target legality. (Meaning, for example, you can no longer use cards like Conductivity to Altered Chord an Elusive minion or Promotion a minion that isn't a Silver Hand Recruit). If the would-be target is not a legal target, that portion of the spell won't have any effect.
Quote from BlizzardPatch 29.2 is here, bringing with it Battlegrounds Season 7, Battlegrounds Duos, and much more! This is a big patch, so there are a few known issues we’re tracking. Refer to this post for updates throughout this patch.
The known issues we’re tracking this patch include:
- [Shop] Mac desktop clients are unable to access the Shop in patch 29.2. We’re working on a solution to this issue. In the meantime, you can still make any purchases through the web shop or mobile devices.
- [Cosmetics] There is a bug where the default Coin is generated in-game instead of your Favorited Coin. This is scheduled to be fixed in the next major patch.
- [Added 4/16] [Collection] The team is investigating reports of players unable to open their last pack in a stack. This is believed to be a purely visual bug related to packs granted when retiring Duels.
- [Added 4/16] [Battlegrounds] Using Reno’s Hero Power on Persistent Poet results in a visual bug where it looks like adjacent Dragons are also turned Golden.
- [Added 4/16] [Battlegrounds] The team is investigating player reports of getting Floop’s achievements without earning them.
- [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The team is tracking reports of the mulligan “confirm” sometimes not working.
- [Added 4/16] [BNet] The team is investigating why players who are in Battlegrounds appear as “Spectating Dragonblight” in the friends list.
- [Added 4/16] [Shop] The team is investigating reports that the screen will sometimes remain blurred after purchasing a product from the shop. In the meantime, clicking through the blur or restarting the client seems to resolve this issue.
- [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The team is aware of the issue where weapons can sometimes Freeze opponents when they’re not supposed to. This is scheduled for a hotfix soon.
- [Added 4/17] [General] We’ve received reports of antivirus software flagging “audioplugin_fluxer.dll” as malware. This is a false positive that has been submitted to the antivirus vendors for clearance. The file can be safely restored without risk and we are working to clear the flags as quickly as possible.
- [Added 4/17] [Achievements] The Top Teamwork Achievement isn’t progressing properly.
- [Resolved] [Progression] The team is investigating reports of Battlegrounds Duos games not earning Rewards Track XP.
- [Added 4/18] [Battlegrounds] Minions targeted by Suspicious Stimulant can’t be passed in Duos.
- [Added 4/18] [Battlegrounds] Glim Guardian doesn’t gain health from Whelp Smuggler as expected.
- [Added 4/18] [Battlegrounds] If your teammate passes you a third copy of a minion while you are holding one of your copies of that minion with your mouse, the client locks you out until you play the newly goldened copy.
- [Added 4/18] [Battlegrounds] If your teammate passes you a minion while you are in the “Choose One” interface, the client locks you out.
- [Added 4/18] [Battlegrounds] The team is investigating reports that, if Millhouse Manastorm’s Refresh cost can sometimes get applied to his teammate player in a Duos game.
- [Added 4/18] [Battlegrounds] The team is investigating reports that Plunder Pal will sometimes not give your teammate the 1 Gold.
- [Added 4/19] [Hearthstone] Spirit of the Badlands’s effect has a visual bug causing hand spacing issues.
- [Added 4/19] [Localization] There was a German localization issue across a large number of cards. This is scheduled to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
Battlegrounds Pool changes:
- Fluidity has been removed from the Spell Pool for crimes.
- N’Zoth has been removed from the Hero Pool (Duos only).
4/19 Unscheduled Client Hotfix
We’ve launched a small client hotfix (to desktop) with two fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the Mulligan button sometimes didn’t work.
- Fixed a visual bug where the updated Weekly Quest numbers didn’t match the server-side numbers established in Patch 29.2.1.
The patch has been submitted to mobile storefronts and will be available on those devices once approved by them.
4/19 Unscheduled Server Hotfix
We’re also in the process of rolling out a separate server hotfix to fix the issue where Battlegrounds Duos games were not granting Rewards Track XP.
Why on Earth wouldn't they also change the wording of Conductivity to match Zentimo's? "Also targets adjacent" is much clunkier than "Cast it again on its neighbors".
Shaman doesn’t stand a chance against virus rogue now. Instead of changing how conductivity works by checking if adjacent minions can be targeted, they should have changed to wording on the card to something like like shooting star. Just exactly what crimes was conductivity and shaman committing to warrant this?
But why?
I mean, in that specific interaction, Promotion should never have work. If worked that way before it looks more like a bug that as an actual design decision.
And I guess that it has sense with Elusive minions cause Conductivity says "the next spell also targets adjacent minions", and Elusive says "can't be targeted by spells". But is such an specifict interaction that I'm surprised they even cared about it.
But when they say "that portion of the spell won't have any effect." they actually mean "That copy of the spell" or if you cast, lets say Runed Orb, dosn't deals the damage but still Discovers the card?
In this case, the extra casts are "a part of" the main spell. So they mean the entire (sub-)spell won't have any effect. Runed Orb would not target an Elusive minion and thus not Discover a card.
Seems Wrong. Elusive just means they can't be targeted. Conductivity and Altered Chord does not target the Elusive minion, it targets the minion next to it. Bad/stupid change. Be like saying Flamestrike doesn't work on Elusive now, which is obviously bogus.
Does "target the neighbour" or "next to it" also implies it would be a targeted spell?
Elusive means "can't be targeted" no matter what.
But I understand. this does make Elusive minion harder to eliminate,
but also make it more valuable in the long run. now we just need a tech card to remove dormant minions.
Shouldn't this also be applied to Stealth minions following the same logic?
I'm not sure because is a new rule, but before whenever you cast a random spell like with Yogg-Saron the spells didn't target Elusive minion, but they could target Stealth minions.
And I think that in the game code is implied that Stealth actually means "Can't be target by the enemy player" (even if thats literally not what the Keyword says, but HS is like this), because you CAN target your own Stealth minions, and if that's how it works, cards that aren't target by the enemy players, but by other cards, like Conductivity for example, should target it.
But this is just a guess based purely in my knowledge about the game mechanics. It is certainly a piece of information that deserved quite a bit more detail.
They omit any mention of the bug concerning Runes of Darkness that allows Staff of the Primus to have a freeze effect. This is an unintentional "buff" that players are actively exploiting. I guess blizzard is too busy making weekly quests more difficult to complete to pay attention to such matters.
Actually, isn't it specifically Quartzite Crusher causing the issue?
Indirectly, yes. If ANY class discovers Quartzite Crusher (you don't even have to choose it), then your Hero will gain a passive effect that freezes on attack. So even Demon Hunters and Druid can freeze the enemy simply using their Hero Powers when this bug is active.
yeah that's the whole point of being elusive
man they removed Fluidity. i have strat of play a magnetic minion as standalone, buff it, and when you get beatboxer, cast fluidity on that standalone magnetic, get it and magnetize it to another standalone magnetic. that way beatboxer get fat buff
Yeah. I call it the McDonald's strat. Love me some BG mechs.