The Patch Notes for Patch 29.2 and Battlegrounds Season 7 are here!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 29.2, launching on April 16, brings Battlegrounds Duos and Season 7, Once Upon a Tavern!
Battlegrounds Changes
For all the Battlegrounds Changes please click HERE to see our dedicated article.
Hearthstone Updates
Umpire’s Grasp
- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [4 Mana]
- Dev Comment: Since our last balance patch, Demon Hunter has been a clear power and playrate outlier, warping the meta across all ranks. Pushing back its ability to cheat out powerful demons should bring it more in line with the rest of the meta. We’re accelerating our normal balance patch window to address this one outlier with Patch 29.2, but are keeping our normal post-patch hotfix balance window to give us a chance to make wider changes in the coming weeks, once the meta is less warped around one dominant interaction.
Arena Updates
On April 16, all ongoing Arena runs will end, and a new Arena season will begin. Like the current season, this next season will include cards across all Hearthstone expansions and each class will get their own curated list of cards in their card pool. Those curated card pools will be adjusted with the seasonal update. The first pick of each Arena draft will still be a Legendary card and the only Legendary card you will be offered during your draft.
Twist Update
Twist will return in June. We’re working on a huge new Twist season with several unique decks and new hero powers—all of which needs just a little more time to cook. We look forward to sharing more with you about the upcoming Twist seasons in the coming weeks, before the next season begins.
In-Game Event: Double Trouble
Celebrate the launch of Battlegrounds Duos with a special split-track in-game event! From April 23 to May 7, you can choose one of two rewards tracks to earn Event XP towards. One track focuses on Traditional Hearthstone, granting 4 Whizbang’s Workshop Packs, 2 Standard Packs, and the Yrel the Knight Paladin Hero Skin for completion. The other track focuses on Battlegrounds Duos, granting a Whizbang’s Workshop Catch-Up Pack, a Standard Pack, and a Golem Curator Battlegrounds Hero Skin for completion.
Heroic Tavern Brawl Returns
It’s back! Heroic Tavern Brawl returns for the week of May 1-May 8. Compete in fierce, high-stakes Standard games for your shot at glory and amazing prizes! Pay the entry free and then play against other players until you get either 12 wins or 3 losses.
New Cosmetic Type: Diamond Hero Skins
Introducing new Diamond Hero Skins! Diamond Hero Skins include a 3D portrait and animations, new voice lines, and unique visual effects. Ner’zhul, our first ever Diamond Hero Skin, is for the Shaman class and will be available starting April 16.
Just like on the ladder, we see these Diamond Hero Skins as just below Legendary. Additionally, going forward, our plan is for Legendary Hero Skins to feel truly legendary, like C’Thun does.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [General] Duels Mode has been removed from the game. Players who had ongoing Heroic Duels runs have had their runs prized out in the same way as is done during a seasonal reset. Tavern Tickets can continue to be used in Arena.
- [General] We’ve updated the minimum specifications to run Hearthstone on iOS and Android, requiring 3GB of RAM and no longer supporting iPhone 6S, iPhone 7, or iPhone 8 base models.
- [Hearthstone] Actually removed the tip that read, in part, “This tip was removed. Translators: please leave this blank.”
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Splendiferous Whizbang only used the basic hero skins.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Queen Azshara’s Ring of Tides counted as a 1-mana card for purposes of cards like Pip the Potent and Skulking Geist, even before transforming.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Astral Automaton would appear as a 0/1 when transformed into.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where several totem-summoning cards still generated Strength Totem instead of Wrath of Air Totem.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Khadgar’s Wisdomball could target friendly targets if all enemy targets were untargetable.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a High Priestess Jeklik discarded with Soularium would keep the Soularium discard enchantment, leading it to be discarded and multiply every turn.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed various wording, text, and tooltip errors on several cards.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Harth Stonebrew didn’t have his Golden animation or his Battlecry animation.
- [Hearthstone] Whizbang the Wonderful has been reverted to its normal effect (it was temporarily changed due to March’s Twist season).
- [Battlegrounds] General performance improvements and fixes for bugs causing crashes.
- [Battlegrounds] Dinotamer Brann’s Hero Power will now wait until you have handspace.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Plunder Seeker couldn’t be played if there were only Tavern Spells in the Tavern.
- [Collection] Fixed a bug where there was only one non-golden Vampiric Blood granted in Core.
- [Collection] Fixed a bug where players got an error message when attempting to craft certain Golden versions of Wild Demon Hunter cards.
- [Solo Content] Fixed a bug where the Mechwarper change made an adventure encounter unable to be solved.
- [Progression] Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP.
- [Progression] Fixed a bug where Mini cards granted by Botface didn’t give progression for the “Play Miniaturize or Mini cards” weekly quest.
No more Duels mode.
Blizzard I hate you!
You have no right to be this fun, duos mode.
[Progression] Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP.
was: win 5 matches and get 2500xp
now: win 15 matches and get 3000xp
what is even worse is that you are not correct :D win 5 was 2500xp :D
yep, so for +500xp which is 1/5 of base amount of xp now we have to win 3x more games, seems adequate 😅😅😅 spaghetti code is strong with this one
yep you are right. fixed it
Upside we will get more gold and xp from playing the game but I do think its bad, especielly during very stale metas I tend to do bare minimum to get the quests done I hope they combine the win quests so you can do them in all modes not have to seperate for Standard and Special Modes and add a new quest in the others place.
I see a lot of Odd Odyn Warrior in Wild, but I guess maybe you must be talking about Standad
Fix Mage with his ever lasting Time Warp
I hope they have another nerf prepared in case the nerf on Umpire's Grasp ain't enough, personally I was hoping for a slight stat nerf on the Window Shopper but we will just have to see how it pans out.
Mana cost will affect it a bit, but I am still of the opinion that the Attack/Durability should be changed from 3/2 to 2/3, so it's still 6 total damage, but you have to swing one more time to get the mana cheat. That change could be included with a mana increase.
It gives just a bit more time to naturally draw into the Demon without the discount, or would push some sub-optimal plays such as playing another weapon to break the equipped one, but then you have the sunk mana cost from that play on that turn.
Nature Shaman might be tier S after the DH nerf goes live.
The year is 2026:
There are 17 skin "types", drawing cards are now monetized by draw coins (5.99 for 250, a 50% discount!), 80% WR otks are now possible turn 1.
Holy crap, they fixed Mechwarper.
Absolutely killed Jeeves Mech Hunter :(
seems like the focus is in on monetizing the game with skins and bundles
Oh look, the morons that were saying the 1 mana Odyn nerf would do nothing (actually LAWL, Odyn basically dead) are now saying this won’t.
God the general communities ability to underestimate mana cost nerfs never fails to deliver.
Once again, people never learn. Several people in this thread complaining that the DH nerf isn't enough.
Remember literally last patch when people said the Odyn nerf wasn't enough, and yet now nobody plays Odyn warrior anymore?
Mad props on the split event. I've always been annoyed by BGs-only events, and I'm sure constructed-only ones were annoying for BGs players. This is a great thing.
Probably one of the worst patch notes across the whole HS's history. Duels removal, heroic scam brawl, more ways to spend money for whales, making quests harder... on top of a very small nerf to a super-imbalanced meta. At least Twist will return in June (!).