These are the minions and Heroes that will be exclusive to the Duos game mode and not anywhere else!
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Content Creator Card Reviews!
So this is why they sacrificed duels? I mean one of many reasons. I know a lot of people love bgs, i did love duels.. At least they didnt cancel both.
No, Duels died on its own because it generated no revenue and very few people played it. Battlegrounds has always had about as many players as traditional Hearthstone, so it makes sense that it would get continued updates and a new mode.
Yet there are many people who ONLY played duels, you seem to be as selfish as blizzard, there is no point in totaly deleting duels from game.. (it could be as tavern brawl time to time for instance)
Looks fun!
I love The Nameless One hero, looks soooo cool to copy your ally hero power, a lot of strange things can happen!