Each player is given Dorothee, which grants Charge to minions on one side and Taunt to the other. Build a 10 card deck and we'll give you three copies of each!
This Brawl requires you to build a Wild Constructed deck of 10 cards.
The gimmick is that 1 of the 7 minion slots on your board is taken up by Dorothy, and minions to the left of her have Charge and minions to the right have Taunt. Use this knowledge to create a deck and attack your opponent!
Tavern Brawl | Start | End |
460 | Now | April 10, 2024 |
412 | May 3, 2023 | May 10, 2023 |
130 | December 6, 2017 | December 11, 2017 |
73 | November 2, 2016 | November 7, 2016 |
Click or hover over the chest to see the rewards!
I've found Showstopper to really live up its name. Thanks to the charge/taunt, it can be used both as a proactive and reactive silence, which blanks a lot of combo deck.
The best "egg" is the Bucket of Soldiers, as it is 6 bodies which will "exhaust" enemy attacks. They are also small enough that most infinite spawn minions will not be able to properly cycle. Poison is often an unlucky roll in that respect. As a result, this will often fully blank a turn.
Barring puritan hardcore combo decks, mostly priest and rogue, I'd recommand these two cards for just about any other slower build up decks to allow you to anti-meta those.
I've played thus far:
Jade Idol/display druid
astro priest
earthen+rez paladin
plague DK
fel DH (3x jace being the motivation, not very good but satisfying when it goes off)
c'thun druid
Lightshow mage with Rewind, Stargazing and Magister's Apprentice
Deathrattle wall priest with Spirit Guide, Mi'da, Pure Light, Nesting Golem, quest and ofc the two MVP deathrattle above.
In all honesty, I'm far less interested in the OTK potential of charge on demand combos than I am of the combination power of 3 copies of every card, including normally one of legendaries. I do think this is one of the better brawls because there are actually multiple meta and anti-meta option, so it doesn't devolve into one deck to rule them all as much.
P.S. There are multiple infinite minion hack. On top of the lab patron one, there is also Plaguemaw the Rotting and Bovine Skeleton(with any +attack aura) that I've encountered. The former can be really strong when comboed with a charge/rush minion, as it can be both infinite attack and defense.
I was winning every game on turn 2 or 3 with Miracle Rogue, until an opponent played Bucket of Soldiers.
Decent 7-3 Midrange deck. Offers "box" cards, stability, defensive options.
Synergy: Barov doesn't kill your quest-buffed recruits : aura effects > "set to 1".
Patches is just efficient deck-thinning, subs: pen-flinger/lost in the jungle.
Stewart can be subbed by Kangor/Stand Against Darkness or Prince Liam for fun.
I had one game where I completed the quest twice, played second Cariel= 2x 5/5 dude wall :D
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Blessed Goods
# 1x (1) Desperate Measures
# 1x (1) First Day of School
# 1x (1) Knight of Anointment
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 1x (1) Rise to the Occasion
# 1x (1) Sinful Sous Chef
# 1x (3) Lord Barov
# 1x (3) Stewart the Steward
# 1x (6) Sunspot Dragon
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I don't know how to share a Brawl Deck on this website, but here it is. Super strong!
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Druid
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Free Spirit
# 1x (1) Peaceful Piper
# 1x (1) Savagery
# 1x (2) Groovy Cat
# 1x (2) Moonlit Guidance
# 1x (2) Rake
# 1x (2) Sing-Along Buddy
# 1x (4) Nesting Golem
# 1x (4) Spread the Word
# 1x (6) Unending Swarm
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I would be interested in a twist mode which is just this style of deck building, as in 3 copies of 10 cards.
Also, if you wheel first to clear your deck, reno removes the enemy Dorthee, which is rather funny.
Also 15/15 charge phanotems go Brrr.
Just play Inner fire priest, there is a lot of standard players
Not a great brawl, but still better than the Easter one last week. I suppose it is kinda fun thinking of a good combo to make for this.
Ok so let me remind you real quick what this is about.
Either you slam an unkillable kangor dancing king into masked reveler and win, or the opponent rogue gets lucky and slams 4 arcane giants in your face before your turn 5.
You can also constantly cast Unstable Evolution and keep going face with each new evolution. You can silence deathrattles like Kangor. You can use cards like Scarab Egg far a cheap and efficient wall. You can have an infinite wall with Armorsmith and Lab Patron.
Actually, you can do a whole lot more stuff than the two things you suggested, especially since you are almost guaranteed to see people just playing their Standard (i.e. Plague Death Knight) or autocomplete decks in your first 5 games, letting you try out whatever seems cool to you.
Have fun, for one second in your life.
thanks for the pack, liked the patron combo, opponent had a boring plague deck and no silence.
Smith+Patron was the ticket. Super easy to win with.