Balance changes are coming soon to Constructed and Battlegrounds. Read on for more information!
Quote from BlizzardBalance changes are coming soon to Battlegrounds and Standard in Patch 29.0.3.
Balance Changes Constructed
Balance changes are coming soon to Constructed and Battlegrounds. Read on for more information!
Quote from BlizzardBalance changes are coming soon to Battlegrounds and Standard in Patch 29.0.3.
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I think the nerfs seem fine, good to see blizz are making quick adjustments. Excited to see if changes the meta a bit
Wrong, murlocs are more oppressive and stats > beasts.
Beasts suck in BG - are you even playing the mode? Murloc or dragons are way more OP
Yeah another trash attempt to change something in bg..ffs beasts are tiers above other tribes and they cant do shit to change it
What’s not fun killing warriors from 30 health and 14 armor in one turn with my man Jenkins? Come onnnnnnnn…..thats hilarious funny stuff!
Do you enjoy when playing mirror matches when the same thing happens to you? If so, to each’s own I guess.
Can't come soon enough and hope changes are enough to shake things up. Nothing fun to play right now and no room for experimentation.
Oh well my hopes are dashed. Game is in an atrocious state. Hunter and DH took Pally's place. Wheel lock makes other control decks unplayable. Plague DK neutralizes Reno decks.
Can't even play Diablo 4 as they delayed new season a month!
I played to D5 in twist withsolid gold odd pally 80% winrate to collect the monthly packs that add to my stack. Waiting for those nerfs because I have multiples upon multiples of the nerfed cards for another pile of nerf dust. It was fun rolling leeroy for 40+ burst damage while it lasted. I’m just hitting those chill matches in BGs for that 400 reward track runout . I’m on level 60 right now. Thank god the brawl today was one and done ….that one is death by boredom for sure!
Interesting definition of fun.
I'm here on Wild gets tired of seeing Mech Rogue every matches, other than bots of course.
Who would've though that I hate players named oidxvbepsjq and ppwpefsdkxc.
I know, I know. Wild is wild and they won't touch this until it's a death or life situation.
I don't mind otk decks. But I think they should require 5 cards and 10 mana to pull off.
I'm glad someone said it. I used to be the type who came up with interesting OTKs. I've even had people add me afterwards and ask about my decks before. Nothing even close to that happens nowadays. Every OTK is too straight forward and easy to pull off if you manage to live six turns. To the point where your opponent will only ever feel annoyed afterwards and want nothing to do with you...
People get lucky. it happens. turn 5 is them rolling a 20 basically. just try again because it will rarely happen again.
Today one Shaman OTK'd me on turn 5 . It's not like it's common thing, but a lot of times it's not even turn 10, and Shaman kills me with over 30 dmg :S
that's just not ok...
2 giants on turn 4 rogue dodged the nerfs lmao
Lol, you are delusionnal if you think Rogue can do that every game.
No, because you need them in order to stop slow grindy healing control decks from winning every game in fatigue
Guess who is making these complaints.
You don't need OTK decks for that. We had Facehunter decks for years on end which succesfully destroyed control archetypes.