If you're curious to see all the sweet-looking Signature cards from the upcoming set, you're in the right place, take a look!
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most of them are pretty dogshit,kid flavor
they are ok but I'm not really excited for any of them, maybe the last 2 expansions left the bar a bit too high for my likings
nemsy ad hagatha are sick, I also realy like aesthetics of sonya and stuffy
Two legendary Signatures are missing. Every Expansion has 11 legendary Signature card they said.
Not true. The last expansion had 12 legendary Signature cards, this time we only have 9.
Thank you for the info! Thought it would be also the same number!
https://www.hearthpwn.com/news/10490-all-showdown-in-the-badlands-signature-cards-in Here's an article we made for Badlands' Signature cards. I'd guess they were busy this time with the celebration stuff because it's supposed to be an all-year celebration, so maybe they're cooking something, hence why we have fewer signatures this time.
Tbh, I kinda like it, makes grinding for all these signatures less costly (not that I care because I don't find most of these good-looking, but I'm sure others might).
These signatures seem like a step back if you compare them to the previous year, they are comparable to Festival of Legends ones because those also had these cheap-looking backgrounds, TITANS were the best for sure in my opinion. 😀
Yeah, you're totally right that they are a step back. Titans has some really good ones and stand out Arts, but in Badlands all of them were very good.
Hope will get better over the year, especially for the beach (maybe Booty Bay) expansion.
I like the grind for the signatures, also it's very time or money consuming. So I am a bit disappointed, that I am not liking them that much.
BTW: tomorrow should be an exciting news announcement, before or after the patch announcement I heard so.
Not bad but Badlands' signatures are clear.
I like that htye try new things but at the same time its weird that all these cards could be considered mechs
The toy theme is not my cup of tea, but i do like Aviana and Watercolor Artist.
imagine playing with an entire deck of signature cards :)
I do like them a lot, tho I still have issues with some of this cards looking so much as a Mech.
But they are pretty cute. I hope I can get one of them this set. Last expansion I didn't got any Signature.
I still don't get why they don't just made a Signature for each class Legendary. Like for real, is really more important to give a Signature to a random card like Lab Patron (that to be honest I don't expect is going to see a lot of play) instead of an Inventor Boom?
I get that they need the Common ones to give them to you in Events, and they never would give you a Legendary for just complete a couple of Quests. But I don't know, It feels so random and arbitrary. I'm sure there was a better way to handle it.
To be honest I always disenchanting them to craft the normal version. So I have the dust for another legendary. The normal version is really enough. Don‘t like the need to hover over to read the text.
Did hey seriously skimp out on the Death Knight Legendary Signature again? They did that once before to sell Helya as a Diamond card, are they doing the same again for Headless Horseman or something?
Reska has a signature art card
Gotcha, I admittedly didn't pay attention to last expansion. Still too bad about this round.
Signature card design is getting better and better, too bad they are so rare though.
You're right the were getting and getting better. This time it is a little step backwards for me.