MarkMcKz just revealed a new Whizbang's Workshop card: Chemical Spill
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Not liking this so much, in general I'm not a super fan of combo decks and you just know that if there is a potential for a combo deck for Warriors they will take it. Reducing a spell in hand by one aint that hard and that allows you too push this together with 2xFaceless for 10 mana and 3x10 attack Grom OTK considering Warriors has ways to buff injured minions they might only need one Faceless to combo well with aswell.
Don't get me wrong I do think this will be played and most likely be in a meta deck, tempo oriented warrior decks with a nasty combo to finish things off is usally quite potent in Hearthstone at times overtuned and often with few weaknesses in terms of what kind of decks that counters it well. I just wished there wasnt such an obvious combo potential.
Seems Blizzard isn't worried about Charge keyword anymore evident from this card and Grommash Hellscream + Battleworn Faceless, and Leeroy Jenkins and Alexstrasza back in standard with Shadowstep still available for Rogues
Factory Assemblybot
Does Miniaturize still trigger if the card is ripped from hand by something else? I'm assuming so because it's not a Battlecry, but I haven't seen any game footage of Miniaturize in action so I'm not sure if there's any limitations.
Colossus of the Moon seems fun with this. 5 mana to put a 10/10 Reborn into play, with the Divine Shield on the first half eating the 5 damage penalty.
I feel like this card is useless, Scrapyard Colossus maybe?
There is not a lot of option, Thaddius got nerfed, Grommash is just trash, will never be played imo
is grommash staying? u have a free proc for both the enrage and battleworn faceless (TITANS)?
The fairly new 4 mana location could work well with this and something like the new Botface or Grommash. 2 of those locations could create 5 turns of 10-attack chargers from turn 5. That's the only play I can really see for it in standard.
Or maybe an instant activator on Therazane for all the elementals warrior has... 🙃
It is pretty neat with Grommash Hellscream, Rattlegore and maybe with Botface
But I don't know with what else, like you are not going to play Bull Dozer , and 5 damage is most of the time the 75% of the Health of your big minions, so don't know how neat it is to cheat a minion with this. Like maybe you could play Cowardly Grunt, but like, you are spending 2 cards to get a 1-Mana discount on Gather Your Party, and that dosn't looks that great.
It is a cute design tho. This kind of card always have room to be pretty strong in the future.
I can wait no longer... Taste my blade!