4Gamer just revealed a new Whizbang's Workshop card: Li Na Shop Manager
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Right, because summoning 6 minions instead of 1, with a better body, while only paying 1 more mana is... worse?
It's probably not actually good, but it's much, much better than Summoning Stone
I think it is neat. Priest can copy this multiple times and have multiple turns of full minion board.
Same with Rogue with shadowstep but I think its too high cost for Rogue.
This is giving me King Phaoris vibes. I tried to make a deck with him work back in the day and had fun. I'll try and make a deck with both of these card now
unless you play +1 spell damage on them and throw some burn spells with +7 damage to their face
+400/+1600 dusts for sure
Is it good? Probably not.
Am I gonna try to make a deck? Yeah.
This card could see play in wild with Bioluminescence on 10 mana with cheap shaman spells
Interesting thought. Do a Battlecry / Shudder package to survive, then go in with this, and a couple Lightning Blooms, Lightning Bolts and Crackle. It's a 10 mana combo, but not impossible to do in Wild.
Heavy, but this card + coin combo will be nerfed at 0 day update live.
I really don't think that paying 6 mana + wasting the Coin for a 3/3 and 6 1/1's is the power play you might feel it is.
Opponent surelly will consede of overwhelming cuteness after seen murlock and penguin combo on board