Balance Changes to Constructed and Battlegrounds coming on Thursday. This is the preview!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 28.6.2 is bringing balance changes to both Standard and Battlegrounds—rolling out this Thursday.![]()
Nerfed Cards Constructed
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Reno is fine, nerf Brann
Feels like they're about to repeat previous mistakes, nerf some problematic cards and leave others.
Don't get me wrong Warlock cards totally needs nerfs but so does at least one card each for both Paladin and Death Knight I really don't see that any of the buffed classes will be able to contest those two decks that are really strong in the current meta unless they overbuff them and in that case its hard to see why they are nerfing the cards they are nerfing.
Sludge on Wheels totally agree on this one and I think it will be either stat reduction or mana increase, history speaks for stat reduction. Tbh I would rather have a nerf on Sludge damage and Pop'gar the Putrid than Waste Remover and Chaos Creation, feel like the two first are more problematic than the once they are touching but guessing they rather go after them seeing as they are common and cheap.
Shattered Reflections is a no brainer, it just gives to much value to the point its not even fun to go up against. Blindeye Sharpshooter hard to see how a nerf here won't stright out kill the deck however I'm not sure thats a bad thing a turn 5/6 otk from an empty board shouldnt be possible it just feels plain bad to lose to.
Im assuming that's because you are nowhere near top tier
Was hoping for a paly nerf.
A highlander warrior nerf would be nice too.
Paly for sure as far as Warrior goes its a deck that sits mid tier 2 atm, its not really problematic even if its annoying to face when things allign for them. It lose to alot of decks and is favored against greedier control decks. In fact its not even the best Warrior deck the normal Odyn decks are still way more reliable and consistent.
Paladin however the more aggressive version I would argue sits right ontop together with Puke Warlock and nerfing Warlock while leaving Paladin feels weird to me they already overlooked Paladin in the first nerf wave of the expansion and it lead to total Paladin domination know we might see a similair path forward sadly.
Make Reno 10 mana
It's approximately certain that Reno will be ded or almost-ded on next expac. It's just on purpose overpowered now too obviously since it's "the signature of the expansion". Maybe even 10 mana is not enough and it will be some kind of softer clear or at least it would also kill your board (similarly to Anachronos).
I agree on the "should wipe your board as well" flavor for that card. If the whole thing is about a standoff, it'd make sense to lock BOTH players down to a single slot. Because right now it's not just a board wipe for your opponent but a pretty massive restriction on what they are able to do that next turn. I don't know of many cards that hurt your opponent so much for two full turns like that.
thats the most sensible nerf that i have read in a while, i like that both players stay with 1 slot , rather it much more than the mana nerf, at least make players think instead of just playing it on curve
I wouldn't complain if they raised it to 9 at least people would still play it. All though Highlander isnt really meta leading or problematic atm in fact most classes that has good Highlander deck usally have an even stronger regular deck. But It would be a safe nerf since people would still keep it in their collection.
However I would say its best if they focus on the cards that are overperforming first hand and cards like Reno that can become stronger or weaker in the future depending on upcoming cards when they actually become a problem.
Yeah, who the fuck could have though a fucking 4 mana 7/7 deal 3x4 would be OP.... no one saw that shit coming. /s. And fucking infinite bran not nerfed at all...
I don't know if is just me
cause F@$#! me i guess, but my Battleground games are lagging to an umpleyable degree. It sometimes skips the whole turn, but its only Battleground, the other modes work as normal, and I didn't hear anybody complaining about that.Nobody else has that problem?
BG runs silky smooth for me (PC with a good internet connection)
Quite a few people had that problem with the patch. Just go to the settings next to the play button in B.Net and do a scan and repair. That solved it for most people. If not, a reinstall does it.
@Tolstori It workled. Thank you very muh. (◡‿◡✿)
w. Fuck sludge!
Even if warlock wasnt completely busted right now, the nerfs would be justified bc the sludge deck is losing absolutely nothing come rotation.
Also why sharpshooter, again. It was already dead.
I suggest trying Aggro DH before the patch. It's insanely good.
Blame the likes of zeddy and his vendetta against dh
Its not about the DH class, its about the deck archetype that creates non-gameplay effects, very one sided when one player just waits forever for the other player to OTK them. Even if it is not strong or top meta, they should nerf it regardless. They are toxic to play against.