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Neutral Expansion Cards
The new Zilliax card allows you to pick 2 tokens when building your deck (click on the card to see them all!) which set the effects and the cost. A 3rd choice, not shown here, will decide the visuals of the card.
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The New Miniaturize Keyword
A minion with the Miniature key word will give you a token with the same effect but a 1 mana cost and 1/1 stats.
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Remaining New Expansion Cards
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Quote from BlizzardWe're on our way to Whizbang's Workshop! New cards, mechanics, events, and extra goodies are coming soon 🎁
10th anniversary and these cards I will make gold because you just have to. The Dr. is IN! Looks like this xpan will be full of laughs and awesome artwork. I can’t wait to hear the voice lines on these.
that's not a good example, because MtG also stopped being original and exciting after 10 years
Aren't the options for the new Zyliax a little bit high cost? I think the best output would be 7 mana 7/6 rush-divine shield-taunt-lifesteal that deals 3 to your hero at the end (which doesn't matter because you heal back with life steal).
I just don't know if it's good enough for modern HS.
The other option would be 8 mana 4/5 rush-life steal - divine shield - taunt - elusive - poisonous - reborn, to have it more sticky and harder to remove, but i'm still not too crazy about it
Shuffling a minion back into your deck could potentially be good if we see a control heavy meta. Not all options need to be viable. It's just super cool that you get to build your own mech!
Wow, locking a new card (Corridor Sleeper) to a pre-order. That's a new low for cash grabs in HS.
nobody here mentioned the grim patron warrior hand after the legendary is played?
all here too new to hearthstone?
this expansion looks very fun and cool, however, until they nerf Reno the Lone Ranger and his accomplices, all of these cards are just going to be 1 ofs in reno decks which are once again going to dominate the meta...
I don't wanna sound like a doomer saying HS is dead, but I think we can safely say HS is done.
It's ten years old, it's already in the post-meta stage. Look at the cards, they're all tonge in cheek references to itself.
I'd say the game is out of ideas, and I don't really say that as a bad thing. Just that we should no longer expect anything new or exciting from this game, they already used all the possible ideas.
Magic the Gathering is over 30 years old and people still play it.
They're references because they're celebrating 10 years of the game...
sweet af lets goooo
way to early ..just got used to the mini set. Blizz just report no extreme earnings - its ok. how do all you guys have time to play all those cards?
Is incredible value meant to be 4 mana? Feel like at 3 mana there's going to be some cards that kinda win you the game and threre should never a bad outcome. Also it doesn't fit the 4 mana 7/7 meme,
Nesting Golem is also pretty scary. A modern day Piloted Shredder which is undead and gives 3 corpses by default. Give it one +2/2 buff in hand and all of sudden it's a 6/5 + 5/4 + 4/3 + 3/2 + 2/1 that if buffed at any point on board will last even longer.
You discover the minion, not summon it. You will still need to pay 4 mana to play it..
Oh right, that changes things a lot. Was gonna say. Probably pretty horrible then honestly.
That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
Man, this was great. It feels like christmas already. Great work. Congratulations to the team. A fantastic effort indeed.
Miniaturize immediately made me think of that weird Rogue value card released ages ago: Gurubashi Hypemon. I guess Rogue has sort of been able to this in the past too with Shadowcaster and Sonya Shadowdancer.
Probably the most boring card here but Nesting Golem looks incredibly strong. 4/3 -> 3/2 -> 2/1, it's so sticky that it might see real play. Piloted shredder but consistently great.
1 Zilliax Deluxe 3000 token gives the minion Elusive. What is this keyword again?