This article shows all the hidden or public information about card changes, additions, and removals introduced with the newest patch! If you have time, please let us know if you like this type of article or if you have any ideas for improvements.
This article is made by a script that compares old and new data extracted directly from the game.
Starting from the top of the article, you'll see all the NEW cards, below all the REMOVED cards, and lastly, all the CHANGED cards. Each section is sorted by the EXPANSION first, then by the CLASS, and lastly by the RARITY.
Lightshow is now going to display directly the amount of beams it's going to shoot
(Left is old, right is new)
Ra-den is now more readable, previously the description font was super small
(Left is old, right is new)
(OLD) [Attack]: 1
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 5
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 10
(OLD) [Text]: Choose a minion. Give all minions that share a type with it +3/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose a minion. Give all minions that share a type with it +2/+2.
(OLD) [Target Arrow]: Give minions of this type +3/+2.
(NEW) [Target Arrow]: Give minions of this type +2/+2.
(OLD) [Text]: +3/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+2.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 5
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 10
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(OLD) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +1/+5.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 5
(OLD) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +4/+12.
(NEW) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+10.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 10
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: +1/+5.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a Blood Gem is\nplayed on this, play a\nBlood Gem on a different\nfriendly minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Divine Shield. Whenever a\nBlood Gem is played on this,\nplay a Blood Gem on a\n different friendly minion.
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip
(NEW) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip, Divine Shield
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a Blood Gem is\nplayed on this, play 2\nBlood Gems on a different\nfriendly minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Divine Shield. Whenever a\nBlood Gem is played on this,\nplay 2 Blood Gem on a\n different friendly minion.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip
(NEW) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip, Divine Shield
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 5
(OLD) [Health]: 2
(NEW) [Health]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 10
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 6
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead\nto the left of this and\nresummon it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead to the\nleft of this and resummon\nan exact copy.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy adjacent Undead\nand resummon them.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy adjacent Undead\nand resummon exact\ncopies.
(OLD) [Text]: Give a minion +6/+6 until next turn.
(NEW) [Text]: Give a minion +7/+7 until next turn.
(OLD) [Target Arrow]: Give +6/+6 until next turn.
(NEW) [Target Arrow]: Give +7/+7 until next turn.
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+6 until next turn.
(NEW) [Text]: +7/+7 until next turn.
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 12
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+12.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+10.
(OLD) [Text]: +1/+1 and Reborn.
(NEW) [Text]: Increased stats and Reborn.
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Shoot @ beams at enemies\nthat each deal $2 damage.\nYour future Lightshows\nshoot one more beam.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Shoot 2 beams at enemies\nthat each deal $2 damage.\nYour future Lightshows\nshoot one more beam.
(OLD) [Text]: Summon two 1-Cost minions from your deck.\nFinale: Give them Taunt.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Summon two 1-Cost\nminions from your deck.\nFinale: Summon another.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Taunt. Your odd-Cost\ncards cost (4) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)2[x]Taunt. Your even-Cost\ncards cost (4) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt. Your odd-Cost\ncards cost (2) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)2[x]Taunt. Your even-Cost\ncards cost (2) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (2) less.
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (2) less.
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a 2-Cost minion. Summon a 1/2 copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a 2-Cost minion. Summon a 1/1 copy of it.
(OLD) [Text]: Choose a minion.\nAdd a copy to your hand,\ndeck, and battlefield.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose a minion.\nAdd a copy of it to your\ndeck and battlefield.
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a minion from your deck. Gain Armor equal to its Cost.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a minion\n from your deck. Restore\nHealth to your hero\nequal to its Cost.
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 3
(OLD) [Text]: Stats set to 1/2.
(NEW) [Text]: Stats set to 1/1.
(OLD) [Text]: Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon each other minion you've played this game that didn't start in your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon\neach other minion you've\nplayed this game that did\nnot start in your deck.
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: If you've cast a Nature spell while holding this, give your other minions +1/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: If you've cast a Nature spell while holding this, give your other minions +1/+1.
(OLD) [Text]: +1/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +1/+1.
(OLD) [Text]: Your next Deathrattle card costs (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Your next Deathrattle minion dies immediately.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Give a minion +5/+5 and\nDivine Shield. Costs (1) less\nfor each Mana you've spent\non Holy spells this game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Give a minion +4/+4 and\nDivine Shield. Costs (1) less\nfor each Mana you've spent\non Holy spells this game.
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+5 and Divine Shield.
(NEW) [Text]: +4/+4 and Divine Shield.
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Your next Deathrattle minion costs (1) less, but immediately dies when played.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: The next\nDeathrattle minion you\n_play immediately dies.
this is misinformation.
Can Blizzard apply that all of their cards that have description longer than 5 words? I mean, it's fine if you have a 4k and a giant monitor but at lower resolutions, the font makes it so bad for our eyes to read the cards.
Saw Ra-den, were like what changed? Then I read the text and were like is that it? I hope they changed him again cause he is basicly useless now that it is played not summoned.
He always worked like that though, didn't he?
When he was released it was summoned minions, but they nerfed him to played minions even tho it was announce as a buff.
It was always played minions, not summoned.
Pretty sure it said summoned minions cause I played him on release in my copy cat priest and he would ress the new fireflies 1/1 lifesteal and even treants I got from druid spells - this happend I was there!
The Golden Battlegrounds minions aren't showing up as golden.
There's also several \n linebreaks in the text body.
I understand it's scripted but I'm sure this can be remedied.
Golden BGs minions not showing up as golden because golden BGs renders are not working, so it's better to use the normal version instead of nothing.
Linebreaks are there because they can point out card text changes like for example you can see with Ra-den, that's all possible to spot only because of keeping all the HTML characters intact.