Patch 28.4.1 - All Card Changes Datamined

This article shows all the hidden or public information about card changes, additions, and removals introduced with the newest patch! If you have time, please let us know if you like this type of article or if you have any ideas for improvements.

This article is made by a script that compares old and new data extracted directly from the game.

Starting from the top of the article, you'll see all the NEW cards, below all the REMOVED cards, and lastly, all the CHANGED cards. Each section is sorted by the EXPANSION first, then by the CLASS, and lastly by the RARITY.

Lightshow is now going to display directly the amount of beams it's going to shoot

(Left is old, right is new)

Ra-den is now more readable, previously the description font was super small

(Left is old, right is new)

Moon-Bacon JazzerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 1
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
Moon-Bacon JazzerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
Prickly PiperBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 5
Prickly PiperBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 10
Natural BlessingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Choose a minion. Give all minions that share a type with it +3/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose a minion. Give all minions that share a type with it +2/+2.
(OLD) [Target Arrow]: Give minions of this type +3/+2.
(NEW) [Target Arrow]: Give minions of this type +2/+2.
It's Minion NatureBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +3/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+2.
Mystic SporebatBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
Mystic SporebatBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
Land LubberBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 5
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
Land LubberBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 10
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
Moroes, Steward of DeathBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +1/+5.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 5
Moroes, Steward of DeathBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +4/+12.
(NEW) [Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+10.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 10
Steward's DutyBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: +1/+5.
Geomagus RoogugBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a Blood Gem is\nplayed on this, play a\nBlood Gem on a different\nfriendly minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Divine Shield. Whenever a\nBlood Gem is played on this,\nplay a Blood Gem on a\n different friendly minion.
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip
(NEW) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip, Divine Shield
Geomagus RoogugBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a Blood Gem is\nplayed on this, play 2\nBlood Gems on a different\nfriendly minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Divine Shield. Whenever a\nBlood Gem is played on this,\nplay 2 Blood Gem on a\n different friendly minion.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip
(NEW) [Keywords]: Blood Gem Tooltip, Divine Shield
Paint SmudgerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 5
(OLD) [Health]: 2
(NEW) [Health]: 3
Paint SmudgerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 10
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 6
Dreamer's EmbraceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
Staff of EnrichmentBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Archlich Kel'ThuzadBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead\nto the left of this and\nresummon it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead to the\nleft of this and resummon\nan exact copy.
Archlich Kel'ThuzadBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy adjacent Undead\nand resummon them.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy adjacent Undead\nand resummon exact\ncopies.
Fleeting VigorBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Give a minion +6/+6 until next turn.
(NEW) [Text]: Give a minion +7/+7 until next turn.
(OLD) [Target Arrow]: Give +6/+6 until next turn.
(NEW) [Target Arrow]: Give +7/+7 until next turn.
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
Strong But FleetingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+6 until next turn.
(NEW) [Text]: +7/+7 until next turn.
Planar TelescopeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
Primal StaffBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Hawkstrider HeraldBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 6
Hawkstrider HeraldBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 12
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 6
Shiny RingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
Steward's DutyBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+12.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+10.
Spruced UpBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +1/+1 and Reborn.
(NEW) [Text]: Increased stats and Reborn.
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 4
LightshowFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Shoot @ beams at enemies\nthat each deal $2 damage.\nYour future Lightshows\nshoot one more beam.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Shoot 2 beams at enemies\nthat each deal $2 damage.\nYour future Lightshows\nshoot one more beam.
Boogie DownFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Text]: Summon two 1-Cost minions from your deck.\nFinale: Give them Taunt.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Summon two 1-Cost\nminions from your deck.\nFinale: Summon another.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Thaddius, MonstrosityMarch of the Lich King
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Taunt. Your odd-Cost\ncards cost (4) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)2[x]Taunt. Your even-Cost\ncards cost (4) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt. Your odd-Cost\ncards cost (2) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)2[x]Taunt. Your even-Cost\ncards cost (2) less. (Swaps\npolarity each turn!)
Positive AttractionMarch of the Lich King
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (2) less.
Negative AttractionMarch of the Lich King
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (2) less.
Dew ProcessMurder at Castle Nathria
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Cactus ConstructShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a 2-Cost minion. Summon a 1/2 copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a 2-Cost minion. Summon a 1/1 copy of it.
Shattered ReflectionsShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Text]: Choose a minion.\nAdd a copy to your hand,\ndeck, and battlefield.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose a minion.\nAdd a copy of it to your\ndeck and battlefield.
Pendant of EarthShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a minion from your deck. Gain Armor equal to its Cost.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a minion\n from your deck. Restore\nHealth to your hero\nequal to its Cost.
Velarok, the DeceiverShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 3
WittleShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Text]: Stats set to 1/2.
(NEW) [Text]: Stats set to 1/1.
(OLD) [Text]: Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon each other minion you've played this game that didn't start in your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon\neach other minion you've\nplayed this game that did\nnot start in your deck.
Herald of NatureVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: If you've cast a Nature spell while holding this, give your other minions +1/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: If you've cast a Nature spell while holding this, give your other minions +1/+1.
Nature's BountyVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: +1/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +1/+1.
In Shambles Voyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: Your next Deathrattle card costs (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Your next Deathrattle minion dies immediately.
The Garden's GraceVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Give a minion +5/+5 and\nDivine Shield. Costs (1) less\nfor each Mana you've spent\non Holy spells this game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Give a minion +4/+4 and\nDivine Shield. Costs (1) less\nfor each Mana you've spent\non Holy spells this game.
GracedVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+5 and Divine Shield.
(NEW) [Text]: +4/+4 and Divine Shield.
ShattershamblerVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Your next Deathrattle minion costs (1) less, but immediately dies when played.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: The next\nDeathrattle minion you\n_play immediately dies.


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