Known Issues Patch 28.4 - Heroic Duels Closed - BG Land Lubber Ban & More

The Known Issues with Patch 28.4. A comprehensive list of things Blizzard is aware of are broken and things that have already been fixed.

Updated: Tuesday Night

Quote from Blizzard

Patch 28.4 is now live, bringing with it the Delve Into Deepholm Mini-Set, with new dual-class cards, more Excavate Treasures, old friends, and more!

Follow this post for more information about known issues that we’re tracking in this patch, including the following:


  • [Resolved 1/19 - Hearthstone] Velarok Windblade was unintentionally reverted to its prior transformation requirement (3 cards from another class).
  • [Resolved 1/19 - Hearthstone] We’ve temporarily banned Jotun, the Eternal due to a bug with its effect. It will be unbanned once we’ve resolved the issue.
  • [Hearthstone] Lightshow was unintentionally changed.
  • [Hearthstone] Tickatus’s effect isn’t working as intended.
  • [Hearthstone] Raid Boss Onyxia continues to deny that Starlight Whelp is a whelp.
  • [Duels] We’re temporarily turning off Heroic Duels due to players using unauthorized technology to exploit the mode.
  • [Arena] Kazakusan is not used to Duels Treasures in Arena and currently does not generate treasures to fill your deck (he just deletes your deck and abandons you).
  • [Added 1/19] Land Lubber is temporarily removed from Battlegrounds until the next scheduled balance window.
  • [Added Jan 22nd] We’re investigating issues with client performance on Android devices.
  • [Added Jan 22nd] School Teacher’s Nagalings have no effect when they are taught Misfire or Heat Wave.


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