The Known Issues with Patch 28.4. A comprehensive list of things Blizzard is aware of are broken and things that have already been fixed.
Updated: Tuesday Night
Quote from BlizzardPatch 28.4 is now live, bringing with it the Delve Into Deepholm Mini-Set, with new dual-class cards, more Excavate Treasures, old friends, and more!
Follow this post for more information about known issues that we’re tracking in this patch, including the following:
- [Resolved 1/19 - Hearthstone] Velarok Windblade was unintentionally reverted to its prior transformation requirement (3 cards from another class).
- [Resolved 1/19 - Hearthstone] We’ve temporarily banned Jotun, the Eternal due to a bug with its effect. It will be unbanned once we’ve resolved the issue.
- [Hearthstone] Lightshow was unintentionally changed.
- [Hearthstone] Tickatus’s effect isn’t working as intended.
- [Hearthstone] Raid Boss Onyxia continues to deny that Starlight Whelp is a whelp.
- [Duels] We’re temporarily turning off Heroic Duels due to players using unauthorized technology to exploit the mode.
- [Arena] Kazakusan is not used to Duels Treasures in Arena and currently does not generate treasures to fill your deck (he just deletes your deck and abandons you).
- [Added 1/19] Land Lubber is temporarily removed from Battlegrounds until the next scheduled balance window.
- [Added Jan 22nd] We’re investigating issues with client performance on Android devices.
- [Added Jan 22nd] School Teacher’s Nagalings have no effect when they are taught Misfire or Heat Wave.
I'm missing Thorim's finishing moves from BG Season 4... Anyone else with that problem?
ever since the miniset dropped it's fucked my client completely - missing card art and lagging like crazy in both menus and ingame. is this a widespread thing?
Don't forget that Druid is really obnoxious to face not sure its unbalanced or not but facing a mill type of deck has never been fun and this time around it comes attached with heavy mana cheating attached to it. And whats worse is that you cannot really be sure which type of Druid your facing since they have several strong decks atm.
What did Land Lubber do to you? :(
cant have people get lucky with landlubber early, no no high rolling isnt a type of gameplay thats allowed in battlegrounds
They should add Land Lubber to one of the sides of Snake Eyes' dice
I see that Blizzard doing a top notch job, INSTEAD of informing you in-game they rely on you to go to third party sites to find the information out ourselves. That's whats the triple AAA budget is for doing nothing and complaining about other employees doing their job and getting them fired due to some mysterious harrassment campaign insted of doing their job and informing you about the changes in the game itself!! Kinda of like government now isn't it?
Is it that hard as soon as I open up the game it informs me which card has been banned?
For how long will heroic duel be closed?
And what is: unauthorized technology - more specifically?
from one of Reddit posts on the matter:
>> Hackers figured out how to inject code to allow them to draft cards and entities from other game modes. They are giving themselves additional starting health, bonus dungeon run and duels treasures, and minions and mercenaries with stats and abilities that are ridiculous in a constructed environment.
I thought the game was unhackable according to the all knowing Reddit, they have proof its called my mother told me so.
Tin foil hat time: They were going to revert Velarok Windblade but decided to wait and see how the mini-set would affect the meta and if Velarok was still worthy of changing, and didn't get around to removing the balance change in the live patch.
Considering how Lightshow has comepletely different text and such I think their version control is messed up and caused these issues. Similar to what you suggested but it is a relatily old game by now with lots of people developing things on it so I think it's more a general pattern of chaos.
Good! Keep Velarok like that!