Blizzard just published Patch Notes 28.4 featuring a new Mini-Set, in-game events, modes updates, the usual bug fixes & More! Check out the details yourself!
Patch is LIVE!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 28.4, launching tomorrow, digs up the new Mini-Set, Delve into Deepholm, plus updates to Arena and Twist, and a new seasonal event!
Delve into Deepholm
The Bloodrock Mining Co. dug deeper and deeper until they found something amazing: a whole new world beneath the surface! Teeming with elemental energy, this new land brings dual-class cards, new Excavated Treasures, new singleton payoffs, and more!
The Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set has 38 all-new cards. Get them in Showdown in the Badlands packs or as a complete 72-card* Mini-Set. Get the normal version for $14.99 or 2000 Gold, or get the all-Golden version for $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. The all-Golden version comes with a bonus Diamond copy of the Deepminer Brann Legendary minion! You can see all the cards from the Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set in the official Card Library.
* 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card (x2), 17 Rare cards (x2), and 16 Common cards (x2).
New Excavate Treasures
Eureka! Three new neutral Excavate Treasures have been added to the general Excavate Treasure pool with Delve into Deepholm, one for each rarity:
Shaman and Paladin have also each gotten a new class-exclusive Excavate Legendary Treasure, as they’ve taken up the big dig:
New Legendary Hero Skin: Justice Jaina
Justice Jaina is here to keep the peace or blow you to pieces. Grab your firestick and don your white hat, it’s time to clean up the Badlands.
Arena Updates
The Delve into Deepholm has unearthed some treasures for Arena, too! On January 18, all current Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. There is a new rule for this Arena Season: the last pick of each draft will be one of a curated pool of Duels Treasures!
Your first pick of each draft will still be a Legendary card and you will still not be offered any other Legendary cards throughout the draft, leading up to your Duels Treasure final pick. What kinds of synergies will you unearth with a Legendary card in one hand and a shiny new Treasure in the other?!
Additionally, the eligible sets will rotate so that the following sets will make up the Arena card pool this season:
- Showdown in the Badlands (including Delve into Deepholm)
- Caverns of Time
- Core
- Path of Arthas
- Scholomance Academy
- Fractured in Alterac Valley
Twist Seasonal Update
When Twist returns in February, it will kick off a new season with a new card pool and a new rules twist: Commons only. No legendaries? No problem! Your Collection won’t be a barrier as you build a deck using only Commons from all Hearthstone sets up until the introduction of Demon Hunter, plus Caverns of Time. The eligible sets for this season will be:
- Core (not Legacy)
- Curse of Naxxramas
- Goblins vs Gnomes
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- The League of Explorers
- Whispers of the Old Gods
- One Night in Karazhan
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Journey to Un’Goro
- Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Kobolds & Catacombs
- The Witchwood
- The Boomsday Project
- Rastakhan’s Rumble
- Rise of Shadows
- Saviors of Uldum
- Descent of Dragons
- Galakrond’s Awakening
- Caverns of Time
Demon Hunter and Death Knight are not in the eligible class pool for this season. Discover and random generation effects follow the same rules and card pool.
In-Game Event: Lunar New Year
Celebrate new year festivities in Battlegrounds and Traditional Hearthstone! From January 30 to February 13, complete event quests to earn event XP on the special event rewards track. Complete the rewards track to earn 6 Signature Cards (2x Kobold Miner, 2x Walking Mountain, and 2x Howdyfin), the Lantern Stringer Galewing Battlegrounds Hero Skin, and the Dragon Dance Celeste Hearthstone Hero Skin!
See the in-game shop for more new and returning Lunar New Year cosmetics throughout the season!
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [General] Continuing to build on our modular download feature, there is now a download manager interface that allows you to remove downloaded modules from your device. There is one more major step for this modular download feature, planned for the next major patch.
- [Hearthstone] Blizzard Bots have been removed from the Standard ranked ladder. They are now limited to Apprentice (and new/lower-ranked Battlegrounds games), where they will continue to serve their role in smoothing out matchmaking for newer players.
- [Hearthstone] Several cards that grant effects “when a minion dies” have been updated to grant the minion a Deathrattle with that effect. This update applies to: Volcanomancy, Kodo Mount, Ramming Mount, Noble Mount, Elekk Mount, Dreaded Mount, Spirit Mount, Camouflage Mount, and Spikeridged Steed.
This rules change will not change the primary effects of these cards on their own, but will result in some updated interactions with other cards.Edit: this is a non-functional change.- [Hearthstone] High Noon Duelist will no longer destroy any cards if both players DRAW cards of the same cost.
- [Hearthstone] Cactus Construct can now be played on a full board.
- [Hearthstone] Raid Boss Onyxia will now recognize Starlight Whelp as a Whelp.
- [Hearthstone] Related Cards in the Collection view has been updated to have a scroll bar, allowing for more connections.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Barrel of Sludge and Furnace Fuel didn’t activate off cards like The Jailer.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Velarok Windblade didn’t keep buffs from hand after transforming.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Trusty Companion would draw “All” type minions when played on a minion with no minion type.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where, if your minions were sent through time with Anachronos, and then you played Reno, Lone Ranger, your returning minions would be limited by the standoff just like your opponent’s.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Reno, Lone Ranger discounted Lightray.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where certain Wild card with multiple versions could discover the other version of themselves.
- [Hearthstone] Misc. tooltip and keyword display improvements.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with Paint Smudger and returned it to the minion pool.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with Staff of Enrichment and returned it to the tavern spell pool.
- [Tavern Brawl] Fixed a bug where chalkboards would appear in English in some localizations.
- [Cosmetics] Fixed visual bugs with various hero skins’ hero power animations and emotes.
- [Cosmetics] Fixed a bug where players who have exactly two Battlegrounds Boards (the base one and one other) weren’t able to toggle a favorite.
- [Localization] Fixed various localization issues across languages.
- Misc. other bug fixes and game improvements.
Uhm... does anybody know if it's intentional that there are no new gameplay achievements for the mini-set? I wanted to do them once the mini-set is out, and now I see that they didn't add any new ones.Edit; Nevermind, just saw that they are grouped into a "dual class" section at the bottom, unlike in Festivals.
where my patch at?
anyone else already received the update?
Both treasures affect the same zones but are worded very different.
If you start a new Arena run before the patch, don't complete it. After the patch you'll get the rewards of your win count + new Arena Ticket.
It's a bit of a shame that they tried and drew animation for the new portrait, when all this will be romoved by the portrait of the only card that won from this miniset: Frost Lich Jaina
[Hearthstone] Several cards that grant effects “when a minion dies” have been updated to grant the minion a Deathrattle with that effect. This update applies to: Volcanomancy, Kodo Mount, Ramming Mount, Noble Mount, Elekk Mount, Dreaded Mount, Spirit Mount, Camouflage Mount, and Spikeridged Steed. This rules change will not change the primary effects of these cards on their own, but will result in some updated interactions with other cards. Edit: this is a non-functional change.
Why do they say this is a non-functional change when it is a functional change? Do they forget Rivendare/N'zoth/Play Dead/Yodeller etc? Am I missing something?
It is a non-functional change. The game already treats those cards as though the targeted minion has a deathrattle. Baron Rivendare doubles it, play dead triggers it, etc. This change just formalizes it.
Oh okay interesting, had no idea the listed non-deathrattles could be doubled by Rivendare already. I wonder when they will formalize Frenzy for things like Amani Berserker?
They won't, because Amani Berserker's bonus isn't quite the same as Frenzy. Frenzy is "If this minion survives damage, do X". Amani Berserker's bonus only lasts while he is damaged, healing him back to full health makes the bonus go away, and reinjuring him brings it back. Frenzy is a one shot deal, healing a Frenzy minion and reinjuring it will not trigger the Frenzy again. There was a separate keyword for this, "Enrage", but it was so seldom used they removed it.
Why you remove bot from standard D: now i cant farm more exp without getting reported. Wtf blizzard, your bots is healthy for the game. Dont remove it please
Will be buying the golden set as usual. Can’t wait.
Read through the whole thing and there is a serious flaw in these patch notes.
Velarok nerf is MIA this must be a big oversight considering how toxic and game destroying Rogue is atm. We're not playing HS atm were playing Roguestone.
They're probably waiting to see how the miniset impacts the meta before committing to a balance patch (though you're right, Velarok could use a bit of a massage)
The Azerite Murloc doesn't make any sense. It transforms all your minions on board but keep their original cost? it sounds like the type of wording used for transforming your minions IN YOUR HAND rather that on board.
It transforms ALL your minions - battlefield, hand, and deck.
Transform ALL, they just try to keep the wording not too long.
It's minions on board, in hand, and in deck. The wording isn't very clear, but it does make sense.
It sounds more like it will transform minions on board, hand, and deck.
From what the other comments say it seems like a silly meme card and not a serious card, fun but not necessarily good.