Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed multiple new Showdown in the Badlands cards.
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Why does Fell Fissure deal damage to ALL minions ? This card wouldnt even super great if it does only damage to opponent minions
its good against aggro decks, maybe yes, but i would always prefer to have Immolation Aura for jus 2 mana in my deck instead of this card.
When Skulker "gives" the weapon back, would it keep the durability from when it "took" the weapon, or refresh it? I'm trying to think of a precedence for this sort of mechanic and I'm coming up a bit short. Considering it's taking the "stats" so it's going to see the durability as health gained, I'd assume it'd return it in the same state it took it.
This is among the...weirder takes. That’s like saying “why does priest get more healing, why does it need more, HUNTER HAS ALMOST NO HEALING.”
Two words. Class identity.
Why is DH getting so many board clears? This one seems mediocre compared to what they already have, Are they pushing for a Control DH where you actually need all of these options?
highlander DH needs all the control tools it can get
What other DH archetypes should they push for?
- more cards draw support for Wild Quest decks?
- more cheap broken cards for Aggro DH?
- supported Relic decks?
- supported Control/Highlander decks?
- support Big Demon decks?
well, im playing Highlander DH to legend this season with a pretty good winrate
DH allready has tools for AOE, this one is just 2 damage, so only good against aggro decks. But DH has Immolation Aura, Unlesh Fel, Topple the Idol & Remixed Rhapsody + Reno + discover cards from snake eyes and even Mythical Terror counts as an AOE + Yogg Saron + Glaive Shark
DH has man tools to clear & control the board right now
DH has a lot of board clears Vs Aggro. Unleash Fel, Immolation Aura, Topple the Idol, Glaive Shark, Fan the Hammer, Remixed Rhapsody. This is nothing novel.
Will the minion trigger deathrattle effects on weapons or not? Because the wording suggest that it won't it doesnt say destroy the weapon it takes it. My first thought when seeing the card was it might be really good for weapons with deathrattles but than I started thinking if it even procs them in the first place.
Weapon seems decent enough two swings two card draws especielly in a deck that has ways to buff their weapons making it a 2/3 would make it a pretty good card generator and a way to control the board early game don't have all Rogue/DH cards in my mind atm since I play those two classes very little but what I know both have several ways of drawing and generating cards so I do think that devalues it a tiny bit.
Fel Fissure feels like it can be good vs decks that throws out a bunch of low health minions like Token Druid or Paladin tempo spam early game.
If the rogue versions don't get "and discover a legendary from another class", they'll remain unplayed this patch. Or "if you have discovered more than 16 legendaries by round 5: win the game".
Quick Pick is gonna be auto-included for Miracle Rogue and Quest DH (in Wild)
Fel Fissure is an auto include into Relic DH.
Relic DH rotates in a few weeks, so hopefully it remains useful.
few weeks equals two months for you?
It's generally one of the best "defense synergy" cards in the game, and how the game should be designed in general. E.g. it can ruin the plans of a Treant druid but also not in a totally broken way; maybe it should even attack the face; though in that case and with that cost it would probably have to be only 1 copy (leggo).
Great, DH has a instant "win the game"-card against aggro, which costs 4 mana. Seems balanced.
Who cares about aggro anyway.
So Shadestone Skulker is sorta similar to Remornia?
Pretty good cards and Fel Fissure. I'm liking the mini-set so far.
Quick pick is nuts. Shiv on a stick twice.