Patch Notes for a server-side hotfix patch going out right now. Read all about it!
Tae'thalan Bloodwatcher Temp. Banned
Tae'thalan Bloodwatcher has been temporarily banned from Battlegrounds until a Balance Patch after this weekend. If you want to know why this should give you an idea.
tae'thalan is temporarily tae'tha-banned for crimes against tier two. we'll bring him back with the next balance patch post-worlds.
— Ridiculous Hat (@RidiculousHat) December 12, 2023
Quote from BlizzardPatch 28.2.2 is a server-side hotfix patch, rolling out now with the following updates:
Battlegrounds Updates
General Updates
We have adjusted turn times to be slightly shorter in the early game to minimize idle playtime and to be slightly longer in the late game to account for the current metagame. We will keep an eye on these and continue to iterate on them in the future.
Armor Updates
The following heroes now have less Armor:
Lich Baz’hial has 5 Armor.
Snake Eyes and Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher have 6 Armor.
The following heroes now have more Armor:
Infinite Toki now has 13 Armor.
Lord Barov now has 14 Armor at higher ranked lobbies, still has 19 Armor at lower ranked lobbies.
Kurtrus Ashfallen, Deathspeaker Blackthorn, and Vol’jin now have 15 Armor at all ranks.
Fungalmancer Flurgl now has 16 Armor at higher ranked lobbies and 12 Armor at lower ranked lobbies.
Dinotamer Brann now has 16 Armor.
Overlord Saurfang now has 17 Armor.
C’Thun now has 18 Armor at higher ranked lobbies, still has 10 Armor at lower ranked lobbies.
Sylvanas Windrunner, Kael’thas Sunstrider, and Ambassador Faelin now have 18 Armor.
The Jailer now has 19 Armor.
Guff Runetotem, Ragnaros, and Sneed now have 20 Armor.
Arena Adjustments
Card appearance rates have been adjusted. The general Priest class card appearance rate has been increased. Additionally, the appearance rate for certain high-impact cards was increased for Priest, Rogue, and Warlock, and was reduced for Hunter, Death Knight, Paladin, and Warrior.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Rowdy Partner and Linedance Partner’s effects wouldn’t activate after they were Shadowstepped (Greedy Partner was fixed in an earlier patch).
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Spurfang could sometimes summon an invisible minion with its Deathrattle.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Heistbaron Togwaggle’s Hero Power wouldn’t work on a Tavern full of Tavern Spells.
[Progression] Fixed a bug where players who finished the Apprentice Track before the Tavern Guide could get stuck in the Tavern Guide.
They didn't learn their lesson after Kael'thas in standard. They essentially release the battlegrounds version of him and have to ban him because he's broken. *pretends to be shocked*
does anyone know what the broken tier 2 strat with him was? I havent gotten a chance to play many BGs this patch. I'm just curious
It was mostly from running the pirate/elemental that offers 2 spells on each refresh.
There's so many 1 gold spells that boost your gold, buy them and horde them for turn 5 (the tavern tier 3 upgrade turn (you might have even more gold than others)), don't upgrade, and strengthen your board instead and dump your gold buffing spells. It becomes pretty easy to have over 20 gold on turn 6.
Then you repeat, hopefully staying above 20 every turn
When is mini set rolling out?
Next tuesday, keep it a secret.....
Most likely at 2nd or 3rd week of January, because Heroic Scam Brawl is at 3rd of January to drain gold from players.
Gosphor likely has the correct answer.
2nd or 3rd week of January also lines up with future events, cause that would place the next expansion launch about 2 months after that, which puts it at late March. Depending on precise timing that lines up well with the usual late March/Early April release of the first expansion of the new HS Year.
skill issue, I got 11 wins lol