Patch 28.2 - All Card Changes Datamined

This article shows all the hidden or public information about card changes, additions, and removals introduced with the newest patch! If you have time, please let us know if you like this type of article or if you have any ideas for improvements.

This article is made by a script that compares old and new data extracted directly from the game.

Starting from the top of the article, you'll see all the NEW cards, below all the REMOVED cards, and lastly, all the CHANGED cards. Each section is sorted by the EXPANSION first, then by the CLASS, and lastly by the RARITY.

Note: For this edition we removed a LOT of entries that were of 2 variaties: Any entry that mentioned a small change in text from "Obtained by purchasing from the shop" to "Purchasable when available in the shop". The second entries we removed were any ones with mention of when a card was obtained during the starting experience, since all those cards are now just obtained by unlocking a class, instead of at certain levels.

(ADDED CARD) TyrantusAdventure
[Name]: Tyrantus
[Sort ID]: 111082
[Card ID]: BOTA_UNG_852
[Text]: Can't be targeted by\nspells or Hero Powers.
[Flavor]: Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today.
[Artist]: Chris Rahn
[Set]: Adventure
[Sub Set]: The Boomsday Project
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 10
[Attack]: 12
[Health]: 12
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Beast
[Art Texture]: HS10-008_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Tyrantus_UNG_852_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [MusicStinger]: Troll_Play_Stinger_8.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Tyrantus_UNG_852_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Tyrantus_UNG_852_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [Tyrantus_CustomSummon]: Tyrantus_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Giant MastodonAdventure
[Name]: Giant Mastodon
[Sort ID]: 111090
[Card ID]: BOTA_UNG_071
[Text]: Taunt
[Flavor]: Still salty about it not being the "Year of the Mastodon."
[Artist]: Chanchai Luechaiwattanasopon
[Set]: Adventure
[Sub Set]: The Boomsday Project
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 10
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS10-157_D.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS10-157_D_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: UNG_071_GiantMastadon_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: UNG_071_GiantMastadon_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: UNG_071_GiantMastadon_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Gunglaive KurtrusBattlegrounds
[Name]: Gunglaive Kurtrus
[Sort ID]: 106628
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_280_SKIN_E
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Glaive Ricochet (BG20_HERO_280p5)
[Skin Base Hero]: Kurtrus Ashfallen (BG20_HERO_280)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Double the gunglaives for double the fun days!\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-053A_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Azerite VardenBattlegrounds
[Name]: Azerite Varden
[Sort ID]: 106627
[Card ID]: BG22_HERO_004_SKIN_D
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Twice as Nice (BG22_HERO_004p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Varden Dawngrasp (BG22_HERO_004)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: For a mage as skilled as Varden Dawngrasp, manipulating a mineral made of the blood of Azeroth herself is but a trivial task.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-054_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Annoy-o-ModuleBattlegrounds
[Name]: Annoy-o-Module
[Sort ID]: 111187
[Card ID]: BG_BOT_9112e
[Text]: Taunt, Divine Shield.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Magnetic Enchantment Base Minion]: Annoy-o-Module (BG_BOT_911)
[Keywords]: Magnetic
(ADDED CARD) Annoy-o-ModuleBattlegrounds
[Name]: Annoy-o-Module
[Sort ID]: 111188
[Card ID]: BG_BOT_911e2
[Text]: Taunt,
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Magnetic Enchantment Base Minion]: Annoy-o-Module (BG_BOT_911)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(ADDED CARD) HindsightBattlegrounds
[Name]: Hindsight
[Sort ID]: 110539
[Card ID]: BG28_838e
[Text]: Attack and Health set to 20.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Priest
(ADDED CARD) Treason TamsinBattlegrounds
[Name]: Treason Tamsin
[Sort ID]: 107784
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_282_SKIN_D
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Warlock
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Fragrant Phylactery (BG20_HERO_282p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Tamsin Roame (BG20_HERO_282)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Gotta keep breezin' when you're committing some treason.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-043_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-043_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) SoulstoneBattlegrounds
[Name]: Soulstone
[Sort ID]: 105634
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_666p2
[Text]: Start of Combat: Remove both player's left-most minion. The winner of the combat gets a plain copy of theirs.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Start Of Combat
[Art Texture]: DIA-004_HP.png
(ADDED CARD) SoulstoneBattlegrounds
[Name]: Soulstone
[Sort ID]: 105636
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_666p2e
[Text]: Stored minion. If you win you gain a copy.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
(ADDED CARD) Soulstone WatcherBattlegrounds
[Name]: Soulstone Watcher
[Sort ID]: 105861
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_666p2e2
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
(ADDED CARD) SoulstoneBattlegrounds
[Name]: Soulstone
[Sort ID]: 105862
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_666p2e3
[Text]: Terror is coming...
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
(ADDED CARD) Cat Burglar BigglesworthBattlegrounds
[Name]: Cat Burglar Bigglesworth
[Sort ID]: 105059
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_70_SKIN_H
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Kel'Thuzad's Kitty (TB_BaconShop_HP_080)
[Skin Base Hero]: Mr. Bigglesworth (TB_BaconShop_HERO_70)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Meowdy, purrdner.\n\nEarnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-034_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Dead Hand PatchesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Dead Hand Patches
[Sort ID]: 105060
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_18_SKIN_E
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Pirate Parrrrty! (TB_BaconShop_HP_072)
[Skin Base Hero]: Patches the Pirate (TB_BaconShop_HERO_18)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: "Dead Tentacle Patches" didn\'t sound nearly as threatening.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-035_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-035_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Dart Huntress SylvanasBattlegrounds
[Name]: Dart Huntress Sylvanas
[Sort ID]: 105061
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_44_SKIN_B
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Reclaimed Souls (BG23_HERO_306p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Sylvanas Windrunner (BG23_HERO_306)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Formerly styled "The Dark Lady," currently styled "The Dart Lady."\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-036_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-036_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Stand-off JandiceBattlegrounds
[Name]: Stand-off Jandice
[Sort ID]: 105062
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_71_SKIN_F
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Swap, Lock, & Shop It (TB_BaconShop_HP_084)
[Skin Base Hero]: Jandice Barov (TB_BaconShop_HERO_71)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: This is what happens when you call her "standoffish".\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-037_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-037_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Kingpin DenathriusBattlegrounds
[Name]: Kingpin Denathrius
[Sort ID]: 105063
[Card ID]: BG24_HERO_100_SKIN_C
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Whodunit? (BG24_HERO_100p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Sire Denathrius (BG24_HERO_100)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: His outfit, while very stylish, is mainly worn to protect his delicate Venthyr skin from the harsh desert sun.\n\nObtainable by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-038A_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-038A_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Lone Ranger RenoBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lone Ranger Reno
[Sort ID]: 105056
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShopBob_SKIN_AF
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 60
[Skin Base Hero]: Bartender Bob (TB_BaconShopBob)
[System]: BGs Bob Skin, Hide Stats
[Description]: As you may have noticed, Reno would sport any getup as long as it features a magnificent hat.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Bartender
[Art Texture]: SKN28-055_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-055_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Hero Picked] → [VO_TB_BaconShopBob_SKIN_AF_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_BartenderPicked_01]: VO_TB_BaconShopBob_SKIN_AF_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_BartenderPicked_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) SparkleBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sparkle
[Sort ID]: 105057
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShopBob_SKIN_AG
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 60
[Skin Base Hero]: Bartender Bob (TB_BaconShopBob)
[System]: BGs Bob Skin, Hide Stats
(ADDED CARD) Anniversary ZephrysBattlegrounds
[Name]: Anniversary Zephrys
[Sort ID]: 105058
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShopBob_SKIN_AH
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 60
[Skin Base Hero]: Bartender Bob (TB_BaconShopBob)
[System]: BGs Bob Skin, Hide Stats
(ADDED CARD) Sheriff HolmesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sheriff Holmes
[Sort ID]: 107780
[Card ID]: BG23_HERO_303_SKIN_B
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Hero Power]: Detective for Hire (BG23_HERO_303p2)
[Skin Base Hero]: Murloc Holmes (BG23_HERO_303)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Well you may not know this, but there's things that gnaw at a Murloc worse than dying.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-039_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Oil Baron PutricideBattlegrounds
[Name]: Oil Baron Putricide
[Sort ID]: 107781
[Card ID]: BG25_HERO_100_SKIN_A
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Hero Power]: Build-An-Undead (BG25_HERO_100p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Professor Putricide (BG25_HERO_100)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: "Good news, everyone! I\'ve determined that environmental destruction poses an even larger threat to Azeroth than plagues!"\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-040_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-040_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Old Town JailerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Old Town Jailer
[Sort ID]: 107782
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_702_SKIN_B
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Runic Empowerment (TB_BaconShop_HP_702)
[Skin Base Hero]: The Jailer (TB_BaconShop_HERO_702)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: He's gonna ride 'til he can't no Maw.\n\nObtainable by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-041_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-041_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Safecracker TogwaggleBattlegrounds
[Name]: Safecracker Togwaggle
[Sort ID]: 107783
[Card ID]: BG23_HERO_305_SKIN_D
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Hero Power]: The Perfect Crime (BG23_HERO_305p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Heistbaron Togwaggle (BG23_HERO_305)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Gold with scorch marks is still gold.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-042_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-042_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Bulletstorm Al'AkirBattlegrounds
[Name]: Bulletstorm Al'Akir
[Sort ID]: 107785
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_76_SKIN_E
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Swatting Insects (TB_BaconShop_HP_086)
[Skin Base Hero]: Al'Akir (TB_BaconShop_HERO_76)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Whenever you see some tumbleweed rolling, it means Al'Akir sneezed nearby.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-044_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-044_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Jailbreak RafaamBattlegrounds
[Name]: Jailbreak Rafaam
[Sort ID]: 107786
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_45_SKIN_F
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: I'll Take That! (TB_BaconShop_HP_053)
[Skin Base Hero]: Arch-Villain Rafaam (TB_BaconShop_HERO_45)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Every day, it has been 0 days since Rafaam last attempted to escape.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-045_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-045_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Dune Dweller ZephrysBattlegrounds
[Name]: Dune Dweller Zephrys
[Sort ID]: 107787
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_91_SKIN_F
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Three Wishes (TB_BaconShop_HP_102)
[Skin Base Hero]: Zephrys, the Great (TB_BaconShop_HERO_91)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: In the Badlands, Zephrys is his own master.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-046_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-046_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Quicksand NozdormuBattlegrounds
[Name]: Quicksand Nozdormu
[Sort ID]: 107788
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_57_SKIN_D
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Clairvoyance (TB_BaconShop_HP_063)
[Skin Base Hero]: Nozdormu (TB_BaconShop_HERO_57)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Which is more likely to cause stress: sinking in quicksand, or a burning rope?\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-047_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Oil Guzzler N'ZothBattlegrounds
[Name]: Oil Guzzler N'Zoth
[Sort ID]: 107789
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_93_SKIN_C
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Avatar of N'Zoth (TB_BaconShop_HP_105)
[Skin Base Hero]: N'Zoth (TB_BaconShop_HERO_93)
[Battlegrounds Hero Token]: Baby N'Zoth (TB_BaconShop_HERO_93_Buddy)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: N'Zoth only consumes EVOO: Evil Villains' Ominous Oil.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-048_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-048_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Long-shot TavishBattlegrounds
[Name]: Long-shot Tavish
[Sort ID]: 106629
[Card ID]: BG22_HERO_000_SKIN_C
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Deadeye (BG22_HERO_000p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Tavish Stormpike (BG22_HERO_000)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Why do people call unlikely events "long shots"? For Tavish, they\'re the easiest to make.\n\nEarnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-052_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Cowboy TeronBattlegrounds
[Name]: Cowboy Teron
[Sort ID]: 106630
[Card ID]: BG25_HERO_103_SKIN_B
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Rapid Reanimation (BG25_HERO_103p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Teron Gorefiend (BG25_HERO_103)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: After experience as a shaman, warlock, necromancer, and death knight, cowboy was the natural career progression for Mr. Gorefiend.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-051_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Brigand Drek'tharBattlegrounds
[Name]: Brigand Drek'thar
[Sort ID]: 106632
[Card ID]: BG22_HERO_002_SKIN_D
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Lead the Frostwolves (BG22_HERO_002p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Drek'Thar (BG22_HERO_002)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Would you like to pet the dogs? Then you'd better pay up.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-050_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Deputy VanndarBattlegrounds
[Name]: Deputy Vanndar
[Sort ID]: 106635
[Card ID]: BG22_HERO_003_SKIN_C
[Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Lead the Stormpikes (BG22_HERO_003p)
[Skin Base Hero]: Vanndar Stormpike (BG22_HERO_003)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Vanndar has assisted Sheriff Holmes in wrangling many a bandit 'round here, though the good deputy hardly ever takes credit.\n\nEarnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season 6.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-049_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Greatfather ThorimBattlegrounds
[Name]: Greatfather Thorim
[Sort ID]: 110629
[Card ID]: BG27_HERO_801_SKIN_D
[Artist]: Ramzy Kamen
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Elite]: Yes
[Hero Power]: Choose Your Champion (BG27_HERO_801p2)
[Skin Base Hero]: Thorim, Stormlord (BG27_HERO_801)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Description]: Oh, another hammer... You shouldn't have.\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-083_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Snake EyesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Snake Eyes
[Sort ID]: 105314
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_400
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Armor]: 10
[BGs Hero Can Be Drafted]: Yes
[Hero Power]: Lucky Roll (BG28_HERO_400p)
[Description]: You may think rolling doubles doesn't get you a bonus in Battlegrounds, but look at it this way: You're one away from a Triple!
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: BG28-101_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Tae'thelan BloodwatcherBattlegrounds
[Name]: Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher
[Sort ID]: 105431
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_800
[Artist]: Forrest Imel
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Armor]: 12
[BGs Hero Can Be Drafted]: Yes
[Hero Power]: Reliquary Research (BG28_HERO_800p)
[Description]: Things the League of Explorers and Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher have in common: mastery of the art of the dig, a penchant for Titanic relics, and great hats.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: BG28-104_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TSC_635_Female_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_HS_LegendaryStinger_RadianceOfAzshara]: HS_LegendaryStinger_RadianceOfAzshara.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: Underwater_Play_Underlay_1.wav, Underwater_Play_Underlay_2.wav, Underwater_Play_Underlay_3.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_ArcaneMagic_Play_Underlay]: ArcaneMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TSC_635_Female_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Underwater_Attack_Underlay_1.wav, Underwater_Attack_Underlay_2.wav, Underwater_Attack_Underlay_3.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_ArcaneMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ArcaneMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TSC_635_Female_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: Underwater_Death_Underlay_1.wav, Underwater_Death_Underlay_2.wav, Underwater_Death_Underlay_3.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_ArcaneMagic_Death_Underlay]: ArcaneMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [TSCFX_RadianceAzshara_CustomSummon]: RadianceAzshara_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav, RadianceAzshara_CustomSummon_LightninBolt_Sound.wav, RadianceAzshara_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Doctor Holli'daeBattlegrounds
[Name]: Doctor Holli'dae
[Sort ID]: 105434
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_801
[Artist]: Juan Calle
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Armor]: 8
[BGs Hero Can Be Drafted]: Yes
[Hero Power]: Blessing of the Nine Frogs (BG28_HERO_801p)
[Description]: The pioneer of new medical specializations such as Winter Veilometrist, Hollow's Endician, and Fire Festivalogist.
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: BG28-106_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Play] → [Music Stinger]: YsielWindsinger_Play_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BT_131_Female_NightElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BT_131_Female_NightElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BT_131_Female_NightElf_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [YsielWindsinger_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Worgen VigilanteBattlegrounds
[Name]: Worgen Vigilante
[Sort ID]: 100104
[Card ID]: BG26_921
[Text]: [x]Windfury\nThis minion always attacks\nan enemy minion that it\ncan kill (if possible).
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Collectible]: No
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 10
[Health]: 20
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Tripled Minion]: Worgen Vigilante (BG26_921_G)
[Keywords]: Windfury
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: cdev_009_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_803_Male_Worgen_Play_02.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_803_Male_Worgen_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_803_Male_Worgen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Worgen VigilanteBattlegrounds
[Name]: Worgen Vigilante
[Sort ID]: 100105
[Card ID]: BG26_921_G
[Text]: [x]Windfury\nThis minion always attacks\nan enemy minion that it\ncan kill (if possible).
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Collectible]: No
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 20
[Health]: 40
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Base Minion]: Worgen Vigilante (BG26_921)
[Keywords]: Windfury
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: cdev_009_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_803_Male_Worgen_Play_02.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_803_Male_Worgen_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_803_Male_Worgen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Pointy ArrowBattlegrounds
[Name]: Pointy Arrow
[Sort ID]: 100596
[Card ID]: EBG_Spell_014
[Text]: Give a minion\n+4 Attack.
[Target Arrow]: Give +4 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Art Texture]: HS18-249.png
(ADDED CARD) PointyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Pointy
[Sort ID]: 100597
[Card ID]: EBG_Spell_014e
[Text]: +4 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Unmasked IdentityBattlegrounds
[Name]: Unmasked Identity
[Sort ID]: 100910
[Card ID]: EBG_Spell_037
[Text]: Discover a new\nHero Power.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS12-327_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Lost Staff of HamuulBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lost Staff of Hamuul
[Sort ID]: 100911
[Card ID]: EBG_Spell_038
[Text]: [x]Choose a minion.\nRefresh the Tavern\nwith minions of its type.
[Target Arrow]: Refresh with minions of this type.
[Artist]: Susan Aniorte
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Keywords]: Refresh
[Art Texture]: BG28-049_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Thorim's ChampionBattlegrounds
[Name]: Thorim's Champion
[Sort ID]: 103480
[Card ID]: BG27_HERO_801p
[Text]: Passive. After you spend 65 Gold, Discover a Tier 7 minion. (65 left)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: BGs Trigger XY, Hide Cost
(ADDED CARD) Careful InvestmentBattlegrounds
[Name]: Careful Investment
[Sort ID]: 103779
[Card ID]: BG28_800
[Text]: Gain 2 Gold next turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Art Texture]: BG28-110_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Armor StashBattlegrounds
[Name]: Armor Stash
[Sort ID]: 103785
[Card ID]: BG28_500
[Text]: Set your Armor to 5.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS24-093_S.png
(ADDED CARD) FortifyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Fortify
[Sort ID]: 103791
[Card ID]: BG28_503
[Text]: Give a minion\n+3 Health and Taunt.
[Target Arrow]: Give +3 Health and Taunt.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: LC26-026_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Recruit a TraineeBattlegrounds
[Name]: Recruit a Trainee
[Sort ID]: 103793
[Card ID]: BG28_504
[Text]: [x]Get a random\nTier 1 minion.
[Artist]: Kleston Marques
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Art Texture]: LC02-009_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Sacred GiftBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sacred Gift
[Sort ID]: 103796
[Card ID]: BG28_507
[Text]: Give a minion\nDivine Shield.
[Target Arrow]: Give Divine Shield.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[Art Texture]: r7_a104_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Brann's BlessingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Brann's Blessing
[Sort ID]: 104027
[Card ID]: BG28_509
[Text]: Your Battlecries trigger twice until next turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Quest Value]: 1
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Objective, Objective Aura
[Art Texture]: HS17-224_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Strike OilBattlegrounds
[Name]: Strike Oil
[Sort ID]: 104029
[Card ID]: BG28_805
[Text]: Increase your maximum Gold by 1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: BG28-038_S.png
(ADDED CARD) FortificationBattlegrounds
[Name]: Fortification
[Sort ID]: 104433
[Card ID]: BG28_503e
[Text]: +3 Health and Taunt.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Tavern CoinBattlegrounds
[Name]: Tavern Coin
[Sort ID]: 104436
[Card ID]: BG28_810
[Text]: Gain 1 Gold.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Art Texture]: BG28-118_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Ritual of GrowthBattlegrounds
[Name]: Ritual of Growth
[Sort ID]: 104438
[Card ID]: BG28_812
[Text]: Replace all cards in\nthe Tavern with ones\nof a Tier higher.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Art Texture]: w9_a136_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Echoing RoarBattlegrounds
[Name]: Echoing Roar
[Sort ID]: 104440
[Card ID]: BG28_814
[Text]: Give a friendly minion "At the end of your turn, gain +2/+2."
[Target Arrow]: Give "At the end of your turn, gain +2/+2."
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: ONY_STK_008_HP.png
(ADDED CARD) Defender's RitesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Defender's Rites
[Sort ID]: 104445
[Card ID]: BG28_825
[Text]: Give a friendly minion +8/+8 and Taunt.
[Target Arrow]: Give +8/+8 and Taunt.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: w20_a108_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Leaf Through the PagesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Leaf Through the Pages
[Sort ID]: 104446
[Card ID]: BG28_827
[Text]: Your next three\nRefreshes cost (0).
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Keywords]: Refresh
[Art Texture]: W20_a209_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Golden TouchBattlegrounds
[Name]: Golden Touch
[Sort ID]: 104448
[Card ID]: BG28_830
[Text]: Make a random minion in the Tavern Golden.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Art Texture]: BG28-112_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Rodeo PerformerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Rodeo Performer
[Sort ID]: 104466
[Card ID]: BG28_550
[Text]: Battlecry: Discover a Tavern spell.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Tripled Minion]: Rodeo Performer (BG28_550_G)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: BG28-004_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_002_RodeoPerformer_Pandaren_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_002_RodeoPerformer_Pandaren_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_002_RodeoPerformer_Pandaren_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Rodeo PerformerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Rodeo Performer
[Sort ID]: 104467
[Card ID]: BG28_550_G
[Text]: Battlecry: Discover 2 Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Base Minion]: Rodeo Performer (BG28_550)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Tripled Minion, Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: BG28-004_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_002_RodeoPerformer_Pandaren_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_002_RodeoPerformer_Pandaren_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_002_RodeoPerformer_Pandaren_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Nalaa the RedeemerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Nalaa the Redeemer
[Sort ID]: 104468
[Card ID]: BG28_551
[Text]: Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 7
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Tripled Minion]: Nalaa the Redeemer (BG28_551_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS13-384_H.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_826_Female_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_826_Female_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_826_Female_Draenei_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Nalaa the RedeemerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Nalaa the Redeemer
[Sort ID]: 104471
[Card ID]: BG28_551_G
[Text]: Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +4/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 10
[Health]: 14
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Base Minion]: Nalaa the Redeemer (BG28_551)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: HS13-384_H.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_826_Female_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_826_Female_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_826_Female_Draenei_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Natural BlessingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Natural Blessing
[Sort ID]: 104472
[Card ID]: BG28_845
[Text]: Choose a minion. Give all minions that share a type with it +3/+2.
[Target Arrow]: Give minions of this type +3/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Art Texture]: MC23-051_HP.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Nature_BuffImpact_Medium_Super
(ADDED CARD) It's Minion NatureBattlegrounds
[Name]: It's Minion Nature
[Sort ID]: 104474
[Card ID]: BG28_845e
[Text]: +3/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Saloon's FinestBattlegrounds
[Name]: Saloon's Finest
[Sort ID]: 104494
[Card ID]: BG28_849
[Text]: Refresh the Tavern\nwith Tavern spells.
[Artist]: Marta Vives Poch
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Keywords]: Refresh
[Art Texture]: BG28-048_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Mystic SporebatBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mystic Sporebat
[Sort ID]: 104496
[Card ID]: BG28_900
[Text]: Deathrattle: Get a random Tavern spell.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 1
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Tripled Minion]: Mystic Sporebat (BG28_900_G)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: W5_093_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Story_02_Sporlar_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Story_02_Sporlar_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Story_02_Sporlar_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Mystic SporebatBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mystic Sporebat
[Sort ID]: 104497
[Card ID]: BG28_900_G
[Text]: Deathrattle: Get 2 random Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Base Minion]: Mystic Sporebat (BG28_900)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: W5_093_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Story_02_Sporlar_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Story_02_Sporlar_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Story_02_Sporlar_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Enchanted LassoBattlegrounds
[Name]: Enchanted Lasso
[Sort ID]: 104502
[Card ID]: BG28_512
[Text]: Steal a random minion from the Tavern.
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Art Texture]: BG28-034_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Ensorcelled FungusBattlegrounds
[Name]: Ensorcelled Fungus
[Sort ID]: 104504
[Card ID]: BG28_555
[Text]: Has +1/+2 for each Tavern spell you've cast this game (wherever this is).
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Tripled Minion]: Ensorcelled Fungus (BG28_555_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: HS19-413.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BT_136tt2_FungalBruiser_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BT_136tt2_FungalBruiser_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BT_136tt2_FungalBruiser_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) EnsorcelledBattlegrounds
[Name]: Ensorcelled
[Sort ID]: 104506
[Card ID]: BG28_555e
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Ensorcelled FungusBattlegrounds
[Name]: Ensorcelled Fungus
[Sort ID]: 104508
[Card ID]: BG28_555_G
[Text]: Has +2/+4 for each Tavern spell you've cast this game (wherever this is).
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Base Minion]: Ensorcelled Fungus (BG28_555)
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: HS19-413.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BT_136tt2_FungalBruiser_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BT_136tt2_FungalBruiser_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BT_136tt2_FungalBruiser_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Land LubberBattlegrounds
[Name]: Land Lubber
[Sort ID]: 104532
[Card ID]: BG28_556
[Text]: The Tavern offers an extra Tavern spell after each Refresh.
[Flavor]: His idol is the Green Hills of Stranglethorn, and he won't shut up about it.
[Artist]: A. J. Nazzaro
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Races]: Elemental, Pirate
[Tripled Minion]: Land Lubber (BG28_556_G)
[Keywords]: Refresh
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-114_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: StoneElemental_UNG_211aa_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: StoneElemental_UNG_211aa_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: StoneElemental_UNG_211aa_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Land LubberBattlegrounds
[Name]: Land Lubber
[Sort ID]: 104533
[Card ID]: BG28_556_G
[Text]: The Tavern offers 2 extra Tavern spells after each Refresh.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Races]: Elemental, Pirate
[Base Minion]: Land Lubber (BG28_556)
[Keywords]: Refresh
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-114_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: StoneElemental_UNG_211aa_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: StoneElemental_UNG_211aa_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: StoneElemental_UNG_211aa_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Jaws of FateBattlegrounds
[Name]: Jaws of Fate
[Sort ID]: 104534
[Card ID]: BG28_870
[Text]: Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: BG28-111_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS17-151_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: PuzzleBox_YoggSaron_FX
(ADDED CARD) Buddy UpBattlegrounds
[Name]: Buddy Up
[Sort ID]: 104535
[Card ID]: BG28_871
[Text]: Discover a Buddy.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS9-041_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Harmless BoneheadBattlegrounds
[Name]: Harmless Bonehead
[Sort ID]: 104551
[Card ID]: BG28_300
[Text]: Deathrattle: Summon\ntwo 1/1 Skeletons.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Races]: Undead
[Tripled Minion]: Harmless Bonehead (BG28_300_G)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-115_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BG28_300_HarmlessBonehead_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BG28_300_HarmlessBonehead_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BG28_300_HarmlessBonehead_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Ghost_Underlay_Death]: Ghost_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Harmless BoneheadBattlegrounds
[Name]: Harmless Bonehead
[Sort ID]: 104554
[Card ID]: BG28_300_G
[Text]: Deathrattle: Summon\ntwo 2/2 Skeletons.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Placeholder Data 1]: 3
[Races]: Undead
[Base Minion]: Harmless Bonehead (BG28_300)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-115_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BG28_300_HarmlessBonehead_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BG28_300_HarmlessBonehead_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BG28_300_HarmlessBonehead_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Hasty ExcavationBattlegrounds
[Name]: Hasty Excavation
[Sort ID]: 104559
[Card ID]: BG28_571
[Text]: Gain 1 Gold.\nThis costs Health to\nbuy instead of Gold.
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: BGs Costs Health To Buy
[Art Texture]: BG28-037_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Upper HandBattlegrounds
[Name]: Upper Hand
[Sort ID]: 104560
[Card ID]: BG28_573
[Text]: Start of Combat: Set\na random enemy minion's Health to 1.
[Artist]: Kleston Marques
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Quest Value]: 1
[Keywords]: Start Of Combat
[System]: Objective
[Art Texture]: BG28-051_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Perfect VisionBattlegrounds
[Name]: Perfect Vision
[Sort ID]: 104601
[Card ID]: BG28_838
[Text]: Set a minion's stats to 20/20.
[Target Arrow]: Set stats to 20/20.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Art Texture]: HS24-214_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Grave GobblerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Grave Gobbler
[Sort ID]: 104607
[Card ID]: BG28_302
[Text]: [x]At the start of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead to the\n_left of this to gain +4/+4.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Races]: Undead
[Tripled Minion]: Grave Gobbler (BG28_302_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: Mummy_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: LOEA16_5t_MummyZombie_Play_1.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: LOEA16_5t_MummyZombie_Attack_1.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: LOEA16_5t_MummyZombie_Death_1.wav
(ADDED CARD) GobblingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Gobbling
[Sort ID]: 104608
[Card ID]: BG28_302e
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Grave GobblerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Grave Gobbler
[Sort ID]: 104609
[Card ID]: BG28_302_G
[Text]: [x]At the start of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead to the\n_left of this to gain +8/+8.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Races]: Undead
[Base Minion]: Grave Gobbler (BG28_302)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: Mummy_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: LOEA16_5t_MummyZombie_Play_1.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: LOEA16_5t_MummyZombie_Attack_1.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: LOEA16_5t_MummyZombie_Death_1.wav
(ADDED CARD) Disguised GraverobberBattlegrounds
[Name]: Disguised Graverobber
[Sort ID]: 104610
[Card ID]: BG28_303
[Text]: Battlecry: Destroy a friendly Undead to gain\n3 Gold.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy an Undead.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Tripled Minion]: Disguised Graverobber (BG28_303_G)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-116_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG25_012_Female_Geist_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG25_012_Female_Geist_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG25_012_Female_Geist_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Disguised GraverobberBattlegrounds
[Name]: Disguised Graverobber
[Sort ID]: 104611
[Card ID]: BG28_303_G
[Text]: Battlecry: Destroy a friendly Undead to gain\n6 Gold.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy an Undead.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Base Minion]: Disguised Graverobber (BG28_303)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-116_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG25_012_Female_Geist_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG25_012_Female_Geist_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG25_012_Female_Geist_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Moroes, Steward of DeathBattlegrounds
[Name]: Moroes, Steward of Death
[Sort ID]: 104612
[Card ID]: BG28_304
[Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +6 Health.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Undead
[Tripled Minion]: Moroes, Steward of Death (BG28_304_G)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Reborn
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: W20_a177_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_KAR_044_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_KAR_044_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_KAR_044_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Moroes, Steward of DeathBattlegrounds
[Name]: Moroes, Steward of Death
[Sort ID]: 104613
[Card ID]: BG28_304_G
[Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +12 Health.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 12
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Undead
[Base Minion]: Moroes, Steward of Death (BG28_304)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Reborn
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: W20_a177_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_KAR_044_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_KAR_044_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_KAR_044_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Steward's DutyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Steward's Duty
[Sort ID]: 104614
[Card ID]: BG28_304e
[Text]: +6 Health.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Mangled BanditBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mangled Bandit
[Sort ID]: 104764
[Card ID]: BG28_582
[Text]: At the start of your turn, discard a spell to get\n3 Blood Gems.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Races]: Quilboar
[Tripled Minion]: Mangled Bandit (BG28_582_G)
[Keywords]: Blood Gem
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-031_M.png
[Effect Trigger]: BaconFX_BloodGem_SpawnToHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_029_MangledBandit_Quilboar_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_029_MangledBandit_Quilboar_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_029_MangledBandit_Quilboar_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Mangled BanditBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mangled Bandit
[Sort ID]: 104765
[Card ID]: BG28_582_G
[Text]: At the start of your turn, discard a spell to get\n6 Blood Gems.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Races]: Quilboar
[Base Minion]: Mangled Bandit (BG28_582)
[Keywords]: Blood Gem
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-031_M.png
[Effect Trigger]: BaconFX_BloodGem_SpawnToHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_029_MangledBandit_Quilboar_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_029_MangledBandit_Quilboar_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_029_MangledBandit_Quilboar_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Geomagus RoogugBattlegrounds
[Name]: Geomagus Roogug
[Sort ID]: 104766
[Card ID]: BG28_583
[Text]: [x]Whenever a Blood Gem is\nplayed on this, play a\nBlood Gem on a different\nfriendly minion.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Quilboar
[Tripled Minion]: Geomagus Roogug (BG28_583_G)
[Keywords]: Blood Gem
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-032_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_030_GeomagusRoogug_Quilboar_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_030_GeomagusRoogug_Quilboar_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_030_GeomagusRoogug_Quilboar_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Geomagus RoogugBattlegrounds
[Name]: Geomagus Roogug
[Sort ID]: 104767
[Card ID]: BG28_583_G
[Text]: [x]Whenever a Blood Gem is\nplayed on this, play 2\nBlood Gems on a different\nfriendly minion.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 12
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Quilboar
[Base Minion]: Geomagus Roogug (BG28_583)
[Keywords]: Blood Gem
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-032_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_030_GeomagusRoogug_Quilboar_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_030_GeomagusRoogug_Quilboar_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_030_GeomagusRoogug_Quilboar_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Paint SmudgerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Paint Smudger
[Sort ID]: 104768
[Card ID]: BG28_584
[Text]: [x]Whenever you cast a Tavern\nspell, play a Blood_Gem on\nanother friendly Quilboar.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 3
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Quilboar
[Tripled Minion]: Paint Smudger (BG28_584_G)
[Keywords]: Blood Gem
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG26-053_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG26_052_Female_Quilboar_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG26_052_Female_Quilboar_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG26_052_Female_Quilboar_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Paint SmudgerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Paint Smudger
[Sort ID]: 104769
[Card ID]: BG28_584_G
[Text]: [x]Whenever you cast a Tavern\nspell, play 2 Blood_Gems on\nanother friendly Quilboar.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 10
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Quilboar
[Base Minion]: Paint Smudger (BG28_584)
[Keywords]: Blood Gem
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG26-053_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG26_052_Female_Quilboar_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG26_052_Female_Quilboar_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG26_052_Female_Quilboar_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Snarling ConductorBattlegrounds
[Name]: Snarling Conductor
[Sort ID]: 104770
[Card ID]: BG28_585
[Text]: At the start of your turn, discard a spell to gain\n3 Gold.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Quilboar
[Tripled Minion]: Snarling Conductor (BG28_585_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-030_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_028_SnarlingConductor_Quilboar_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_028_SnarlingConductor_Quilboar_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_028_SnarlingConductor_Quilboar_BG_Death_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_BAR_020_Male_Quilboar_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Snarling ConductorBattlegrounds
[Name]: Snarling Conductor
[Sort ID]: 104771
[Card ID]: BG28_585_G
[Text]: At the start of your turn, discard a spell to gain\n6 Gold.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 10
[Health]: 10
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Quilboar
[Base Minion]: Snarling Conductor (BG28_585)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-030_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_028_SnarlingConductor_Quilboar_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_028_SnarlingConductor_Quilboar_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_028_SnarlingConductor_Quilboar_BG_Death_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_BAR_020_Male_Quilboar_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Drag To Buy SpellBattlegrounds
[Name]: Drag To Buy Spell
[Sort ID]: 104997
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_DragBuy_Spell
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 22
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: BGs Action Card, Move Minion Hover Target Slot
[Effect After Play]: Bacon_Purchase_AE_CoinThrow_Super
(ADDED CARD) Hired HeadhunterBattlegrounds
[Name]: Hired Headhunter
[Sort ID]: 105264
[Card ID]: BG28_GIL_836
[Text]: Discover a\nBattlecry minion.
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: BG28-041_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Contracted CorpseBattlegrounds
[Name]: Contracted Corpse
[Sort ID]: 105265
[Card ID]: BG28_882
[Text]: Discover a\nDeathrattle minion.
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Faction]: Neutral
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: BG28-042_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Dreamer's EmbraceBattlegrounds
[Name]: Dreamer's Embrace
[Sort ID]: 105266
[Card ID]: BG28_883
[Text]: Trigger a friendly minion's Battlecry.
[Target Arrow]: Trigger a Battlecry.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: W16_a203_S.png
(ADDED CARD) OverconfidenceBattlegrounds
[Name]: Overconfidence
[Sort ID]: 105267
[Card ID]: BG28_884
[Text]: If you win your next combat, gain 3 Gold.\nIf you tie, gain 1.
[Artist]: Valeria Styajkina
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Art Texture]: BG28-035_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Overconfident [DNT]Battlegrounds
[Name]: Overconfident [DNT]
[Sort ID]: 105268
[Card ID]: BG28_884e
[Text]: Gain 3 Gold if you win your next combat or 1 Gold if you tie.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Lantern LightBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lantern Light
[Sort ID]: 105269
[Card ID]: BG28_885
[Text]: Give a minion stats equal to your Tier.
[Target Arrow]: Give a minion stats equal to your Tier.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS13-307_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Lit UpBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lit Up
[Sort ID]: 105270
[Card ID]: BG28_885e
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Misplaced Tea SetBattlegrounds
[Name]: Misplaced Tea Set
[Sort ID]: 105271
[Card ID]: BG28_888
[Text]: Give a friendly minion of each type +3/+3.
[Artist]: Inès (Ourka) Rotzinger
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: BG28-040_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Spot of TeaBattlegrounds
[Name]: Spot of Tea
[Sort ID]: 105272
[Card ID]: BG28_888e
[Text]: +3/+3.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Staff of EnrichmentBattlegrounds
[Name]: Staff of Enrichment
[Sort ID]: 105276
[Card ID]: BG28_886
[Text]: [x]Minions in the Tavern\nhave +2/+2 this game.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Art Texture]: w14_a237.png
(ADDED CARD) EveningBattlegrounds
[Name]: Evening
[Sort ID]: 105284
[Card ID]: BG28_901e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Lucky RollBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lucky Roll
[Sort ID]: 105315
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_400p
[Text]: Roll a 6-sided die.\nGain that much Gold.\n(Cannot be used again for that many turns!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Base Hero]: Snake Eyes (BG28_HERO_400)
[Art Texture]: BG28-102_HP.png
[Effect After Play]: WWFX_SnakeEyes_DiceRoll_OneDie_Super
(ADDED CARD) Lucky RollBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lucky Roll
[Sort ID]: 105395
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_400p2
[Text]: Roll a 6-sided die.\nGain that much Gold.\n(Can be used again\nin @ |4(turn, turns)!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Neutral
[Base Hero]: Snake Eyes (BG28_HERO_400)
[System]: BGs Trigger Upbeat, Hide Cost, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-102_HP.png
(ADDED CARD) EveningBattlegrounds
[Name]: Evening
[Sort ID]: 105419
[Card ID]: BG28_901_Ge
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Spellbound SeafarerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Spellbound Seafarer
[Sort ID]: 105424
[Card ID]: BG28_903
[Text]: After you buy 3 cards,\nget a random Tavern spell.\n(3 left!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Races]: Pirate
[Tripled Minion]: Spellbound Seafarer (BG28_903_G)
[System]: BGs Trigger XY, Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-117_M.png
[Effect Play]: DeadMan_CopyHandToDeck_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_BOSS_60t_Female_Undead_Play_03.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_BOSS_60t_Female_Undead_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_BOSS_60t_Female_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Spellbound SeafarerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Spellbound Seafarer
[Sort ID]: 105425
[Card ID]: BG28_903_G
[Text]: After you buy 3 cards, get\n2 random Tavern spells.\n(3 left!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 10
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Races]: Pirate
[Base Minion]: Spellbound Seafarer (BG28_903)
[System]: BGs Trigger XY, Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-117_M.png
[Effect Play]: DeadMan_CopyHandToDeck_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_BOSS_60t_Female_Undead_Play_03.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_BOSS_60t_Female_Undead_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_BOSS_60t_Female_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Reliquary ResearchBattlegrounds
[Name]: Reliquary Research
[Sort ID]: 105432
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_800p
[Text]: [x]Passive\nEvery third Tavern spell\nyou buy costs (0).\n(2 left!)@[x]Passive\nEvery third Tavern spell\nyou buy costs (0).\n(Active!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Neutral
[Base Hero]: Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher (BG28_HERO_800)
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: BG28-105_HP.png
(ADDED CARD) Steadfast SpiritBattlegrounds
[Name]: Steadfast Spirit
[Sort ID]: 105440
[Card ID]: BG28_306
[Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your minions +1/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 1
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Undead
[Tripled Minion]: Steadfast Spirit (BG28_306_G)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Reborn
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: HS16-215.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_DALA_501_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: Ghost_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_DALA_501_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Ghost_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_DALA_501_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: Ghost_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) SteadfastBattlegrounds
[Name]: Steadfast
[Sort ID]: 105441
[Card ID]: BG28_306e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) SteadfastBattlegrounds
[Name]: Steadfast
[Sort ID]: 105442
[Card ID]: BG28_306_Ge
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Steadfast SpiritBattlegrounds
[Name]: Steadfast Spirit
[Sort ID]: 105443
[Card ID]: BG28_306_G
[Text]: Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your minions +2/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Undead
[Base Minion]: Steadfast Spirit (BG28_306)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Reborn
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: HS16-215.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_DALA_501_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: Ghost_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_DALA_501_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Ghost_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_DALA_501_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: Ghost_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Archlich Kel'ThuzadBattlegrounds
[Name]: Archlich Kel'Thuzad
[Sort ID]: 105518
[Card ID]: BG28_308
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy the Undead\nto the left of this and\nresummon it.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Undead
[Tripled Minion]: Archlich Kel'Thuzad (BG28_308_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: MC25-014_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Attack]: VO_FP1_013_Attack_03.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_FP1_013_Death_04.wav
(ADDED CARD) Archlich Kel'ThuzadBattlegrounds
[Name]: Archlich Kel'Thuzad
[Sort ID]: 105520
[Card ID]: BG28_308_G
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ndestroy adjacent Undead\nand resummon them.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 14
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Undead
[Base Minion]: Archlich Kel'Thuzad (BG28_308)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: MC25-014_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Attack]: VO_FP1_013_Attack_03.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_FP1_013_Death_04.wav
(ADDED CARD) Emerald Proto-WhelpBattlegrounds
[Name]: Emerald Proto-Whelp
[Sort ID]: 105523
[Card ID]: BG28_590
[Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +1 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Races]: Dragon
[Tripled Minion]: Emerald Proto-Whelp (BG28_590_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG26-011_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BG26_010_EmeraldProtoWhelp_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Play]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BG26_010_EmeraldProtoWhelp_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Attack]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BG26_010_EmeraldProtoWhelp_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Death]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Emerald Proto-WhelpBattlegrounds
[Name]: Emerald Proto-Whelp
[Sort ID]: 105529
[Card ID]: BG28_590_G
[Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +2 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Races]: Dragon
[Base Minion]: Emerald Proto-Whelp (BG28_590)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG26-011_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BG26_010_EmeraldProtoWhelp_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Play]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BG26_010_EmeraldProtoWhelp_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Attack]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BG26_010_EmeraldProtoWhelp_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Death]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bronze SandspewerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Bronze Sandspewer
[Sort ID]: 105533
[Card ID]: BG28_593
[Text]: [x]Divine Shield\nIf you have 7 minions at\nthe end of your turn, gain\n+2/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Races]: Dragon
[Tripled Minion]: Bronze Sandspewer (BG28_593_G)
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-019_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_017_BronzeSandspewer_Dragon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_017_BronzeSandspewer_Dragon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_017_BronzeSandspewer_Dragon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bronze SandspewerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Bronze Sandspewer
[Sort ID]: 105537
[Card ID]: BG28_593_G
[Text]: [x]Divine Shield\nIf you have 7 minions at\nthe end of your turn, gain\n+4/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Races]: Dragon
[Base Minion]: Bronze Sandspewer (BG28_593)
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-019_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_017_BronzeSandspewer_Dragon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_017_BronzeSandspewer_Dragon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_017_BronzeSandspewer_Dragon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Outback SmoldererBattlegrounds
[Name]: Outback Smolderer
[Sort ID]: 105550
[Card ID]: BG28_592
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\nget a 2/1 Smolderwing\nwith "Battlecry: Give a\nDragon +5 Attack."
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Dragon
[Tripled Minion]: Outback Smolderer (BG28_592_G)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-020_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_018_OutbackGriller_Dragon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_018_OutbackGriller_Dragon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_018_OutbackGriller_Dragon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Outback SmoldererBattlegrounds
[Name]: Outback Smolderer
[Sort ID]: 105554
[Card ID]: BG28_592_G
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\nget two 2/1 Smolderwings\nwith "Battlecry: Give a\nDragon +5 Attack."
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Dragon
[Base Minion]: Outback Smolderer (BG28_592)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-020_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_018_OutbackGriller_Dragon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_018_OutbackGriller_Dragon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_018_OutbackGriller_Dragon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Stop Rite There!Battlegrounds
[Name]: Stop Rite There!
[Sort ID]: 105633
[Card ID]: BG28_825e
[Text]: +8/+8 and Taunt.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Reckless InvestmentBattlegrounds
[Name]: Reckless Investment
[Sort ID]: 105635
[Card ID]: BG28_513
[Text]: Gain 3 Gold.\nNext turn, lose 2 Gold.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS9-050_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Lose Gold Next Turn [DNT]Battlegrounds
[Name]: Lose Gold Next Turn [DNT]
[Sort ID]: 105637
[Card ID]: BG28_513e
[Text]: Lose SDN1 Gold next turn. [DNT]
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Chef's ChoiceBattlegrounds
[Name]: Chef's Choice
[Sort ID]: 105664
[Card ID]: BG28_518
[Text]: Choose a minion.\nGet a different minion of the same type.
[Target Arrow]: Get a different minion of the same type.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 2
[Art Texture]: w15_a183_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Fleeting VigorBattlegrounds
[Name]: Fleeting Vigor
[Sort ID]: 105665
[Card ID]: BG28_519
[Text]: Give a minion +5/+5 until next turn.
[Target Arrow]: Give +5/+5 until next turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: W18_a063_D.png
(ADDED CARD) Strong But FleetingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Strong But Fleeting
[Sort ID]: 105666
[Card ID]: BG28_519e
[Text]: +5/+5 until next turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Tricky TrousersBattlegrounds
[Name]: Tricky Trousers
[Sort ID]: 105667
[Card ID]: BG28_520
[Text]: Give a minion +1/+2 and Taunt. If it already has Taunt, remove it.
[Target Arrow]: Give +1/+2 and give or remove Taunt.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: w19_a247_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Beleaguered BattlerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Beleaguered Battler
[Sort ID]: 105668
[Card ID]: BG28_402
[Text]: At the start of your turn, lose 1 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Tripled Minion]: Beleaguered Battler (BG28_402_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: hs15-156_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Death]: VO_TRL_363t_Male_Draenei_Death_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TRL_363t_Male_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Play]: VO_TRL_363t_Male_Draenei_Play_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Planar TelescopeBattlegrounds
[Name]: Planar Telescope
[Sort ID]: 105669
[Card ID]: BG28_521
[Text]: [x]Discover a minion of\nyour most common type.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS14-237.png
(ADDED CARD) BeleagueredBattlegrounds
[Name]: Beleaguered
[Sort ID]: 105670
[Card ID]: BG28_402e
[Text]: -1 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Placeholder Data 1]: 1
(ADDED CARD) Beleaguered BattlerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Beleaguered Battler
[Sort ID]: 105671
[Card ID]: BG28_402_G
[Text]: At the start of your turn, lose 1 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 10
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Base Minion]: Beleaguered Battler (BG28_402)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: hs15-156_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Death]: VO_TRL_363t_Male_Draenei_Death_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TRL_363t_Male_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Play]: VO_TRL_363t_Male_Draenei_Play_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Phaerix, Wrath of the SunBattlegrounds
[Name]: Phaerix, Wrath of the Sun
[Sort ID]: 105672
[Card ID]: BG28_403
[Text]: Divine Shield\nAvenge (4): Give a random friendly minion Divine Shield.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 1
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Score Value 1]: 4
[Tripled Minion]: Phaerix, Wrath of the Sun (BG28_403_G)
[Keywords]: Avenge, Divine Shield
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: W18_a062_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_LOE_01_STAFF_2.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_LOE_01_RESPONSE.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_LOE_01_DEATH_2.wav
(ADDED CARD) Phaerix, Wrath of the SunBattlegrounds
[Name]: Phaerix, Wrath of the Sun
[Sort ID]: 105673
[Card ID]: BG28_403_G
[Text]: Divine Shield\nAvenge (4): Give two random friendly minions Divine Shield.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Score Value 1]: 4
[Tripled Minion]: Phaerix, Wrath of the Sun (BG28_403)
[Keywords]: Avenge, Divine Shield
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: W18_a062_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_LOE_01_STAFF_2.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_LOE_01_RESPONSE.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_LOE_01_DEATH_2.wav
(ADDED CARD) Mad MatadorBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mad Matador
[Sort ID]: 105674
[Card ID]: BG28_404
[Text]: [x]Taunt. When this would take\ndamage, deal it to a random\nenemy minion instead.\n(Once per combat.)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Tripled Minion]: Mad Matador (BG28_404_G)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-113_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BAR_076t_Male_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BAR_076t_Male_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BAR_076t_Male_Orc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Mad MatadorBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mad Matador
[Sort ID]: 105675
[Card ID]: BG28_404_G
[Text]: [x]Taunt. When this would take\ndamage, deal it to a random\nenemy minion instead.\n(Twice per combat.)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Health]: 16
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Base Minion]: Mad Matador (BG28_404)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-113_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BAR_076t_Male_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BAR_076t_Male_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BAR_076t_Male_Orc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Silivaz the VindictiveBattlegrounds
[Name]: Silivaz the Vindictive
[Sort ID]: 105676
[Card ID]: BG28_405
[Text]: Spellcraft: Discover a Tavern spell.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Tripled Minion]: Silivaz the Vindictive (BG28_405_G)
[Keywords]: Discover, Spellcraft
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: W5_004.png
[Effect Trigger]: BG23_Spellcraft_SpawnToHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: LOEA09_5_HungryNaga_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: LOEA09_5_HungryNaga_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: LOEA09_5_HungryNaga_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Silivaz the VindictiveBattlegrounds
[Name]: Silivaz the Vindictive
[Sort ID]: 105677
[Card ID]: BG28_405_G
[Text]: Spellcraft: Discover 2 Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 10
[Health]: 16
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Base Minion]: Silivaz the Vindictive (BG28_405)
[Keywords]: Discover, Spellcraft
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: W5_004.png
[Effect Trigger]: BG23_Spellcraft_SpawnToHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: LOEA09_5_HungryNaga_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: LOEA09_5_HungryNaga_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: LOEA09_5_HungryNaga_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sunken SpellsBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sunken Spells
[Sort ID]: 105678
[Card ID]: BG28_405t
[Text]: Discover a Tavern spell.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Elite]: Yes
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: BG28-108_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Sunken SpellsBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sunken Spells
[Sort ID]: 105679
[Card ID]: BG28_405_Gt
[Text]: Discover 2 Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Elite]: Yes
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: BG28-109_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Wayward GrimscaleBattlegrounds
[Name]: Wayward Grimscale
[Sort ID]: 105680
[Card ID]: BG28_406
[Text]: Whenever this is attacked, gain Venomous.
[Artist]: Marta Vives Poch
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 5
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Murloc
[Tripled Minion]: Wayward Grimscale (BG28_406_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual, Venomous
[Art Texture]: BG28-028_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_026_WaywardGrimscale_Murloc_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_026_WaywardGrimscale_Murloc_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_026_WaywardGrimscale_Murloc_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Wayward GrimscaleBattlegrounds
[Name]: Wayward Grimscale
[Sort ID]: 105681
[Card ID]: BG28_406_G
[Text]: Whenever this is attacked, gain Venomous.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 10
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Murloc
[Tripled Minion]: Wayward Grimscale (BG28_406)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion, Venomous
[Art Texture]: BG28-028_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_026_WaywardGrimscale_Murloc_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_026_WaywardGrimscale_Murloc_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_026_WaywardGrimscale_Murloc_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bazaar DealerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Bazaar Dealer
[Sort ID]: 105697
[Card ID]: BG28_905
[Text]: 1 Tavern spell each turn costs Health instead of Gold to buy. (1 left!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Demon
[Tripled Minion]: Bazaar Dealer (BG28_905_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-017_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_015_BazaarDealer_Demon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_015_BazaarDealer_Demon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_015_BazaarDealer_Demon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bazaar DealerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Bazaar Dealer
[Sort ID]: 105702
[Card ID]: BG28_905_G
[Text]: 2 Tavern spells each turn cost Health instead of\nGold to buy. (2 left!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 12
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Demon
[Base Minion]: Bazaar Dealer (BG28_905)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-017_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_015_BazaarDealer_Demon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_015_BazaarDealer_Demon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_015_BazaarDealer_Demon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Tavern Dish BananaBattlegrounds
[Name]: Tavern Dish Banana
[Sort ID]: 105752
[Card ID]: BG28_897
[Text]: Give a minion +2/+2.
[Target Arrow]: Give +2/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Art Texture]: BG28-119_S.png
[Effect Play]: Holy_Targeted_Healing_FX
(ADDED CARD) Ignition SpecialistBattlegrounds
[Name]: Ignition Specialist
[Sort ID]: 105852
[Card ID]: BG28_595
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, get\n2 random Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Races]: Dragon
[Tripled Minion]: Ignition Specialist (BG28_595_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-021_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_019_IgnitionsSpecialist_Dragon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_019_IgnitionsSpecialist_Dragon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_019_IgnitionsSpecialist_Dragon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Ignition SpecialistBattlegrounds
[Name]: Ignition Specialist
[Sort ID]: 105853
[Card ID]: BG28_595_G
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, get\n4 random Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Races]: Dragon
[Base Minion]: Ignition Specialist (BG28_595)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-021_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_019_IgnitionsSpecialist_Dragon_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_019_IgnitionsSpecialist_Dragon_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_019_IgnitionsSpecialist_Dragon_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Them ApplesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Them Apples
[Sort ID]: 105903
[Card ID]: BG28_966
[Text]: Give minions in the Tavern +1/+3.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Art Texture]: HS21-065.png
(ADDED CARD) How Do You Like 'Em?Battlegrounds
[Name]: How Do You Like 'Em?
[Sort ID]: 105904
[Card ID]: BG28_966e
[Text]: +1/+3.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Primal StaffBattlegrounds
[Name]: Primal Staff
[Sort ID]: 105905
[Card ID]: BG28_955
[Text]: Your end of turn effects trigger twice this turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Quest Value]: 1
[System]: Objective, Objective Aura
[Art Texture]: W16_a229_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Trembling TrolleyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Trembling Trolley
[Sort ID]: 106195
[Card ID]: BG28_967
[Text]: Avenge (3): Get a random Tavern spell.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Health]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Score Value 1]: 3
[Races]: Mech
[Tripled Minion]: Trembling Trolley (BG28_967_G)
[Keywords]: Avenge
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-026_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_024_TremblingTrolley_Mech_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_024_TremblingTrolley_Mech_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_024_TremblingTrolley_Mech_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Trembling TrolleyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Trembling Trolley
[Sort ID]: 106196
[Card ID]: BG28_967_G
[Text]: Avenge (3): Get 2 random Tavern spells.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Health]: 18
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Score Value 1]: 3
[Races]: Mech
[Base Minion]: Trembling Trolley (BG28_967)
[Keywords]: Avenge
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-026_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_024_TremblingTrolley_Mech_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_024_TremblingTrolley_Mech_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_024_TremblingTrolley_Mech_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Lighter FighterBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lighter Fighter
[Sort ID]: 106240
[Card ID]: BG28_968
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle:\xa0Deal 5 damage\nto the lowest Health\nenemy minion twice.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 1
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Mech
[Tripled Minion]: Lighter Fighter (BG28_968_G)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: HS14-305.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: DRGA_BOSS_05t3_Lighterbot_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: DRGA_BOSS_05t3_Lighterbot_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: DRGA_BOSS_05t3_Lighterbot_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Lighter FighterBattlegrounds
[Name]: Lighter Fighter
[Sort ID]: 106241
[Card ID]: BG28_968_G
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle:\xa0Deal 10 damage\nto the lowest Health\nenemy minion twice.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 10
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Mech
[Base Minion]: Lighter Fighter (BG28_968)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: HS14-305.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: DRGA_BOSS_05t3_Lighterbot_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: DRGA_BOSS_05t3_Lighterbot_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: DRGA_BOSS_05t3_Lighterbot_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) TrickyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Tricky
[Sort ID]: 106257
[Card ID]: BG28_520e
[Text]: +1/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Trousers OnBattlegrounds
[Name]: Trousers On
[Sort ID]: 106258
[Card ID]: BG28_520e2
[Text]: Taunt.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Trousers OffBattlegrounds
[Name]: Trousers Off
[Sort ID]: 106259
[Card ID]: BG28_520e3
[Text]: Taunt removed.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Living AzeriteBattlegrounds
[Name]: Living Azerite
[Sort ID]: 107939
[Card ID]: BG28_707
[Text]: [x]Whenever you cast a\nTavern spell, Elementals\nin the Tavern have +1/+1\nthis game.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Elemental
[Tripled Minion]: Living Azerite (BG28_707_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-023_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_021_LivingAzerite_Elemental_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_021_LivingAzerite_Elemental_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_021_LivingAzerite_Elemental_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Living AzeriteBattlegrounds
[Name]: Living Azerite
[Sort ID]: 107940
[Card ID]: BG28_707_G
[Text]: [x]Whenever you cast a\nTavern spell, Elementals\nin the Tavern have +2/+2\nthis game.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 8
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Races]: Elemental
[Base Minion]: Living Azerite (BG28_707)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-023_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_021_LivingAzerite_Elemental_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_021_LivingAzerite_Elemental_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_021_LivingAzerite_Elemental_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Living Azerite Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
[Name]: Living Azerite Player Enchant (DNT)
[Sort ID]: 107941
[Card ID]: BG28_707e
[Text]: Elementals in the Tavern have increased stats. (DNT)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Azerite EmpowermentBattlegrounds
[Name]: Azerite Empowerment
[Sort ID]: 107942
[Card ID]: BG28_707e2
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) MummifierBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mummifier
[Sort ID]: 108992
[Card ID]: BG28_309
[Text]: Deathrattle: Give a different friendly Undead Reborn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Races]: Undead
[Tripled Minion]: Mummifier (BG28_309_G)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Bacon Reborn, Is Bacon Pool Minion
[Art Texture]: HS15-037_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TRL_131t_Female_TrollUndead_Play_03.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TRL_131t_Female_TrollUndead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TRL_131t_Female_TrollUndead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) MummifierBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mummifier
[Sort ID]: 109003
[Card ID]: BG28_309_G
[Text]: Deathrattle: Give 2 different friendly Undead Reborn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 4
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Races]: Undead
[Base Minion]: Mummifier (BG28_309)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Bacon Reborn, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: HS15-037_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TRL_131t_Female_TrollUndead_Play_03.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TRL_131t_Female_TrollUndead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TRL_131t_Female_TrollUndead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) MummifiedBattlegrounds
[Name]: Mummified
[Sort ID]: 109004
[Card ID]: BG28_309e
[Text]: Reborn
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Shiny RingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Shiny Ring
[Sort ID]: 109230
[Card ID]: BG28_168
[Text]: Give your minions +1/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 3
[Art Texture]: W18_a198.png
(ADDED CARD) Ooh, Shiny!Battlegrounds
[Name]: Ooh, Shiny!
[Sort ID]: 109231
[Card ID]: BG28_168e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Azerite EmpowermentBattlegrounds
[Name]: Azerite Empowerment
[Sort ID]: 109232
[Card ID]: BG28_169
[Text]: Give your minions +4/+4.
[Artist]: Anzka Nguyen
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Art Texture]: BG28-044_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Azerite GlowBattlegrounds
[Name]: Azerite Glow
[Sort ID]: 109233
[Card ID]: BG28_169e
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Caught Off GuardBattlegrounds
[Name]: Caught Off Guard
[Sort ID]: 109264
[Card ID]: BG28_573e
[Text]: Health set to 1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Sandstone DrakeBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sandstone Drake
[Sort ID]: 109317
[Card ID]: BG28_597
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, gain\n+1 Attack. Repeat for each\ncard you played this turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Health]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Races]: Dragon, Elemental
[Tripled Minion]: Sandstone Drake (BG28_597_G)
[System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: BG28-008_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_006_SandstoneDrake_Dragon_Elemental_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_006_SandstoneDrake_Dragon_Elemental_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_006_SandstoneDrake_Dragon_Elemental_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Spirit GainedBattlegrounds
[Name]: Spirit Gained
[Sort ID]: 109318
[Card ID]: BG20_HERO_201p2e2
[Text]: Gained Attack until next turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Sandstone DrakeBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sandstone Drake
[Sort ID]: 109319
[Card ID]: BG28_597_G
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, gain\n+2 Attack. Repeat for each\ncard you played this turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Health]: 18
[Tavern Tier]: 5
[Races]: Dragon, Elemental
[Base Minion]: Sandstone Drake (BG28_597)
[System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
[Art Texture]: BG28-008_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG28_006_SandstoneDrake_Dragon_Elemental_BG_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG28_006_SandstoneDrake_Dragon_Elemental_BG_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG28_006_SandstoneDrake_Dragon_Elemental_BG_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Stone ScalesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Stone Scales
[Sort ID]: 109320
[Card ID]: BG28_597e
[Text]: +1 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Stone ScalesBattlegrounds
[Name]: Stone Scales
[Sort ID]: 109327
[Card ID]: BG28_597_Ge
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) UnplayableBattlegrounds
[Name]: Unplayable
[Sort ID]: 109351
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HP_068e3
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Placeholder Data 1]: 2
(ADDED CARD) Staff of Enrichment Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
[Name]: Staff of Enrichment Player Enchant (DNT)
[Sort ID]: 109360
[Card ID]: BG28_886e2
[Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased stats from Staff of Enrichment
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) EnrichedBattlegrounds
[Name]: Enriched
[Sort ID]: 109362
[Card ID]: BG28_886e3
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Sunny WrathBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sunny Wrath
[Sort ID]: 110059
[Card ID]: BG28_403e
[Text]: Divine Shield.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) GobblingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Gobbling
[Sort ID]: 110151
[Card ID]: BG28_302_Ge
[Text]: +8/+8.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Blessing of the Nine FrogsBattlegrounds
[Name]: Blessing of the Nine Frogs
[Sort ID]: 110472
[Card ID]: BG28_HERO_801p
[Text]: Get a random\nTavern spell.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Base Hero]: Doctor Holli'dae (BG28_HERO_801)
[Art Texture]: HS30-142_W.png
(ADDED CARD) Echoing RoarBattlegrounds
[Name]: Echoing Roar
[Sort ID]: 110802
[Card ID]: BG28_814e
[Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +2/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Steward's DutyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Steward's Duty
[Sort ID]: 110804
[Card ID]: BG28_304_Ge
[Text]: +12 Health.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Sacred GiftBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sacred Gift
[Sort ID]: 110969
[Card ID]: BG28_507e
[Text]: Divine Shield.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Dished OutBattlegrounds
[Name]: Dished Out
[Sort ID]: 110976
[Card ID]: BG28_897e
[Text]: Has +2/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Titus' TributeBattlegrounds
[Name]: Titus' Tribute
[Sort ID]: 104461
[Card ID]: BG28_843
[Text]: Your Deathrattles trigger twice until\nnext turn.
[Artist]: Gabriel Lopes
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: 42
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: 9
[Tavern Tier]: 4
[Quest Value]: 1
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Objective, Objective Aura
[Art Texture]: BG28-039_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Titus' Tribute Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
[Name]: Titus' Tribute Player Enchant (DNT)
[Sort ID]: 104463
[Card ID]: BG28_843e
[Text]: Your Deatharttles trigger twice until next turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[System]: Aura, Objective
(ADDED CARD) RedeemedBattlegrounds
[Name]: Redeemed
[Sort ID]: 104592
[Card ID]: BG28_551te
[Text]: +2/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
(ADDED CARD) Proto PowerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Proto Power
[Sort ID]: 105527
[Card ID]: BG28_590e
[Text]: +1 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Placeholder Data 1]: 1
(ADDED CARD) SandspewingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sandspewing
[Sort ID]: 105535
[Card ID]: BG28_593e
[Text]: +2/+1.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
(ADDED CARD) Thorim WatcherBattlegrounds
[Name]: Thorim Watcher
[Sort ID]: 105713
[Card ID]: BG27_HERO_801pe3
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
(ADDED CARD) Primal Staff Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
[Name]: Primal Staff Player Enchant (DNT)
[Sort ID]: 105906
[Card ID]: BG28_955e
[Text]: Your end of turn effects trigger twice this turn.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) RedeemedBattlegrounds
[Name]: Redeemed
[Sort ID]: 106164
[Card ID]: BG28_551te2
[Text]: +4/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
(ADDED CARD) Proto PowerBattlegrounds
[Name]: Proto Power
[Sort ID]: 110149
[Card ID]: BG28_590_Ge
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
[Placeholder Data 1]: 2
(ADDED CARD) SandspewingBattlegrounds
[Name]: Sandspewing
[Sort ID]: 110150
[Card ID]: BG28_593_Ge
[Text]: +4/+2.
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Enchantment
(ADDED CARD) Jim NelsonDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Jim Nelson
[Sort ID]: 110475
[Card ID]: CRED_123
[Text]: Battlecry: An enemy minion slips on a banana peel and suffers 1 damage
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS21-086.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS21-086_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_SpawnToHand_Generic_NoFX_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_DMF_065_Male_Hozen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_DMF_065_Male_Hozen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_DMF_065_Male_Hozen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Josiah JordanDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Josiah Jordan
[Sort ID]: 110477
[Card ID]: CRED_310
[Text]: You can redirect combat targets by hovering on minions.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS14-177_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS14-177_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Microbot_BOT_312t_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Microbot_BOT_312t_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Microbot_BOT_312t_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Irene SizemoreDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Irene Sizemore
[Sort ID]: 110478
[Card ID]: CRED_330
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: For the rest\nof the game, email both\nplayers a primate at\nthe end of your turns.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-124_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS28-124_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS28-300_S.png
[Effect Play]: ETCFX_MisterMukla_SpawnToHand
[Sound Play] → [ETC_836_MisterMukla_Stinger]: ETC_836_MisterMukla_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_ETC_836_Male_Monkey_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_ETC_836_Male_Monkey_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_ETC_836_Male_Monkey_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [ETCFX_836_MisterMukla_CustomSpawn]: MisterMukla_CustomSummon_Banannas_Impact_Sound.wav, MisterMukla_CustomSummon_Banannas_Sound.wav, MisterMukla_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav, MisterMukla_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Greg HaaseDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Greg Haase
[Sort ID]: 110479
[Card ID]: CRED_302
[Text]: [x]Stealth\nSummon a 0/3 Repair Bot\nfor each expansion
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Health]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS17-068.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_ULD_712_Male_Gnome_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_ULD_712_Male_Gnome_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_ULD_712_Male_Gnome_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Jonathon LoucksDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Jonathon Loucks
[Sort ID]: 110480
[Card ID]: CRED_292
[Text]: Battlecry: This game, Fatigue only deals 1 damage and becomes a random card.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-166_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS28-166_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: ETC_385_GroovyCat_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: ETC_385_GroovyCat_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: ETC_385_GroovyCat_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Oliver ChippingDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Oliver Chipping
[Sort ID]: 110481
[Card ID]: CRED_182
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Draw arts,\nfeed murlocs.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS22-075_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS22-075_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BAR_751t_Male_Murloc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BAR_751t_Male_Murloc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BAR_751t_Male_Murloc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sola ChangDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Sola Chang
[Sort ID]: 110483
[Card ID]: CRED_295
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Discover a\npain point.\nForge: Shuffle 8 designs\ninto your deck.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 12
[Health]: 23
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: BG27-003_M.png
[Effect Play]: AcidReddGlob_Throw_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: ToxicSewerOoze_CFM_655_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: ToxicSewerOoze_CFM_655_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: ToxicSewerOoze_CFM_655_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Paw LarsenDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Paw Larsen
[Sort ID]: 110484
[Card ID]: CRED_277
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Gain 3\nMana Crystals
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 9
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: W9_A058_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_EX1_096_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_EX1_096_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_EX1_096_Death_03.wav
(ADDED CARD) Eric DobbsDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Eric Dobbs
[Sort ID]: 110486
[Card ID]: CRED_255
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Creates a test\nplan to steal your coffee,\n donuts and corgis.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS10-020_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: UNG_919_SwampKingDred_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [MusicStinger]: Troll_Play_Stinger_4.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: UNG_919_SwampKingDred_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: UNG_919_SwampKingDred_Death.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: UNG_919_SwampKingDred_Trigger.wav
[Event Summon] → [SwampKingDred_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Nicholas WeissDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Nicholas Weiss
[Sort ID]: 110487
[Card ID]: CRED_337
[Text]: [x]While building your deck,\n build another deck,\n\nand then a few more.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS29-038_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS29-038_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TTN_478_Male_Mechagnome_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Parchment_Play_Underlay]: Parchment_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TTN_478_Male_Mechagnome_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Parchment_Attack_Underlay]: Parchment_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TTN_478_Male_Mechagnome_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Parchment_Death_Underlay]: Parchment_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Maggie GourlayDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Maggie Gourlay
[Sort ID]: 110488
[Card ID]: CRED_299
[Text]: Summons a 9/9 Jade Golem with Taunt each turn of life.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Health]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS9-185_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: CFM_715_JadeElemental_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: CFM_715_JadeElemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: CFM_715_JadeElemental_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Christopher WangDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Christopher Wang
[Sort ID]: 110489
[Card ID]: CRED_313
[Text]: Health and Attack are the number of games you lost.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: LC26-040_M.png
(ADDED CARD) Jen StaceyDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Jen Stacey
[Sort ID]: 110491
[Card ID]: CRED_293
[Text]: Start of Game: Play the voiceline "Good luck, have fun, be nice!"
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS27-147_M.png
(ADDED CARD) Brian KanDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Brian Kan
[Sort ID]: 110492
[Card ID]: CRED_559
[Text]: [x]Time flies like an arrow;\nFruit flies like an arrow.\nOW.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 10
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 9
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: wow_penny_003_D.png
[Effect After Play]: Bacon_Impact_Physical_Shout_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_EX1_116_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [MusicStinger]: Pegasus_Stinger_Leeroy_Jenkins.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_EX1_116_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_EX1_116_Death_03.wav
[Event Summon] → [LeeroyJenkins_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Paul ChungDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Paul Chung
[Sort ID]: 110493
[Card ID]: CRED_324
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Summon a\nrandom card of equal card\npower from your hand.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-008_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS28-008_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS28-302_S.png
[Effect Trigger]: ETCFX_CageHead_Trigger_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [ETC_526_CageHead_Stinger]: ETC_526_CageHead_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_ETC_526_Male_Forsaken_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_ETC_526_Male_Forsaken_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_ETC_526_Male_Forsaken_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [ETCFX_CageHead_CustomSummon]: CageHead_CustomSummon_Sound.wav, CageHead_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) A'sa DickensDeveloper Credits
[Name]: A'sa Dickens
[Sort ID]: 110494
[Card ID]: CRED_308
[Text]: Has permanent Divine Shield. You wouldn't hurt me, could you?
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: BG25-022_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG24_004_Female_FaerieDragon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG24_004_Female_FaerieDragon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG24_004_Female_FaerieDragon_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Alan MartiDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Alan Marti
[Sort ID]: 110495
[Card ID]: CRED_314
[Text]: Quickdraw: Create\nthe perfect plan.\nDeathrattle: Try again.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS29-005_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS29-005_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TTN_441_Male_Constellar_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TTN_441_Male_Constellar_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TTN_441_Male_Constellar_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Dennis PanDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Dennis Pan
[Sort ID]: 110496
[Card ID]: CRED_303
[Text]: Battlecry: Add 3 comments to your pull request.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS26-101_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS26-101_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Diamond]: GenFX_Black32x32.png
[Diamond Model]: MurlocHolmesV3_skip3.png
[Effect After Play]: REVFX_MurlocHolmes_SpawnToHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_REV_022_Male_Murloc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_HS_MurlocHolmes_Stinger]: HS_MurlocHolmes_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_REV_022_Male_Murloc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_REV_022_Male_Murloc_Death_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_REV_022_Male_Murloc_Trigger_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [REVFX_MurlocHolmes_CustomSummon]: MurlocHolmes_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
[Event Choice Reveal] → [REVFX_MurlocHolmes_Choice_Reveal]: No Audio
[Event Choice Conceal] → [UNGFX_Choice_CuriousGlimmerroot_FX_Conceal]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Mikyoung ChoiDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Mikyoung Choi
[Sort ID]: 110497
[Card ID]: CRED_307
[Text]: The wound will be healed up shortly.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Health]: 9
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS29-007_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS29-007_M_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: TTNFX_Amanthul_Impact_Discover_Trigger_Super, TTNFX_Amanthul_ShapeTheStars_OverrideSpawn, TTNFX_Amanthul_VisionOfHeroes_OverrideSpawn, TTNFX_Amanthul_StrikeFromHistory_MinionRemove_Super
[Sound Play] → [TTN_429_AmanThul_Stinger]: TTN_429_AmanThul_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Death_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Trigger_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Trigger_02]: VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Trigger_02.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Trigger_03]: VO_TTN_429_Male_Titan_Trigger_03.wav
[Event Summon] → [TTNFX_Amanthul_CustomSummon]: AmanThul_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav, AmanThul_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
[Event Choice Reveal] → [TTNFX_Amanthul_Choice_Reveal]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Matt BrowningDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Matt Browning
[Sort ID]: 110501
[Card ID]: CRED_168
[Text]: At the start of your turn, generate a 1/1 Unexpected Bug with Rush. At the end of your turn, it is destroyed. *It's ok, nobody saw that...*
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS29-108_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS29-108_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TTN_742_Male_Constellar_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TTN_742_Male_Constellar_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TTN_742_Male_Constellar_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Zander KandalaftDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Zander Kandalaft
[Sort ID]: 110502
[Card ID]: CRED_311
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 2 damage\nto ALL other minions. \n(Changes Class\nevery turn.)
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: W2_209_D.png
[Effect Trigger]: Fire_AE_FullBoard_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_NEW1_021_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_NEW1_021_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_NEW1_021_Death_03.wav
(ADDED CARD) Trevor MarsanoDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Trevor Marsano
[Sort ID]: 110503
[Card ID]: CRED_333
[Text]: [x]For the rest of the game,\nall turns are automated.\nIf a bug is found,\ndestroy it.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 8
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-096_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS28-096_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: ETC_350_PartyAnimal_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: ETC_350_PartyAnimal_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: ETC_350_PartyAnimal_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Nicole ZhouDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Nicole Zhou
[Sort ID]: 110505
[Card ID]: CRED_319
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Sing a song\nto summon a 1/1 Piga\n dog and a 2/2 Chomi cat.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: BG26-036_M.png
[Effect Play]: BOTFX_MagneticPlaySpell
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Mech_BuffImpact_Gears_Sparks_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG26_035_Female_Mech_Play_01.wav, VO_BG26_035_Female_Mech_Play_02.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG26_035_Female_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG26_035_Female_Mech_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Nick FalconDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Nick Falcon
[Sort ID]: 110506
[Card ID]: CRED_777
[Text]: [x]Taunt\n Battlecry: Summon\nsix random minions.\nGive them +7/+7.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS8-001_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: KAR_300_EnchantedRaven_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: KAR_300_EnchantedRaven_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: KAR_300_EnchantedRaven_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Will LebusDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Will Lebus
[Sort ID]: 110507
[Card ID]: CRED_194
[Text]: Discover a new crew to join.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS27-335_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS27-335_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play Underlay]: 1H_SwordFine_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack Underlay]: 1H_SwordFine_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: 1H_SwordFine_Underlay_Death.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Tim StanleyDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Tim Stanley
[Sort ID]: 110508
[Card ID]: CRED_304
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Transform into\na new minion with Stealth.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HRO-260_M.png
(ADDED CARD) Talent PunDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Talent Pun
[Sort ID]: 110509
[Card ID]: CRED_298
[Text]: [x]Charge\nDeathrattle: Consume\nCoffee and return to\nboard next turn.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS27-013_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS27-013_M_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Frost_DeathKnight_Missile_Small_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_RLK_113_Male_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_RLK_113_Male_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_RLK_113_Male_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Mariel GarciaDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Mariel Garcia
[Sort ID]: 110510
[Card ID]: CRED_325
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Destroy all bugs.\nOverload: Summon two\n1/1 Cups of Coffee.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: BG27-003_M.png
[Effect Play]: AcidReddGlob_Throw_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: ToxicSewerOoze_CFM_655_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: ToxicSewerOoze_CFM_655_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: ToxicSewerOoze_CFM_655_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Aleco PorsDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Aleco Pors
[Sort ID]: 110511
[Card ID]: CRED_289
[Text]: [x]Start of Game: Flip a coin.\nHeads, you win.\nTails, you lose.\nPerfectly balanced!
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS9-148_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_CFM_064_Male_Tuskarr_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: Coin_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_CFM_064_Male_Tuskarr_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Coin_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_CFM_064_Male_Tuskarr_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: Coin_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Brenden SewellDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Brenden Sewell
[Sort ID]: 110514
[Card ID]: CRED_287
[Text]: [x]Inspire: Restore 2 Health to\nall friendly designers.\nAlso the grumpy ones.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Health]: 8
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: BG-056_M.png
[Effect After Play]: BaconFX_LeapFrogger_Frog_Missile_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BG21_000_SquirrelRider_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BG21_000_SquirrelRider_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BG21_000_SquirrelRider_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Olivia LaulettaDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Olivia Lauletta
[Sort ID]: 110516
[Card ID]: CRED_315
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nConstantly making noises.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 10
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 10
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS9-148_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_CFM_064_Male_Tuskarr_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: Coin_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_CFM_064_Male_Tuskarr_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Coin_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_CFM_064_Male_Tuskarr_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: Coin_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Connor SwansonDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Connor Swanson
[Sort ID]: 110522
[Card ID]: CRED_334
[Text]: [x]Sits on the sideline\nand eats popcorn.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 8
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS27-335_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS27-335_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play Underlay]: 1H_SwordFine_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack Underlay]: 1H_SwordFine_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: 1H_SwordFine_Underlay_Death.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_NX2_006_Male_Skeleton_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Valentina VelievaDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Valentina Velieva
[Sort ID]: 110525
[Card ID]: CRED_205
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Fill board with 1/1\ntentacle arms that each swap\nrandom card in your hand with\n card from opponent's deck.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 8
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 8
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS29-319_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS29-319_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_YOG_517_Female_CorruptedVrykul_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_YOG_517_Female_CorruptedVrykul_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_YOG_517_Female_CorruptedVrykul_Death_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_YOG_517_Female_CorruptedVrykul_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Jayson KirbyDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Jayson Kirby
[Sort ID]: 110526
[Card ID]: CRED_288
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Migrate from\nnorth to south coast.\nWhen sun is out, gain +10\nHealth permanently.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS30-181_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS30-181_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: BT_726_DragonmawSkyStalker_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: DragonWingFlap_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: BT_726_DragonmawSkyStalker_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: DragonWingFlap_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: BT_726_DragonmawSkyStalker_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: DragonWingFlap_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Daeuk KangDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Daeuk Kang
[Sort ID]: 110528
[Card ID]: CRED_312
[Text]: I'll give you enough strength to endure even from afar.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS29-182_M.png
(ADDED CARD) Jonathan ReinholdDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Jonathan Reinhold
[Sort ID]: 110529
[Card ID]: CRED_265
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Test ALL the\ncards for a new set.\nDeathrattle: Go Dormant\nuntil the next set.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 13
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS13-241_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GIL_580_Male_Worgen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: TownCrier_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GIL_580_Male_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GIL_580_Male_Worgen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Krista LeemhuisDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Krista Leemhuis
[Sort ID]: 110530
[Card ID]: CRED_297
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon Rain,\ndrink Coffee, and fill the\n board with 2/2 Plants.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 8
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS13-251_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: GIL_121_DarkmireMoonkin_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: GIL_121_DarkmireMoonkin_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: GIL_121_DarkmireMoonkin_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cynthia ParkDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Cynthia Park
[Sort ID]: 110531
[Card ID]: CRED_336
[Text]: [x]Taunt. Battlecry: Summon a\n2/2 Bori. Whenever friendly\ncharacters are attacked, gain\n Divine Shield and Immune.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-115_M.png
(ADDED CARD) Brandon SuDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Brandon Su
[Sort ID]: 110532
[Card ID]: CRED_331
[Text]: Battlecry: Start a conversation about Stargate
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS12-245_M.png
[Effect Play]: DragoncallerAlanna_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_LOOT_535_Female_HighElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [MusicStinger]: DragoncallerAlanna_Play_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_LOOT_535_Female_HighElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_LOOT_535_Female_HighElf_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [DragoncallerAlanna_CustomSummon]: DragoncallerAlanna_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Fabio Lo ZitoDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Fabio Lo Zito
[Sort ID]: 110533
[Card ID]: CRED_338
[Text]: [x]Spellburst: Give all\nyour minions Taunt\nand Divine Shield.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 7
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS20-061.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS20-061_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_SpawnToHand_Generic_NoFX_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_SCH_236_Male_Tauren_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Parchment_Play_Underlay]: Parchment_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_SCH_236_Male_Tauren_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Parchment_BookOpen_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_SCH_236_Male_Tauren_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: Parchment_BookOpen_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_SCH_236_Male_Tauren_Trigger_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Play_Underlay]: Parchment_Writing_Play_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Dan JohnsonDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Dan Johnson
[Sort ID]: 110534
[Card ID]: CRED_229
[Text]: Battlecry: Make unexpected sounds and hope your opponent concedes
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-022_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS28-022_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: ETC_840_Banjosaur_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: ETC_840_Banjosaur_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: ETC_840_Banjosaur_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Jhenna ForondaDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Jhenna Foronda
[Sort ID]: 110535
[Card ID]: CRED_206
[Text]: Battlecry: Adds a sprinkle of funny.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS28-019_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS28-019_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_ETC_376_Female_Dryad_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_ETC_376_Female_Dryad_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_ETC_376_Female_Dryad_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bexley ChevalierDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Bexley Chevalier
[Sort ID]: 110536
[Card ID]: CRED_296
[Text]: Battlecry: Mischief managed? Endless forgiveness given in lieu of permission.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: BG28-040_M1.png
(ADDED CARD) James WrightDeveloper Credits
[Name]: James Wright
[Sort ID]: 110614
[Card ID]: CRED_281
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon the\nVFX Crew with Taunt.\nYour minions will feel safe,\n even when they're on fire.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 7
[Health]: 9
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS21-073.png
[Effect Play]: DMFFX_KiriChosenOfElune_Trigger_SpawnToHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: GIL_121_DarkmireMoonkin_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Music_Stinger]: Kiri_Play_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: GIL_121_DarkmireMoonkin_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: GIL_121_DarkmireMoonkin_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [DMFFX_KiriChosenofElune_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Mitchell LoewenDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Mitchell Loewen
[Sort ID]: 110504
[Card ID]: CRED_666
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Go on\na Quest to replace all\nheroes with Diablo.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Art Texture]: BG27-031_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_BG27_030_Male_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_BG27_030_Male_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_BG27_030_Male_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Danielle RigginsDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Danielle Riggins
[Sort ID]: 110518
[Card ID]: CRED_328
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Turns your opponent\ninto a Jack-o-Lantern\nand all their minions\ninto pieces of candy.
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 9
[Art Texture]: BG-093_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_TB_BaconShop_HERO_70_Buddy_Male_Lich_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_TB_BaconShop_HERO_70_Buddy_Male_Lich_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_TB_BaconShop_HERO_70_Buddy_Male_Lich_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Kristofer Meyer-RuefDeveloper Credits
[Name]: Kristofer Meyer-Ruef
[Sort ID]: 110527
[Card ID]: CRED_322
[Text]: Deathrattle: Add 5 test cases to our cyclical regression suite. "Those ain\'t going live again!"
[Set]: Developer Credits
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Art Texture]: r5_a034_D.png
[Mute Deathrattle Death Sounds]: Yes
[Effect Trigger]: Warlock_Heal_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_FP1_001_EnterPlay_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_FP1_001_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_FP1_001_Death_03.wav
(ADDED CARD) Deadeye ArannaHero Skins
[Name]: Deadeye Aranna
[Sort ID]: 108382
[Card ID]: HERO_10aj_Aranna
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Character]: Aranna
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Demon Claws (HERO_10cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: When it comes to rebelliousness, the older sister definitely learned from the younger one.\n\nObtained by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-030_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-030_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_HERO_10aj_Aranna_NightElf_Emote_Attack_01.wav, VO_Hero_10b_Female_NightElf_Attack_01.wav, VO_Hero_10b_Female_NightElf_Attack_01f.wav, VO_Hero_10b_Female_NightElf_Attack_01k.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_Hero_10b_Female_NightElf_Death_01.wav
[Start Announcer Before Versus] → [VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_Aranna_01]: VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_Aranna_01.wav
[Start Announcer After Versus] → [VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_Aranna_02]: VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_Aranna_02.wav
(ADDED CARD) Outlaw SylvanasHero Skins
[Name]: Outlaw Sylvanas
[Sort ID]: 108384
[Card ID]: HERO_05ag_Sylvanas
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Hunter
[Emote Class]: Hunter
[Emote Character]: Sylvanas
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Steady Shot (HERO_05dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: She plays scary games to win scary prizes.\n\nObtained by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-032_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-032_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Attack] → [VO_HERO_05ag_Sylvanas_Undead_Emote_Attack_01]: VO_HERO_05ag_Sylvanas_Undead_Emote_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_HERO_05b_Female_Undead_Death_02.wav
(ADDED CARD) Justice JainaHero Skins
[Name]: Justice Jaina
[Sort ID]: 108389
[Card ID]: HERO_08as_Jaina
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Emote Class]: Mage
[Emote Character]: Justice Jaina
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Fireblast (HERO_08ashp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: It will take every spell in her books to bring order to the Badlands, but she’s ready for it!\n\nObtained by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_Hero_08as_Jaina_static_portrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Music Hero Collection]: HeroSkin_JusticeJaina.wav
[Hero Frame]: Hero_07ae_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: Hero07ae_Tray.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: Hero07ae_CornerTray.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HeroHero_08as_Jaina_Tray_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Sound Attack] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Attack_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Death_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Death_01.wav
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_Hero_08as_Jaina_SocketIn]: HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Start_sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_Hero_08as_Jaina_SocketIn_Enemy]: HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Phone_Start_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Hero_08as_Jaina_SocketIn_Phone]: HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Start_sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Hero_08as_Jaina_SocketIn_EnemyPhone]: HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_HERO_08as_JusticeJaina_SocketIn_Phone_Start_Sound.wav
[Start Announcer] → [VO_Innkeeper_Dwarf_HERONAME_JusticeJaina_01]: VO_Innkeeper_Dwarf_HERONAME_JusticeJaina_01.wav, VO_Innkeeper_Dwarf_HERONAME_JusticeJaina_02.wav
(ADDED CARD) FireblastHero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast
[Sort ID]: 108390
[Card ID]: HERO_08ashp
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $1 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Fireblast Rank 2 (HERO_08fbp2)
[Art Texture]: R6_a075_D.png
[Effect Play]: SCHFX_Hero08e_Kelthuzad_Missile_Fireball_Small_Super
(ADDED CARD) Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast Rank 2
[Sort ID]: 108391
[Card ID]: HERO_08ashp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $2 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Mage_power2_D.png
[Effect Play]: Jaina_LegendaryHero_Hero_Power_FX
(ADDED CARD) Deputy LiadrinHero Skins
[Name]: Deputy Liadrin
[Sort ID]: 108385
[Card ID]: HERO_04an_Liadrin
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Paladin
[Emote Class]: Paladin
[Emote Character]: Liadrin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Reinforce (HERO_04fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Bandits say she has a rather arresting presence.\n\nObtained by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-033_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-033_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Attack] → [VO_HERO_04an_Liadrin_BloodElf_Emote_Attack_01]: VO_HERO_04an_Liadrin_BloodElf_Emote_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_HERO_13_Death_33.wav
[Start Announcer] → [VO_HERONAME_LIADRIN_05_01]: VO_HERONAME_LIADRIN_05_01.wav, VO_HERONAME_LIADRIN_05_02.wav, VO_HERONAME_LIADRIN_05_03.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bandit EdwinHero Skins
[Name]: Bandit Edwin
[Sort ID]: 108383
[Card ID]: HERO_03aj_Edwin
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Rogue
[Emote Class]: Rogue
[Emote Character]: Edwin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Dagger Mastery (HERO_03dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Being on the wrong side of the law always felt right to him.\n\nObtained by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-031_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-031_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Sound Attack] → [VO_HERO_03aj_Edwin_Human_Emote_Attack_01]: VO_HERO_03aj_Edwin_Human_Emote_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_HERO_03m_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Start Announcer] → [VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_EDWIN_01]: VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_EDWIN_01.wav, VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_EDWIN_02.wav, VO_Innkeeper_Male_Dwarf_HERONAME_EDWIN_03.wav
(ADDED CARD) Lord GodfreyHero Skins
[Name]: Lord Godfrey
[Sort ID]: 108386
[Card ID]: HERO_07am_Godfrey
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warlock
[Emote Class]: Warlock
[Emote Character]: Godfrey
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Life Tap (HERO_07amhp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: His appetite for chaos, betrayal, and treachery could not be satiated in life... or undeath.\n\nObtained by purchasing in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN28-029_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN28-029_H_Premium.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: SKN28-029_CH.png
[Music Hero Collection]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey.wav
[Hero Tray]: LordGodfrey_tray.png
[Hero Tray Golden]: LordGodfrey_tray_golden.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: LordGodfrey_tray_grounds.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: LordGodfrey_Gem.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Sound Attack] → [VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Attack_01]: VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Death_01]: VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Death_01.wav
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_08amhp_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Socketin_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_07am_Socketin_FX_Opponent]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Opponent_Socketin_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_07am_SocketIn_FX_Phone]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Socketin_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Announcer] → [VO_Innkeeper_Dwarf_HERONAME_Godfrey_01]: VO_Innkeeper_Dwarf_HERONAME_Godfrey_01.wav, VO_Innkeeper_Dwarf_HERONAME_Godfrey_02.wav
(ADDED CARD) Life TapHero Skins
[Name]: Life Tap
[Sort ID]: 108387
[Card ID]: HERO_07amhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nDraw a card and take $2_damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Soul Tap (HERO_07ebp2)
[Art Texture]: WOW_LEAD_053_D.png
[Effect Play]: HeroSkin_07amhp_LordGodfrey_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Soul TapHero Skins
[Name]: Soul Tap
[Sort ID]: 108388
[Card ID]: HERO_07amhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nDraw a card.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Warlock_power2_D.png
(ADDED CARD) Wicked TransformationMadness at the Darkmoon Faire
[Name]: Wicked Transformation
[Sort ID]: 64003
[Card ID]: DMF_248e
[Text]: Health became Durability.
[Set]: Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Demon Hunter
(ADDED CARD) HandyShowdown in the Badlands
[Name]: Handy
[Sort ID]: 111091
[Card ID]: WW_358e
[Text]: Costs (2) less.
[Set]: Showdown in the Badlands
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
(ADDED CARD) Cyclopian CrushingTITANS
[Name]: Cyclopian Crushing
[Sort ID]: 110659
[Card ID]: TTN_042e
[Text]: Increased Stats
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(REMOVED CARD) Poughkipsee PutricideBattlegrounds
[Name]: Poughkipsee Putricide
[Sort ID]: 104415
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_20_SKIN_A
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Rage Potion (TB_BaconShop_HP_018)
[Skin Base Hero]: Professor Putricide (TB_BaconShop_HERO_20)
[System]: BGs Skin
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
(REMOVED CARD) Professor PutricideBattlegrounds
[Name]: Professor Putricide
[Sort ID]: 57961
[Card ID]: TB_BaconShop_HERO_20
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Neutral
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Rage Potion (TB_BaconShop_HP_018)
[System]: Hide Cost
[Hero Type]: Battlegrounds Skin
[Art Texture]: HS11-202_H.png
(REMOVED CARD) CrystallizedJourney to Un’Goro
[Name]: Crystallized
[Sort ID]: 56955
[Card ID]: UNG_067t1e3
[Text]: 5/5.
[Set]: Journey to Un’Goro
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Cant Be Silenced, Enchantment Invisible
Togwaggle, ArchlichBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [Description]: It is common wisdom to live your life to the fullest. After all, Alexstrasza worked hard on it.
(NEW) [Description]: It is common wisdom to live your life to the fullest. After all, Alexstrasza worked hard on it.
Lord BarovBattlegrounds
(OLD) [BGs Hero Can Be Drafted]: No
(NEW) [BGs Hero Can Be Drafted]: Yes
Sharpen BladesBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Give a minion +1/+1.\nUpgrades after you\nbuy 4 minions. (4 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Give a minion +1/+1.\nUpgrades after you\nbuy 4 cards. (4 left!)
(OLD) [Text]: Transforming into random minions.
(NEW) [Text]: Transforming into random Dragons.
Stay FrostyBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Freeze a minion in the\nTavern. Passive: At the\nend of your turn, Frozen\nminions get +2/+1.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Freeze a card in the Tavern.\nPassive: At the end of your\nturn, Frozen minions\nget +2/+1.
(OLD) [Class]: Neutral
(NEW) [Class]: Paladin
Tavern Tier 5Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 11
(NEW) [Cost]: 10
Zapp SlywickBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
Graveyard ShiftBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Steal a minion from the\n Tavern. Take damage\nequal to its Tier.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Steal a card from the\n Tavern. Take damage\nequal to its Tier.
Bronze WardenBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
Razorgore, the UntamedBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +1/+1 for each Dragon you control.
(NEW) [Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +1/+1 for each other friendly Dragon.
(OLD) [Cost]: 8
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Razorgore, the UntamedBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +2/+2 for each Dragon you control.
(NEW) [Text]: At the end of your turn, gain +2/+2 for each other friendly Dragon.
(OLD) [Cost]: 8
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 12
(NEW) [Health]: 8
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Dread Admiral ElizaBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give all friendly minions +2/+1.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly minion attacks, give your minions +1/+1.
(OLD) [Races]: Pirate
(NEW) [Races]: Pirate, Undead
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: For each\ndifferent minion type you\n_control, randomly Adapt.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Randomly\nAdapt for each different\nfriendly minion type.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: For each\ndifferent minion type you\ncontrol, randomly Adapt\ntwice.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Randomly Adapt\ntwice for each different\nfriendly minion type.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Make a minion in the\nTavern Dormant. After 3\n__turns, get it with +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Choose a card in the\nTavern to lock in your\nhand. After 2 turns,\nunlock it.
(REMOVED) [Keywords]: Dormant
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+1.
(NEW) [Text]: +1/+1.
Dread Admiral ElizaBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give all friendly minions +4/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly minion attacks, give your minions +2/+2.
(OLD) [Races]: Pirate
(NEW) [Races]: Pirate, Undead
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+2.
Menagerie MugBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
Nomi, Kitchen NightmareBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you play an Elemental,\nElementals in the Tavern\nhave +1/+1 for the rest\nof the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you play an Elemental,\nElementals in the Tavern\nhave +1/+1 this game.
(OLD) [Cost]: 7
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Lieutenant GarrBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Taunt. After you play an Elemental, gain +1 Health for each Elemental you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt\nAfter you play an Elemental,\ngain +1 Health for each\nfriendly Elemental.
Lieutenant GarrBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Taunt. After you play an Elemental, gain +2 Health for each Elemental you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt\nAfter you play an Elemental,\ngain +2 Health for each\nfriendly Elemental.
Nomi Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Nomi Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Nomi Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Increased stats.
(NEW) [Text]: Elementals in the Tavern have increased stats from Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare.
Nomi, Kitchen NightmareBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you play an Elemental,\nElementals in the Tavern\nhave +2/+2 for the rest\nof the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you play an Elemental,\nElementals in the Tavern\nhave +2/+2 this game.
(OLD) [Cost]: 7
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
The Good Stuff Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: The Good Stuff Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: The Good Stuff Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased Attack from The Good Stuff.
The Good StuffBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Give minions in the Tavern +1 Attack for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +1 Attack\nthis game.
Friends and Family DiscountBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, minions in the Tavern cost (2).
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern cost (2) this game.
Friends and Family Discount Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Friends and Family Discount Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Friends and Family Discount Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Costs less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (2).
Mythrax the UnravelerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngain +2/+2 for each\n__minion type you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, gain\n+2/+2 for each different\nfriendly minion type.
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: Trigger Visual
Mythrax the UnravelerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngain +4/+4 for each\n__minion type you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, gain\n+4/+4 for each different\nfriendly minion type.
Rocking and RollingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your next three\n Refreshes cost (0).
(NEW) [Text]: Your next three\nRefreshes cost (0).
Big Brann PlayBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Brann's Blessing
(NEW) [Name]: Big Brann Play
(OLD) [Art Texture]: HS17-224_S.png
(NEW) [Art Texture]: HS6-081_D.png
Aggem ThorncurseBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: Trigger Visual
Captain Flat TuskBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Related Cards]: Blood Gem (BG20_GEM)
Spirit SwapBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Choose two minions. Swap their stats.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose 2 minions. They gain each other's Attack until next turn.
Spirit SwapBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Choose a minion. Swap its stats with {0}.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose a minion. Gain Attack with {0}.
Marked for GainBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Marked for Swap
(NEW) [Name]: Marked for Gain
(OLD) [Text]: Stats can be swapped.
(NEW) [Text]: Attack can be gained.
Dazzling LightspawnBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Elementals in\nthe Tavern have +1/+1\n__for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Elementals\nin the Tavern have\n+1/+1 this game.
Dazzling Lightspawn Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Dazzling Lightspawn Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Dazzling Lightspawn Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Increased stats.
(NEW) [Text]: Elementals in the Tavern have increased stats from Dazzling Lightspawn.
Dazzling LightspawnBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Elementals in\nthe Tavern have +2/+2\n__for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Elementals\nin the Tavern have\n+2/+2 this game.
Witchwing NestmatronBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
Sklibb, Demon HunterBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you buy a minion,\nyour next Refresh costs (0).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you buy a card,\nyour next Refresh\ncosts (0).
SI:7 ScoutBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After you buy a minion, gain +1/+1.
(NEW) [Text]: After you buy a card, gain +1/+1.
Apostle of GalakrondBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Replace\nminions in the Tavern with\nones from a Tier higher.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Replace\ncards in the Tavern with\nones from a Tier higher.
SI:7 ScoutBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After you buy a minion, gain +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: After you buy a card, gain +2/+2.
Elder TaggawagBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Gain 1 Gold for each minion type you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Gain 1 Gold\nfor each different\nfriendly minion type.
Thawed ChampionBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, get\na random Frozen minion\nfrom the Tavern.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, get\na random Frozen card\nfrom the Tavern.
Thawed ChampionBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, get\n2 random Frozen minions\nfrom the Tavern.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, get\n2 random Frozen cards\nfrom the Tavern.
Apostle of GalakrondBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Replace\nminions in the Tavern with\n_ones from 2 Tiers higher.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Replace\ncards in the Tavern with\n_ones from 2 Tiers higher.
Elder TaggawagBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Gain 2 Gold for each minion type you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Gain 2 Gold\nfor each different\nfriendly minion type.
Captain FairmountBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Choose One - For the rest\n of the game, 'Conviction'\n gives an additional\n__+2 Attack; or +2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Choose One - For the rest\nof the game, 'Conviction'\ngives an extra +2 Attack;\nor +2 Health.
Captain FairmountBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Choose One - For the rest\n of the game, 'Conviction'\n gives an additional\n__+4 Attack; or +4 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Choose One - For the rest\nof the game, 'Conviction'\ngives an extra +4 Attack;\nor +4 Health.
Living NightmareBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you buy a minion,\nminions in the Tavern\nhave +2/+1 this turn.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you buy a card,\nminions in the Tavern\nhave +2/+1 this turn.
Living NightmareBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you buy a minion,\nminions in the Tavern\nhave +4/+2 this turn.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you buy a card,\nminions in the Tavern\nhave +4/+2 this turn.
Magnus ManastormBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you buy a minion,\nadd one of the same Tier\n to the Tavern.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you buy a card,\nadd one of the same Tier\n to the Tavern.
Magnus ManastormBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]After you buy a minion,\nadd two of the same Tier\n to the Tavern.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you buy a card,\nadd two of the same Tier\n to the Tavern.
Frostwolf LieutenantBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (2): Minions in the Tavern have +1 Attack for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Minions in\nthe Tavern have +1 Attack\nthis game.
Frostwolf LieutenantBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (2): Minions in the Tavern have +2 Attack for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Minions in\nthe Tavern have +2 Attack\nthis game.
Stormpike LieutenantBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (2): Minions in the Tavern have +1 Health for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Minions in\nthe Tavern have +1 Health\nthis game.
Stormpike LieutenantBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (2): Minions in the Tavern have +2 Health for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (2): Minions in\nthe Tavern have +2 Health\nthis game.
Sklibb, Demon HunterBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After you buy a minion, your next two Refreshes cost (0).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]After you buy a card,\nyour next two\nRefreshes costs (0).
Critter WranglerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you cast a Spellcraft spell on a minion, give it +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you cast a spell on a minion,\ngive it +1/+2.
Orgozoa, the TenderBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: Trigger Visual
Reef ExplorerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Use Discover Visuals
(NEW) [System]: Use Discover Visuals
Critter WranglerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you cast a Spellcraft spell on a minion, give it +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you cast a spell on a minion,\ngive it +2/+4.
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +1/+2.
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+4.
The Perfect CrimeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Steal all minions from\nthe Tavern. Each turn,\nyour next Hero Power\ncosts (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Steal all cards from\nthe Tavern. Each turn,\nyour next Hero Power\ncosts (1) less.
(OLD) [Cost]: 10
(NEW) [Cost]: 11
Leeroy the RecklessBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion
Mindflayer GogglesBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Give minions in the Tavern +3/+3 for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Minions in the Tavern\nhave +3/+3 this game.
Anub'arak, Nerubian KingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Your Undead\nhave +1 Attack for the\nrest of the game\n(wherever they are).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Your Undead\nhave +1 Attack this game\n(wherever they are).
Anub'arak, Nerubian KingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Your Undead\nhave +2 Attack for the\nrest of the game\n(wherever they are).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Your Undead\nhave +2 Attack this game\n(wherever they are).
Nerubian DeathswarmerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Give your\nUndead +1 Attack for\nthe rest of the game\n(wherever they are).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Your Undead\nhave +1 Attack this game\n(wherever they are).
Nerubian DeathswarmerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Give your\nUndead +2 Attack for\nthe rest of the game\n(wherever they are).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Your Undead\nhave +2 Attack this game\n(wherever they are).
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: Bacon Reborn, Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(OLD) [System]: Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
(NEW) [System]: Bacon Reborn, Trigger Visual, Tripled Minion
Mindflayer Goggles Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Mindflayed Player Enchant [DNT]
(NEW) [Name]: Mindflayer Goggles Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +3/+3. [DNT]
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +3/+3 from Mindflayer Goggles.
(OLD) [Class]: Neutral
(NEW) [Class]: Paladin
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Minions in\nthe Tavern have +1/+1\n__for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Minions in\nthe Tavern have +1/+1\nthis game.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Minions in\nthe Tavern have +2/+2\n__for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Minions in\nthe Tavern have +2/+2\nthis game.
Dozy WhelpBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual, Whelp
(NEW) [System]: Trigger Visual, Whelp
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Craft a custom Undead.\n(3 Creations left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Craft a custom Undead.\n(3 |4(Creation, Creations) left!)
Moon-Bacon JazzerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: For the rest of\nthe game, your Blood Gems\n__give an extra +1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Your Blood\nGems give an extra\n+1 Health this game.
Moon-Bacon JazzerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: For the rest of\nthe game, your Blood Gems\n__give an extra +2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Your Blood\nGems give an extra\n+2 Health this game.
Prickly PiperBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest of\nthe game, your Blood Gems\n__give an extra +1 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Your Blood\nGems give an extra\n+1 Attack this game.
Prickly PiperBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest of\nthe game, your Blood Gems\n__give an extra +2 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Your Blood\nGems give an extra\n+2 Attack this game.
Disco ShufflerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Use Discover Visuals
(NEW) [System]: Use Discover Visuals
Dancing Barnstormer Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Dancing Barnstormer Player Enchant [DNT]
(NEW) [Name]: Dancing Barnstormer Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Elementals in the Tavern have increased stats. [DNT]
(NEW) [Text]: Elementals in the Tavern have increased stats from Dancing Barnstormer.
Electric SynthesizerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your\nother Dragons +3/+1.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your\nother Dragons +2/+1.
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
Electric SynthesizerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your\nother Dragons +6/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your\nother Dragons +4/+2.
(OLD) [Health]: 12
(NEW) [Health]: 8
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(OLD) [Text]: +3/+1.
(NEW) [Text]: +2/+1.
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +4/+2.
Felfire Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Felfire Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Felfire Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Increased stats.
(NEW) [Text]: Elementals in the Tavern have increased stats from Felemental.
(OLD) [System]: Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: Trigger Visual
Upbeat DuoBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: BGs Trigger Upbeat, Is Bacon Pool Minion, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: BGs Trigger Upbeat, Trigger Visual
Frostwolf Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Frostwolf Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Frostwolf Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased Attack from Frostwolf Lieutenant.
Stormpike Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Stormpike Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Stormpike Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have increased Health from Stormpike Lieutenant.
Offensive StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives an additional +1 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction' gives an\nextra +1 Attack\nthis game.
Defensive StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives an additional +1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction' gives an\nextra +1 Health\nthis game.
Offensive StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives an additional +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction' gives an\nextra +4 Attack\nthis game.
Defensive StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives an additional +4 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction' gives an\nextra +4 Health\nthis game.
Golganneth's TempestBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Minions cost 2 Gold.\nYou cannot Refresh the\nTavern. It Refreshes itself\nafter you buy a minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Minions cost 2 Gold.\nYou cannot Refresh the\nTavern. It Refreshes itself\nafter you buy a card.
Eonar's Overgrown ArenaBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the start of your turn,\ngive minions in the\nTavern +1/+1 for\nthe rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: At the start of your turn, minions in the Tavern have +1/+1 this game.
Double HeaderBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: The first time you buy a minion each turn,\nget an extra copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: The first time you buy a card each turn,\nget an extra copy of it.
Blood Gem Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Blood Gem Player Enchant
(NEW) [Name]: Blood Gem Player Enchant (DNT)
Daggerspine ThrasherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Daggerspine ThrasherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Champion of the PrimusBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Avenge (3): Your Undead\nhave +1 Attack for the\nrest of the game\n(wherever they are).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (3): Your Undead\nhave +1 Attack this game \n(wherever they are).
Champion of the PrimusBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Avenge (3): Your Undead\nhave +2 Attack for the\nrest of the game\n(wherever they are).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Avenge (3): Your Undead\nhave +2 Attack this game \n(wherever they are).
Sturdy ShardBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive your minions without\nTaunt +1/+2 for each\nTaunt_minion you control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive your minions without\nTaunt +1/+2 for each\nfriendly Taunt minion.
United StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives stats to an additional friendly minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction'gives stats\nto an extra friendly\nminion this game.
Offensive StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives an additional +2 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction' gives an\nextra +2 Attack\nthis game.
Defensive StanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: For the rest of the game, 'Conviction' gives an additional +2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]'Conviction' gives an\nextra +2 Health\nthis game.
Slitherspear, Lord of GainsBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, give\n your other Naga +1/+1\nfor each different spell\nyou've cast this turn.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive your other Naga +1/+1\nfor each different spell\nyou've cast this turn.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 5
(NEW) [Health]: 6
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 6
Slitherspear, Lord of GainsBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn, give\n your other Naga +2/+2\nfor each different spell\nyou've cast this turn.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive your other Naga +2/+2\nfor each different spell\nyou've cast this turn.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Health]: 10
(NEW) [Health]: 12
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 6
New RecruitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Add a minion to the Tavern for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]The Tavern offers an\nextra minion this game.
Big Brann PlayBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Brann's Blessing
(NEW) [Name]: Big Brann Play
New Recruit Player Enchant (DNT)Battlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: New Recruit
(NEW) [Name]: New Recruit Player Enchant (DNT)
(OLD) [Text]: Add a minion to the Tavern for the rest of the game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]The Tavern offers an\nextra minion this game.
Bristlemane ScrapsmithBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
Bristlemane ScrapsmithBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_Pyroblast_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_Pyroblast_01.wav
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_Blizzard_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_Blizzard_01.wav
Arcane IntellectClassic
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01.wav
Mortal CoilClassic
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_MortalCoil_01]: VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_MortalCoil_01.wav
Mortal CoilLegacy
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_MortalCoil_01]: VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_MortalCoil_01.wav
Madam GoyaMean Streets of Gadgetzan
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Swap it with a minion in your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Choose a friendly\nminion. Summon any copies\nof it in your deck.
(OLD) [Target Arrow]: Swap with a minion in your deck.
(NEW) [Target Arrow]: Summon any copies from your deck.
Dwarven ArchaeologistSaviors of Uldum
(OLD) [Text]: After you Discover a card, reduce its Cost by (1).
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Discover a card. Reduce its Cost by (1).
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Keywords]: Discover
(NEW) [Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
(REMOVED) [System]: Trigger Visual
Sunset VolleyShowdown in the Badlands
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_SunsetVolley_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_SunsetVolley_01.wav
The Azerite ScorpionShowdown in the Badlands
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Sneaky_SpawnToHand_Super
Furnace FuelShowdown in the Badlands
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_FurnaceFuel_01]: VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_FurnaceFuel_01.wav
Blast ChargeShowdown in the Badlands
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Generic_Missile_Throw_Bomb_Dynamite_Super
ThunderbringerShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing the starter quests.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
Jotun's SwiftnessTITANS
(REMOVED) [System]: Trigger Visual
Mortal EradicationTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_MortalEradication_01]: VO_HERO_07am_Godfrey_Undead_Emote_Trigger_MortalEradication_01.wav
Cho'gall, Twilight ChieftainTITANS
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Taunt, Lifesteal\nStart of Game: 25% chance\nto corrupt the game with a\nrandom anomaly.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Taunt, Lifesteal\nStart of Game: 50% chance\nto corrupt the game with a\nrandom anomaly.
(OLD) [Placeholder Data 1]: 25
(NEW) [Placeholder Data 1]: 50
Fate SplitterTITANS
(OLD) [Text]: Deathrattle: Get a copy of the card that killed this.
(NEW) [Text]: Deathrattle: Get a copy\nof the last card your opponent played.
Twist RealityTITANS
(OLD) [Text]: After a player plays a card this game, shuffle a copy into their deck.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]The first time a player\nplays a card on their\nturn, shuffle a copy of\nit into their deck.
Chaotic Shuffle CopyTITANS
(OLD) [Text]: After you play a card, shuffle a copy of it into your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]The first time a player\nplays a card on their\nturn, shuffle a copy of\nit into their deck.
Illidan StormrageTavern Brawl
(ADDED) [Hero Power]: Fireblast (HERO_08bp)
So Many...Tavern Brawl
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 0
Shooting StarThe Boomsday Project
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_ShootingStar_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_ShootingStar_01.wav
Arcane IntellectTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01.wav
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_Pyroblast_01]: VO_HERO_08as_Jaina_Human_Emote_Trigger_Pyroblast_01.wav
Stonetusk BoarTutorial
(REMOVED) [Races]: Beast
Monstrous ParrotUnited in Stormwind
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Repeat the last\nfriendly Deathrattle\nthat triggered.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Get a copy of the last friendly Deathrattle minion that died.
Counterfeit BladeUnited in Stormwind
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Gain a random\nfriendly Deathrattle that\n_triggered this game.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Get a copy\nof a random friendly\nDeathrattle minion\nthat died this game.


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