After several teases we now know the next big thing in Battlegrounds: Spells! Read all about it!
Bonus: 3 New Heroes Announced!
Quote from BlizzardBattlegrounds Season 6, Spellslinger’s Saloon, is almost here. The Spellslinger’s Saloon is brimming with magic and new Battlegrounds Spells! Belly up to the saloon for your first look at what’s on tap in Patch 28.2.
New Mechanic: Spells in the Tavern
Magic flows like water in the Spellslinger’s Saloon, where Spells can now be purchased directly from the Tavern! Spells have Tavern Tiers just like minions do, but, unlike minions, they also have variable costs! Spells have their own card frame while in the Tavern, displaying both the Cost and Tavern Tier.
42 new spells will be added in Patch 28.2, across all six Tavern Tiers! Each time you Refresh the Tavern, it will include a spell of your Tier or lower on top of your normal number of minion offerings for your Tier. Just like existing spells in Battlegrounds (like Blood Gems and Triple Rewards), spells can’t be tripled and are spent once you play them. Sling your spells wisely!
New Minions with New Synergies
The Spellslingers Saloon is bustling with 32 all new minions! Some of these thirsty patrons have special synergies with spells.
The Undead minion type also continues to explore the power of death—including destroying minions during the Recruit phase! Use these effects for immediate bursts of power and warband updates that last from turn to turn.
Days of Exciting Reveals
In addition to the 32 new minions, and 42 new spells, 3 new heroes will be entering the fray! We’re also bringing back 5 returning minions and removing 33 existing minions to make room for all these new recruits. Reveals start RIGHT NOW, culminating in a special preview event the day before the patch goes live!
- LIVE NOW—PlayHearthstone reveals the 3 new heroes
- November 30, 7:00 a.m. (PT)—Shady Bunny reveals Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells
- November 30, 12:00 p.m. (PT)—Swaybae reveals Neutral minions
- December 1, 1:00 a.m. (PT)—Portia reveals Undead minions
- December 1, 12:00 p.m. (PT)—TcK_Battlegrounds reveals Dragon minions
- December 2, 10:00 a.m. (PT)—Slysssa reveals a medley of minions
- December 2, 12:00 p.m. (PT)—Jeef reveals Tier 3 and Tier 4 spells
- December 3, 7:00 a.m. (PT)—CarryPotter reveals Naga and Quilboar minions
- December 3, 12:00 p.m. (PT)—Kripp reveals Tier 5 and Tier 6 spells
- December 4—Invitational Preview Event
- December 4—28.2 Patch Notes
- December 5—Patch 28.2 Goes Live
You can also follow PlayHearthstone for daily reveal recaps during the reveal period.
Battlegrounds Preview Event
On December 4, the day before the patch goes live, players from around the world will be participating in a special preview stream event, playing the new Battlegrounds Season 6 content. Participating players will be streaming to their own channels and will have Season Pass giveaways for their viewers, so make sure you check them out! The participating players will be:
NA (9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (PT))
EMEA (9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (PT))
LATAM (9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (PT))
KR (1:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. (PT))
JP (1:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. (PT))
Battlegrounds Track Refresh
On December 5, Battlegrounds Season 5 will end and Season 6 will begin! At that point, players will switch over to begin earning awards on the new Battlegrounds Season 6 Rewards Track. Any rewards that were already earned on the Season 5 Rewards Track, but not yet claimed, will be automatically claimed for you.
The Season 6 Battlegrounds Track includes a motherlode of western-themed cosmetics. Pick up the Season Pass to instantly dig up +2 Hero options at the start of each game. Then progress through the track to earn the Western Legendary Strike, 19 additional Hero Skins, a new Bartender, and more!
Level XP To Level Cumulative XP Free Reward With Season Pass 1 0 0 2 Hero Slots 2 20 20 Oil Baron Putricide (Epic Hero Skin) 3 20 40 Noble Faelin (Rare Emote) 4 20 60 Cowboy Teron (Rare Hero Skin)) 5 30 90 Azerite Varden (Rare Hero Skin) 6 30 120 Oil Baron Putricide (Epic Emote) 7 30 150 Long-shot Tavish (Rare Hero Skin) 8 30 180 Festive Frontier (Rare Strike) 9 40 220 Gunglaive Kurtrus (Rare Hero Skin) 10 40 260 Kingpin Denathrius (Rare Emote) 11 40 300 Deputy Vanndar (Rare Hero Skin) 12 50 350 Dead Hand Patches (Legendary Hero Skin) 13 50 400 Brigand Drek'Thar (Rare Hero Skin) 14 50 450 Dead Hand Patches (Rare Emote) 15 50 500 Sheriff Holmes (Rare Emote) 16 60 560 Dune Dweller Zephrys (Epic Hero Skin) 17 60 620 Justice Jaina (Rare Emote) 18 60 680 Sheriff Holmes (Epic Hero Skin) 19 60 740 Gunglaive Kurtrus (Rare Emote) 20 60 800 Lone Ranger Reno (Epic Bartender) 21 60 860 Bulletstorm Al'Akir (Epic Hero Skin) 22 60 920 Cat Burglar Bigglesworth (Rare Emote) 23 60 980 Bloodrock Burn (Epic Hero Skin) 24 60 1040 Festive Frontier (Epic Strike) 25 60 1100 Bulletstorm Al'Akir (Epic Emote) 26 60 1160 Quicksand Nozdormu (Epic Hero Skin) 27 60 1220 Lone Ranger Reno (Epic Emote) 28 60 1280 Stand-off Jandice (Legendary Hero Skin) 29 60 1340 Oil Guzzler N'Zoth (Epic Hero Skin) 30 60 1400 Stand-off Jandice (Epic Emote) 31 60 1460 Oil Guzzler N'Zoth (Rare Emote) 32 60 1520 Safecracker Togwaggle (Epic Hero Skin) 33 60 1580 Jailbreak Rafaam (Epic Hero Skin) 34 60 1640 Jailbreak Rafaam (Epic Emote) 35 60 1700 Bloodrock Burn (Epic Strike) 36 60 1760 Dart Huntress Sylvanas (Legendary Hero Skin) 37 60 1820 Dart Huntress Sylvanas (Epic Emote) 38 60 1880 Treason Tamsin (Epic Hero Skin) 39 60 1940 Cat Burglar Bigglesworth (Legendary Hero Skin) 40 60 2000 Festive Frontier (Legendary Strike)
But does people still play other modes than Duels? Most fun there for sure.
they really add pirate hat and eyepatch to that stone elemental
wait.... Would Disguised Graberobber trigger deathrattles and reborn during recruiting?
"In case anyone is uncertain, if you destroy a minion during the recruit phase it will trigger Reborn and Deathrattles."
so after being reborn in tavern, that minion doesnt have reborn when it enter combat?
This seems like a way to make your endgame capped boards more nuts. when you boardlock yourself and can't buy more minions. I'm scared if there's a tier 6 divine shield or reborn giving spell.
That's not what the spells they showed so far look like. This seems like something you'll interact with all game, not just at the very end.
i guess such powerful spells will have spellcraft