Welcome back to another Double Decker article. All our new miners and highlanders are finding their place in competitive games, but they’re all worth giving a try. As with every new expansion, we dove into past decks and added some new cards, as well as combined archetypes to try making interesting new deck ideas.
These decks are mostly for fun, but they can work well if you’re dedicated to it. If you’re looking for a fun challenge for yourself, try out one of these decks!
For the past few Double Decker articles, there’s always 1 deck out of them all that stands out far stronger than the rest. One of them has even made it to legend several times over the last year (with the occasional small update). So for those of you that want to try something new, but still want to play competitively, there’s always a deck for you!
This Winner of the Badlands Double Decker list is Demon Hunter!
Big Demon Highlander Demon Hunter
While other classes are finding success with their highlander cards, Demon Hunter hasn’t landed very high compared to the others. This is likely a result of Demon Hunters not having a huge number of good one-off cards. Most of the class’s best strategies are extremely synergistic and are only at their best when you run doubles of their best cards like Relics and Outcast. In wild, there’s a lot more to choose from. Not only do you have access to more staples, you can also run the big highlander pay off minions from the past two, those being Reno Jackson and Zephrys the Great. There’s also enough room for a mini-theme of Big Demons to curve out the late game and give you a few possibilities for cheat turns. And while Gunslinger Kurtrus is only a really good disruption tool and doesn’t have innate synergy with the deck itself, there’s a lot more combo pieces to hit in wild than in standard.
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It''s not about making your opponent lose; It's making sure your opponent doesn't win.
Deck Buff Dragon Druid
Dragon Druids are already using Snapdragon to buff their dragons in standard, but why not go even further? Embiggen is a huge stat increase to all minions in your deck for no cost! It was good while in standard, but in wild people hesitate since it makes minions cost more mana. The solution is simply to have more mana! Ramp like crazy with nature spells and buff up your dragons to unfair amounts. If your opponent survives your deck of draconic beatsticks, Kazakusan can reload your deck with overpowered cards to close the game.
Minion (19)
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Remember Clown Druid?
Handbuff Deathrattle Hunter
Deathrattles and handbuffs have never been directly associated with each other, but that doesn’t mean they can’t. Messenger Buzzard has the perfect Deathrattle for this type of deck. Bovine Skeleton is a good beast to play earlier since you only need to buff it once to get its effect off while your other beasts can pile up on stats for maximum potential. Monstrous Parrot, Yelling Yodeler and Defense Attorney Nathanos enable excessive spamming of your Deathrattle triggers as well.
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8/8s with Charge are a thing of the past
Wishing Well Thief Rogue
Typically you want to be mindful of what you play when running Contraband Stash. If you only play good class cards, each one will generate potentially game-winning value. Wishing Well as well as Dragon's Hoard and the Horn of Ancients from Queen Azshara make everything you steal random legendaries!
Minion (11)
Ability (18)
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No more suffering, no more sighing, No more pain and no more crying, When you throw all your dreams down the well!
Battlecry Quest Elemental Shaman
Skarr, the Catastrophe relies on you chaining together turns you play Elementals. When 28 out of 30 cards in your deck are Elementals, this becomes a non-issue. Plenty of useful Elementals have good Battlecries, especially after Un’goro cards got recent buffs. Corrupt the Waters lets you double up on all the Elemental-based Battlecries and burn down the opponent after completing the quest.
Minion (29)
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Yes, Skarr is indeed a Catastrophe.
Handbuff Taunt Warrior
Plenty of Handbuff Warrior decks have made it onto Double Decker lists. Now we visit a Taunt-based version of one. Using the handbuff cards in standard plus some upgraded cards from Mean Street of Gadgetzan, your defenders can get really big really fast. Brass Knuckles is actually a nice weapon and lets you meet the conditions for Mor'shan Elite and Hobart Grapplehammer’s Battlecries on curve!
Minion (18) |
Ability (10)
Weapon (2) |
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"Battlecry: Summon a copy of this" Sure is annoying isn't it?
We hope you like these ideas for updated decks and combination archetypes to try out in Wild. We plan to continue presenting ideas for these kinds of decks whenever new cards are released. If you ever want a break from using the same decks everyone else built, try to challenge yourself by merging archetypes and making a successful combination of cards that can rival the power of decks in the meta!
is McCassidy deck name combination of McCree and Cassidy?
Yup. Demon Hunter was the class that got the overwatch reference, that being Bartend-O-Bot. If he made the cut, I might’ve named the deck after Ashe’s gun. Sadly, there wasn’t something for BOB to do.
Editing these videos is fun. If you all like these compilations of clips from testing decks like this, I'll keep making them!
Please do, that was fun to watch!