After the announcement of the Twist hiatus in the last big patch and the community outrage, Blizzard has decided to change their plans. Learn more about it below.
Quote from BlizzardIn the 28.0 Patch Notes, we announced that Twist would be going on hiatus for the December and January seasons, to return for the February season. We’ve seen your disappointment with that announcement, so we’ve decided to update our plans.
We’re pleased to see that Twist has some very passionate fans, and that players are enjoying the current November season (Wonders + Un’Goro). Instead of disabling Twist for December, we’re going to keep the current format going for one more season. Twist will still be taking a break for the January season and returning with a different format in February.
Why have a break at all? We want Twist to be a sandbox-like mode that lets us experiment with new ideas and makes you think about your collection in new ways. It was always intended to be a seasonal mode that would deactivate from time to time, kind of like a giant Tavern Brawl. That break gives us time to learn from prior Twist seasons and prepare for upcoming ones—and we hope it will make Twist more exciting when it returns. We understand now that the announce language was not clear enough in conveying how long those breaks could be. Going forward, we’ll do a better job of sharing our plans for upcoming breaks. For now, we hope that you continue to enjoy the Return to Un’Goro format, and we look forward to sharing the February season with you.
who cares, who play that garbage
Tbh wish they would keep going in chronological order with Knights of the Frozen Throne being next up, until maybe stop at rise of shadows or uldum or something like that. Better than disabling it entirely
If you go to the announcement post they made in June, (see here) it actually says in the third paragraph that Twist will update regularly "but not necessarily with every season." I have been amazed at how few people seem to have read what the mode is, especially with how many people have been surprised by the occasional down time despite it being mentioned in that same launch announcement from June.
Drop support?! They said from the original launch announcement that they would have periods of down time. So following an expected, and laid out schedule of down time for the mode is dropping support?!?
Hit 'reply' next time if you want to more easily gain someone's attention instead of quote.
Past that, you're being incredibly myopic if you think that I was referring solely to one format. Twist? Most they can be bothered to do is add one expansion unique to it under the guise of a 'Wild-Only' expansion. How much care have they given Mercenaries? Oh, right, it's in Maintenance Mode. How about Duels? Gets sporadic at best updates. Classic? Oh, right. It became infested with bots that just infest Wild now that it's gone. Starting to notice a pattern?
If Twist is going to be the dumping grounds for weird ideas I am fine with that, but at the very least don't just abandon it once people crack it's formula cause you're afraid of enabling more broken synergies in Wild.
Don’t really care about getting your attention I guess. But this is an article about Twist so… yeah, I figured we were discussing Twist in general. Mercs was a failure, Classic had little to no player base after initial hype, and I’m guessing Duels is the same. So yes, when barely no one plays the mode I would expect it either get dropped or put into maintenance mode.
And if down the road Twist also loses a lot of it’s player base I wouldn’t doubt it also gets replaced. But my response to you and others, here and on other forums, have generally been due to the lack of knowledge people have had about how Twist always had planned breaks. So when you included Twist in the pattern you described, that’s a dramatic overreaction. As of yet, everything we’ve seen has been laid out by what they said in the initial announcement. So there has been no sign of a drop in support for Twist (yet).
But what could help kill the mode is people crying out that the sky is falling, resulting in other players moving away from the mode, reducing the player base, and Blizzard moving on due to lack of interests. So yeah, my post wasn’t about getting your attention. More so about making sure people understood the reality of what is going on.
So basically what they always say about needing maintenance time is basically malarkey.
It's incredible how they manage the other modes.
The adventures practically do not exist, Duels has been in beta for 3 years, Mercenaries was closed just a year after being released, Arena just received a change after being stagnant for years.
And with Twist they still didn't deliver on what they said. The idea was a rotation every month and a new rule every month. So far:
This is another unfortunate pattern Team 5 keeps repeating. They announce and release a new format then just abruptly drop support for it. While I do admire the ambition & going for the gusto, I would really like it if they would reign it in with the overall scope of the game and give more support to the formats that have not died off from lack of player interest.
Not that the opinion of some bitter jackass on the internet counts for much, but there it is.
We need Twist. Without Twist, we're not getting buffs on old cards. D:
If you go and re-read the initial Twist announcements, they actually did say this. I personally thought it was pretty clear, but I guess not everyone read through the entire announcement. Or because they didn't specify exactly what they meant not everyone was able to understand it. But if you read the first couple paragraphs of the original launch announcement, it states that it may be "deactivated from time to time".
Wasn't the whole advantage with this mode, that no matter how shitty one season is, it's only one month? Just pull some random cards out of a hat while you do your real "testing". What do they need to disable the mode for anyway? Is the miniscule twist player base eating the server? :p
idk how much dev time this would have to actually be. It doesn't need to be very mixed up in terms of rules, just a mix of different sets that never interacted exclusively together.
Like just do the first set of each year or the last, or all the ones set in Northrend, etc etc etc.
Exactly! Seems like they are so scared of making a bad format, that they're trashing a decent one.
Yeah, it really doesn't make sense why they would want to disable the mode at all.
They have so many options, and they choose to disable it!?
Even if they can't come up and add in new rules each month, they can still choose to: revert it back to classic for a month, keep it as is, recycle previous formats, etc.
This is such a bullshit. They said nothing about this when Twist or Caverns of Time was released (only said that CoT set would be usable in at least 3 months for Twist). This is yet another Activision-Blizzard rug pull like Overwatch 2 PvE mode.
Just bring back classic please.
Yeah, I don't remember many complaints besides those who hate zoolock
That mode was nothing but bots, which I admittedly farmed for the Warrior win portrait (back in that drought where Warrior was dumpster tier for 2 years). I'm glad it's gone.
May they could do both? I don‘t know much about how to program such things and if it‘s possible, but they may could bring back classic when they do the twist brake?
Why does it have to be a seasonal mode? Tavern Brawl isn't seasonal anymore for the exact same reason.