BabyBear and Jambre just revealed multiple new Showdown in the Badlands cards.
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Doesn't Heat Wave aleady exist as a 5mana deal 2 get a random spell for any killed
You're thinking of Blast Wave.
Heat wave is alright against swarmy decks, the quickdraw is largely irrelevant. Stargazing seems made for Lightshow. Sunset Volley seems made for DJ Manastorm.
Idk, heat wave seems...ehhh.
Consecration doesn't see play, and that's just a condition-less Heatwave for 1 more mana. Which 1 mana isn't nothing, but idk.
In a world where mage has a 4 mana 3/4 that deals 5+, it seems.....ehh
"+ Bran" should be used at the end of every horror story
These are all 10-cost minions that Sunset Volley can pull:
There's some real stinkers here, but then there's Thaddius, which is one hell of a highroll, and General is a fast, sticky 8/8.
Imagine dropping banjosaur💀
So here's a little funny thing about Chaotic Tendril.
The 10 mana spells in standard are terrible to cast randomly. The Garden's Grace, Pyroblast, and From De Other Side are all super unreliable. Convoke the Spirits is the only good one. Climactic Necrotic Explosion is not in the pool I believe but it would be terrible if it was.
Sunset volley is an absolutely nutty card to cast randomly, and the only current 10 mana spell that will remain in standard next year is maybe Pyroblast. Pyro doesn't necessarily hurt you either. So if no other 10 cost spells are printed, then at a certain point in the game half of all chaotic tendrils will clear the board, push face damage, and summon a ten drop. These cost 1 mana. Good luck have fun.
Pyro always hits face, but not opponent’s face…
The 10-Mana pool is actually a little bigger that how the tokens show, you have Banjosaur, Gigantotem and Lightray but in general is a pretty solid pool.
In Wild isn't that different, There's only 41 minions in the pool, you can summon a 5/5 with no effect or a 14/14 with Taunt, but in average you should get around an 8/8, so looks pretty decent for a big spell Mage. I often find myself wanting to do a big Mage to finding that Mage has so little good spells that cost 8 or more.
The others look fine, as support card. With Stargazing you could tutor Incanter's Flow or Potion of Illusion for some sweat combos, but sadly Vexallus exist because doubling Arcane spells isn't that insane. Is still good tho.
isnt sunset volley another name for high noon duel?
i mean like... not high noon... cause it's sunset
"Hey this Astalor card is balanced by it being a one-off and the fact you have to cast 2 previous iterations of him that aren't that strong to play him"
"Cool, now print one that's roughly the same thing but it's a common spell for Mage so not only can you have two of it, discount it in 5286946 ways but you will also probably be able to duplicate, recast, discover, etc. it as many times as you want!"
Lightshow Rommath: I sleep
Sunset Volley Rommath: Fully awake
It's random body, it's class card and most importantly it is not battlecry. Your comparsion is wrong.
It's a random body that's better on average and yes it is not a battlecry but a common spell in Mage no less which makes it fifty times better. Play DJ Manastorm for Astalor's body, cast this for Astalor's effect and another Astalor body, and then you can cast your subsequent Astalors (because you will probably have like four in hand by that time with how many spells Mage can generate) for 1, 2, etc. mana.
Very cool.
Realistically it probably won't even be close to top tier with how much BS there is in Hearthstone already but it's funny how some of the #1 "put in every deck" legendaries get powercrept by common cards in a year.
“Pium pium”
It's... debatable whether the first 2 astalors are a downside. I'd say they're almost always an upside.
Sunset volley seems good I don't think it seems all that broken.
Nobody would ever play Astalor if the third iteration wasn't there. First two are bad.