Duels Moments and Fun Decks - Titans

Welcome to a modified version of Top Duels Moments! In the past, we've shared a curated selection of lucky or unfortunate occurrences in Duels. Here, we'll do the same thing, while also providing fun ways decks to try out!

10: An Easy Choose One

2 Damage vs 14 Armor; With Groovy Cat banned and Free Spirit not, the decision on which side of the Hero Power to buff is kinda made for you. But seeing how easy it is to spam those little guys with things like Mummy Magic, it’s easy to understand why that’s the case.

9: If You Fall To Trees In The Forest


Nature spells have become such a good package in duels that their signature Treasures had to be dialed down a bit. If you disagree, here is some evidence of how blatantly powerful spamming stats or Treants can be in a deck that already wants to do that.

8: Be The Bomb


You know how strong Odyn, Prime Designate is right? How about two? They do stack after all. Why wait for bombs to win you the game when your face makes a bigger explosion?

7: Thank You For Your Patronage


Having the coin and an extra mana crystal from Crystal Gem make turn 1 way more fun. Who doesn’t love getting their Grimmer Patron out way too early?

 6: Acquire The Sire (7 Turns Earlier)


Spamming Invigorating Bloom in the first few turns has always been proven useful in Druid decks built around profiting off it. Here we have a Death Blossom Whomper draw Sesselie of the Fae Court. It needed to be removed in case of very likely Hedge Maze follow up play. However, this decision was met with a turn 3 Sire Denathrius. This is one of those rare cases where the Uninfused version of him was the threat.

5: I Spy


After working so hard for Quel'Delar, why should the opponent get a better one? Thankfully (but sadly missed the screenshot), a Plague of Madness generated by their Book of Wonders destroyed this overpowered weapon on both sides. It became an actual game from there, but what a moment!

4: Why Do We Even Have That Portal?


After two Flash of Lightnings, an unfortunate Serpentshrine Portal summoned a Razorscale, ruining the likely lethal damage they had and forcing them to Lava Burst it to at least get some value from the turn of discounted Nature spells.

3: A Very Bold Move


Coining out Dirty Rat on turn 1 is always a very risky play. This Drek’thar felt like taking the risk, and got absolutely punished by pulling Eonar, the Life-Binder. Despite it being one of the less competitively successful Titan, it’s undeniably scary when it’s out 9 turns too soon!

2: Cage Head Gets Bodied


Getting a Cage Head from The Scourge is pretty lucky. Too bad it also summoned the neglected Deathrattle tech minion Deathwarden, and effectively turned him into a fancy Magma Rager.

1: System Down

Duels Balance changes banned both Mechwarper and Seafloor Gateway from decks. Seeing how easy and abusable it is to discount the Microbots and Lab Constructor, that was probably the right move. This especially holds true when the Reno deck was the only tested deck list of these that made it to 12 wins even after those bans. 

Here are the decks that were tested, proved successful, and featured in the Top Moments!

Scarlet Leafdancer - Death Knight

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Rainbow Death Knight - Hero Power: Hematology - Starting Treasure: Ironweave Bloodletter


Druid Duels Deck Example - Titans
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Nature Druid - Hero Power: Invigorating Bloom - Starting Treasure: Warden's Insight

Vanndar Stormpike - Hunter

Hunter (Vanndar) Duels Deck Example - Titans
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Secret Hunter (Vanndar) - Hero Power: Send in the Scout - Starting Treasure: Stalker's Supplies


Shaman Duels Deck Example - Titans
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Lightning Shaman - Hero Power: Ferocious Flurry - Starting Treasure: Chaos Storm


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Bomb Warrior - Hero Power: Magnetic Mines - Starting Treasure: Scrapmetal Demolitionist

Reno Jackson - Mage/Rogue

Click-ClockerDrone DeconstructorFrom the ScrapheapPit StopSecurity AutomatonTrench SurveyorCoppertail SnoopMecha-SharkMimiron, the MastermindSP-3Y3-D3RLab Constructor, Ini Stormcoil, ZilliaxV-07-TR-0N PrimeGaia, the Techtonic

Mech Reno - Hero Power: Amateur Mage - Starting Treasure: The Gatling Wand 

We hope you've enjoyed this display of degeneracy and have a great day!

If you are in the mood for some Duels, or want to know more, check out our dedicated Duels Guide, with other Example Decks and Treasure Tier List!


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