Patch Notes for Patch 27.4.2 with many Balance changes. Check it out!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 27.4.2 is a data-only balance patch, launching today, with the updates across modes.
Hearthstone Updates
Dev Comment: We have a lot of card changes in this patch, and a lot to share about why these changes are being made.
For the Standard-focused changes, we’re addressing both power outliers and play experience outliers in this patch. When we buffed Warrior in our last balance patch, we did so knowing that they’d get more powerful tools in the Mini-Set, but we wanted to make sure that the deck hit, so we erred on the side of over-buffing it, knowing that we’d have the option to make a small correction back down if we needed. Now that the Mini-Set has landed, Warrior is looking like one of the most standout classes, so we’re making those adjustments. Hunter also has one of the strongest decks in the format, and we’d expect it to get even stronger after the other changes we’re making in this patch, so we’re making a small adjustment to bring its power down a little as well.
Movement of Pride is an adjustment to take away the negative play experience of cheating out a super-early Sargeras. Coppertail Snoop is an adjustment to a powerful deck and a negative play experience, by taking away some of Mech Rogue’s burst and snowball potential.
Spitelash Siren and Gadgetzan Auctioneer are also combined power and sentiment issues, but mostly focused on the higher end of the ladder. For a long time, Auctioneer has been a card that only popped up in Standard when it was up to no good. In this case, the Mini-Set provided a critical mass of effects that allowed for a deck that used Auctioneer to consistently draw through its entire deck and OTK as early as turn 5. That’s not the bar we want for Standard, regardless of the deck’s overall winrate. In this case, it did look like the deck was trending towards being very powerful as it was getting refined, but we needed to make an adjustment no matter what. With this patch, we’ve both removed Auctioneer from Standard and increased its cost by 1, since it was a problem card in Wild as well.
For the Wild-focused changes, Caverns of Time is our first ever direct-to-Wild expansion. We don’t plan to make regular Wild updates of this scale, but some cards from Caverns ended up needing some adjustments, and that presented us with a special opportunity to make adjustments more generally.
Wild is a mode that’s inherently full of powerful interactions, but we still want the mode to feel like you’re playing Hearthstone. That’s why these adjustments focus on the biggest play experience outliers in the mode—decks that are frustrating now and that, if we didn’t step in, would likely remain frustrating for a long time. There are some strong Wild decks that we didn’t touch in these changes because, though they’re powerful, they still generally fit in the Hearthstone mold. We’ve found that Wild players often have different goals for the mode so we expect that some players will wish we hit more or different things, but we hope that these adjustments will make the mode more fun for more players overall.
Finally, for the Twist-focused changes, we’ve seen that the Wonders format was faster than we wanted, not leaving much room for some of the cards that are evocative of this Wonders era. The adjustments in this patch are targeted at weakening the format’s clearest power outliers, and, at the same time, buffing some late-game payoffs and control tools. We hope that these changes, plus next month’s Twist modifier, will allow some room for slower strategies to exist in the format.
The following cards have been adjusted to be less powerful:
Movement of Pride (generated by Symphony of Sins)
- Old: Draw your highest Cost minion. Reduce its Cost by (6).
- New: Draw a minion. Reduce its Cost by (6).
Coppertail Snoop
- Old: 4 Attack, 3 Health
- New: 3 Attack, 2 Health
Spitelash Siren
- Old: [4 Mana] 2 Attack, 5 Health
- New: [5 Mana] 2 Attack, 6 Health
Starstrung Bow
- Old: 6 Attack, 2 Durability
- New: 5 Attack, 2 Durability
Craftsman’s Hammer
- Old: Whenever your hero attacks, gain 4 Armor.
- New: Whenever your hero attacks, gain 3 Armor.
- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [5 Mana]
Contaminated Lasher
- Old: [2 Mana] 3 Attack, 2 Health
- New: [3 Mana] 3 Attack, 3 Health
Gadgetzan Auctioneer
- Old: [6 Mana]
- New: [7 Mana]
- Gadgetzan Auctioneer also has been removed from the Core Set, so it is no longer Standard legal.
Chamber of Viscidus
- Old: [2 Mana] 3 Durability
- New: [3 Mana] 2 Durability
Dark Bargain
- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [4 Mana]
Tiny Knight of Evil
- Old: Whenever you discard a card, gain +2/+2.
- New: Whenever you discard a card, gain +2/+1.
Blast from the Past
- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [4 Mana]
Ivory Rook
- Old: 4 Attack, 4 Health
- New: 4 Attack, 3 Health
Jade Telegram
- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [4 Mana]
Scarab Gong (generated by The Scarab Lord)
- Old: 0 Attack, 2 Health
- New: 0 Attack, 1 Health
Blade of C’Thun
- Old: [6 Mana]
- New: [7 Mana]
Trial of the Jormungars
- Old: [5 Mana]
- New: [6 Mana]
Spirit of the Frog
- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [5 Mana]
Firemancer Flurgl
- Old: [2 Mana]
- New: 4 Mana]
- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [5 Mana]
Shadow Essence
- Old: [6 Mana]
- New: [7 Mana]
Kabal Lackey
- Old: The next Secret you play this turn costs (0).
- New: The next Secret you play this turn costs (1).
- Now banned in Wild.
Tony, King of Piracy
- Now banned in Wild.
All versions of the above cards that can be disenchanted, will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 27.4.2.
The following cards have been adjusted to be more powerful:
Down with the Ship
- Old: [Frost, Unholy]
- New: [Unholy]
Tomb Traitor
- Old: [Frost, Unholy]
- New: [Unholy]
Frost Queen Sindragosa
- Old: [Blood, Frost]
- New: [Frost]
Tyr’s Tears
- Old: Resurrect 3 different Paladin minions. Set their stats to 2/2. Forge: Resurrect another.
- New: Resurrect 3 different minions from your class. Set their stats to 2/2. Forge: Resurrect another.
- Dev Comment: This will make the card better when generated by other classes.
Tirion Fordring
- Old: 6 Attack, 6 Health
- New: 8 Attack, 8 Health
Lord Jaraxxus
- Old: [9 Mana]
- New: [8 Mana]
Cenarion Hold
- Old: [2 Mana]
- New: [1 Mana]
Dragonfire Potion
- Old: [6 Mana]
- New: [5 Mana]
Bronze Dragonknight
- Old: Battlecry: If this has 5 or more Attack, summon a copy of this.
- New: Taunt. Battlecry: If this has 5 or more Attack, summon a copy of this.
Elemental Destruction
- Old: Deal 4-5 damage to all minions. Overload: (5)
- New: Deal 4-5 damage to all minions. Overload: (2)
Al’Akir, the Winds of Time
- Old: 5 Armor
- New: 8 Armor
Battlegrounds Updates
Anomaly System Update
Each week’s new Anomalies will now have a slightly smaller appearance bonus in higher-rated lobbies (they will still have an appearance bonus for the first week they are added compared to all the other Anomalies, but not as large of one). Lower-rated lobbies will still have the same offering bonus as before.
Anomalies Updates
Big League
- Old: Only Tavern Tiers 3, 4, 5, and 6 exist.
- New: Only Tavern Tiers 3, 4, 5, and 6 exist. Start with 10 extra Armor.
- Dev Comment: Also, Demons are now banned from this Anomaly.
Everything’s On Fire
- Old: At the start of the game, take 30 damage. After another hero dies, regain 5 Health.
- New: At the start of the game, take 25 damage. After another hero dies, regain 5 Health.
A Faire Reward (the Triple Reward)
- Old: Discover a Darkmoon Prize.
- New: Discover a Tier __ Darkmoon Prize.
- Dev Comment: Darkmoon Prizes are now locked based on the Tier you were at when you tripled, instead of giving a Prize based on the Tier you’re at when you play them.
- Old: At the start of each turn, all heroes spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron.
- New: At the start of each turn, all heroes spin the SAME Wheel of Yogg-Saron.
- Dev Comment: This is a text-only wording update for clarity.
Golganneth’s Tempest
- The following heroes are now banned from games with this Anomaly: A.F.Kay, Captain Eudora, Dinotamer Brann, Elise Starseeker, Forest Warden Omu, Fungalmancer Flurgl, Galakrond, Kurtrus Ashfallen, Ozumat, Scabbs Cutterbutter, Silas Darkmoon, Overlord Saurfang, Professor Putricide, Xyrella, Yogg-Saron, and Y’Shaarj.
Minion Updates
Imposing Percussionist
- Old: [Tier 5] 6 Attack, 6 Health
- New: [Tier 4] 4 Attack, 4 Health
Shady Aristocrat (Sire Denathrius's Buddy)
- Old: [Tier 2] 2 Attack, 2 Health
- New: [Tier 3] 3 Attack, 3 Health
Piloted Whirl-o-Tron (Sneed’s Buddy)
- Old: [Tier 3] 4 Attack, 3 Health. Battlecry: Copy a different friendly minion’s Deathrattles.
- New: [Tier 5] 5 Attack, 4 Health. Start of Combat: Copy all other minions’ Deathrattles (except Piloted Whirl-o-Tron).
- Dev Comment: Yes, ALL. With this update, Piloted Whirl-o-Tron has been returned to the “Bring in the Buddies” Anomaly’s Buddy pool.
Street Magician (The Great Akazamzarak’s Buddy)
- Old: 5 Attack, 3 Health. Deathrattle: Put a random Secret into the Battlefield.
- New: 3 Attack, 5 Health. At the end of your turn, cast a random Secret.
Minion Pool Updates
- Keyboard Igniter and Spark-ling have been removed from the minion pool.
- Felemental has been returned to the minion pool.
Duels Updates
Hero Power Update
- Old: Discover a Beast. Give it +1 Attack.
- New: Discover a Beast. Give it +1/+1.
Passive Treasure Updates
- Old: After the first time a friendly Beast dies in your turn, draw a minion from your deck and give it +1 Attack.
- New: After the first time a friendly Beast dies in your turn, draw a card.
Corrupted Felstone
- Old: After you cast a Fel spell, give the left- and right-most minions in your hand +1/+1.
- New: After you cast a Fel spell, give the left- and right-most minions in your hand +2/+1.
Treasure Pool Updates
- Starving has been moved to Pool 1.
- Unlocked Potential has been moved to Ultra Rare.
Card Pool Update
- The Caverns Below has been banned from initial deckbuilding and all card pools.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Duels] Hunter-class heroes can now be offered Arcane Passive treasures.
- [Duels] Warrior-class heroes can now be offered Pool 2 Fire Passive treasures.
- [Events] Clarified the text on an event daily quest requiring that you “experience an Anomaly” must be completed in Traditional Hearthstone, not Battlegrounds.
- [Collection] Fixed a bug where Signature Cenarius was not showing up in collections.
Well, in theory, it allows for different deckbuilding, which in theory, may be a buff, especially as they release more cards next expansion which will probably ensure the questionable buffs become unquestionable. Remember they don't just nerf cards willy nilly they know what they are doing and they of course have plans in place like 2 expansions into the future, so.
I'm not the person you're talking to, but I might be able to explain, because I thought the same, that even though it pretty much kills the Kabal Lackey card, it's actually a good thing, because now you won't have to use Kabal Lackey (which has always been pretty lackluster mid and late game, tbh) which opens up space to add 2 other cards (or even move away from a heavy secret package), which, in all likelihood, will ultimately make Mage even better (probably to be more fully realized in the next expansion). It's like taking a step back so they can take 2 steps forward (though obviously this logic is questionable, that's sorta where we're at with Hearthstone and the dev team)
so now that tony is is banned in wild and jailer in both safe dust tony?
With plague changes was trying this in DK:
A bit different approach from what I was seeing from other people
What the f*** are you thinking banning Tony from Wild? Now my druid deck with Tony and the Jailer is useless, and it was so fun deleting enemy's decks. Low move blizzard
Looks like its dieing faster
Are you guys enjoying fun and interactive Tony Druid meta games ?
Togwaggle Chills on the corner, who cares on Tony at all?
Guff solves the problem, Azalina patches the reverse thing, there is no lose still
Are you talking about that mode Wild that is pointless and nobody plays? We are talking about how it's broken in standard just as much as it was in Wild.
I'm still finding it really hard to comprehend things like snoop and spitelash siren getting nerfed instead of odyn.
One change I found really weird was Scargil. It definitely needed looking at because the murloc package can miracle off in a turn: draw 1/3 of your deck+massive board+mutanus on as early as turn 4. And it still will happen this early in the game with clownfish. A 1 mana nerf is not going to stop the package being oppressive because it's just too good. I really would have preferred a 4 mana scargil that reads "Your Murlocs cost (2) less" or something, so that you can still use it for huge boards, just not the part where you enable gorloc and mutanus.
Blizzard never likes to nerf legendaries if they can help it. I'm sure they hope that the nerf to the hammer and sanitize will make Odyn decks just enough slower to feel more fair.
Reinstalling doesn't solve the problem
Mobile update doesn’t exist?
No update on mobile yet? The game is inaccessible
Same here.
Every time i fear that this damn app buged, and i will need to reinstall, it does happened few times before.
Spirit of the Frog was not nerfed! it was brutally killed! that poor little frog will be missed by the true shamans
I hate "banned" solution, both of the player and the dev. Because the card its not supposed to be played that way, and them some retard (pro player) point out the most abusive way to utilize the card, and people on the net just mindlessly follow it just for some W in a children card game
also "banned" mean the creator didn't know what to do, and just simply banned it
Imagine Yu-Gui-Oh philosophy for those Old broken cards which makes the unexpected as planned.
And yes, I also hate horribly the ban solution, it literally pospones the problem for next 1-2 years, and the cringe about Twist is not such an elegance solution, I believe Twist came to replace forgotten Classic, most probably it would follow the next semantic below:
And or course, like the suposed Wild Miniset Caverns of time, Banning system came to stay forever unfortunately
Haha, yes.
I waited what? 18 months??? for my favorite Demon Seed Deck to get unbanned in Wild -.-
Banning Cards is so stupid! Banning it only postpones the problem, it doesn't solve anything.
How else are you planning to stop people abusing a broken interaction? Shaming them on the internet doesn't work, you know...