Blizzard just published patch notes 27.2.2, featuring Constructed, Battlegrounds, and Duels updates as well as a few bug fixes. This is a data-only patch launching later today.
Quote from BlizzardPatch 27.2.2 is a data-only patch, launching today, with bug fixes and updates to Hearthstone, Battlegrounds, and Duels.
Hearthstone Updates
Standard Card Updates
Dev Comment: When we made our last round of changes, we knew this balance window was coming soon, so we took a lighter touch on Hunter. Now that we’ve seen the results of our last changes, we’re happy with how the meta is shaping up, but it’s clear that we need to give Hunter a bit more of an adjustment to give other classes some room to breathe.
Hunter has two decks we’re targeting with these changes: Arcane Hunter and Hound Hunter. Halduron is a card we previously buffed to give the Arcane package a chance to shine. We’re happy with our prior change to the effect, but just need to adjust the numbers slightly to keep the power in line. For Hound Hunter, we wanted to hit the deck’s early game and its explosive endgame. The adjustment to Faithful Companions should cut down on that finishing potential while also letting the deck operate on another axis with more interesting late-game decisions.
Fox Spirit Wildseed (summoned by “Wildseed” cards)
- Old: 3 Attack, 1 Health
- New: 2 Attack, 1 Health
Halduron Brightwing
- Old: [3 Mana] 3 Attack, 4 Health
- New: [4 Mana] 4 Attack, 4 Health
Faithful Companions
- Old: Discover a Beast from your deck and summon it. Manathirst (10): Also summon a copy of it.
- New: Discover a Beast from your deck and summon it. Manathirst (10): Summon a Beast from your hand.
Halduron Brightwing, Faithful Companions, Ara’lon, Wild Spirits, Stag Charge, and Spirit Poacher will all be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks following Patch 27.2.2.
Wild Card Updates
With the launch of 27.2, 113 Wild cards were updated for Wild and the upcoming launch of Twist! There were also six more cards that were unintentionally changed at that time. In this patch, we’re removing three of those unintended changes (noted in the Bug Fixes section below). However, the following changes are staying:
Timber Wolf
- Old: 1 Attack, 1 Health
- New: 1 Attack, 2 Health
Jinyu Waterspeaker
- Old: 3 Attack, 6 Health
- New: 4 Attack, 6 Health
Firelands Portal
- Old: Deal 5 damage. Summon a random 5-Cost minion.
- New: Deal 6 damage. Summon a random 6-Cost minion.
Battlegrounds Updates
General Updates
Denathrius’ Anima Reserves (Anomaly)
- Old: All heroes are Sire Denathrius.
- New: Quests and Rewards are in this game. All heroes are Sire Denathrius.
- Dev Comment: We heard your feedback that this Anomaly didn’t feel interesting enough, so we set out on a Quest to make this Anomaly more Rewarding—double the Quests, double the fun!
Friends and Family Discount (Darkmoon Prize)
- Old: For the rest of the game, minions in the Tavern cost (1) less.
- New: For the rest of the game, minions in the Tavern cost (2).
Anomaly Pool Updates
The following Anomalies will now appear less frequently:
- Might of Khaz’goroth
- Fortitude of Khaz’goroth
- Oops, All _____ !
- Finicky Hourglass
- Dev Comment: Anti-Gravity Stadium is also still removed from the Anomaly Pool.
The following Anomalies will now appear more frequently:
- Prudence of Amitus
- Nguyen’s Shifting Disks
- Bring in the Buddies
- A Faire Reward
Minion Updates
Surf and Surf
- Old: Spellcraft: Give a minion “Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Crab” until next turn.
- New: Spellcraft: Give a minion “Deathrattle: Summon a 3/2 Crab” until next turn.
- Old: [Tier 6] 7 Attack, 6 Health
- New: [Tier 5] 6 Attack, 5 Health
Soul Rewinder
- Old: 2 Attack, 1 Health
- New: 3 Attack, 1 Health
- Dev Comment: We rewinded the previous change to Soul Rewinder.
Keyboard Igniter
- Old: 4 Attack, 2 Health. Battlecry: If you’ve taken damage since last turn, give your other Demons +1/+2.
- New: 4 Attack, 1 Health. Battlecry: If you’ve taken damage since last turn, give your other Demons +2/+2.
Famished Felbat
- Old: 9 Attack, 5 Health. At the end of your turn, your other Demons consume a minion in Bob’s Tavern to gain its stats.
- New: 8 Attack, 5 Health. At the end of your turn, your Demons consume a minion in Bob’s Tavern to gain its stats.
Time Saver
- Old: 3 Attack, 5 Health. If you have any unspent Gold at the end of your turn, this sells for 2 more Gold.
- New: 2 Attack, 3 Health. If you have any unspent Gold at the end of your turn, this sells for 3 more Gold.
- Old: 1 Attack, 7 Health
- New: 1 Attack, 9 Health
Electric Synthesizer
- Battlecry: Give your other Dragons +3 Attack.
- Battlecry: Give your other Dragons +3/+1.
Obsidian Ravager
- Old: 4 Attack, 4 Health
- New: 7 Attack, 7 Health
Carbonic Copy
- Old: [Tier 5] 5 Attack, 6 Health
- New: [Tier 4] 3 Attack, 3 Health
Granite Guardian
- Old: 1 Attack, 17 Health
- New: 1 Attack, 28 Health
Adaptable Barricade
- Old: 12 Attack, 1 Health
- New: 18 Attack, 1 Health
Omega Buster
- Old: Deathrattle: Summon five 1/1 Microbots. For each that doesn’t fit, give your Mechs +1/+1.
- New: Deathrattle: Summon six 1/1 Microbots. For each that doesn’t fit, give your Mechs +1/+1.
Sanguine Champion
- Old: 9 Attack, 3 Health
- New: 18 Attack, 3 Health
Sore Loser
- Old: 1 Attack, 4 Health. Your Undead have extra Attack equal to your Tier.
- New: 2 Attack, 4 Health. Your other Undead have extra Attack equal to your Tier.
Relentless Sentry
- Old: 5 Attack, 1 Health
- New: 6 Attack, 1 Health
Champion of the Primus
- Old: 1 Attack, 8 Health. Avenge (2): Your Undead have +1 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are).
- New: 2 Attack, 9 Health. Avenge (3): Your Undead have +1 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are).
Recurring Nightmare
- Old: 5 Attack, 5 Health
- New: 8 Attack, 5 Health
Fairy Tale Caroler
- Old: 2 Attack, 4 Health. Battlecry: If you lost your last combat, give your other minions +2/+1.
- New: 2 Attack, 3 Health. Battlecry: If you lost your last combat, give your other minions +2/+2.
Minion Pool Updates
The following minions have been removed from the minion pool:
- Razorgore
- Baby Krush
- Dynamic Duo
- Invent-o-matic
The following minions have been returned to the minion pool:
- General Drakkisath
- Tavern Tempest
- Bonker
- Kaboom Bot
Duels Updates
Passive Treasure Updates
Kindling Flame
- Old: Fire Spell Damage +2
- New: Fire Spell Damage +1
Natural Force
- Old: Nature Spell Damage +2
- New: Nature Spell Damage +1
Mending Pools
- Old: Whenever you play a Nature spell, restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
- New: After you cast your first Nature spell in a turn, restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
Spreading Saplings
- Old: After you cast a Nature spell, summon a 2/2 Treant.
- New: After you cast a Nature spell, summon a 1/1 Sapling.
Iron Roots
- Old: After you cast a Nature spell, give a random friendly minion +2/+2 and Taunt.
- New: After you cast a Nature spell, give a random friendly minion +1/+1 and Taunt.
Endurance Training
- Old: Your Taunt minions cost (2) less, but not less than (2).
- New: Your Taunt minions cost (2) less, but not less than (1).
Freeze Solid
- Old: Whenever damage is dealt to a Frozen enemy, deal 1 more.
- New: Whenever damage is dealt to a Frozen enemy, deal 2 more.
Corrupted Felstone
- Old: After you cast a Fel spell, give the left- and right-most minions in your hand +1 Attack.
- New: After you cast a Fel spell, give the left- and right-most minions in your hand +1/+1.
Passive Treasure Pool Updates
- Starving has been moved to Pool 2.
- Special Delivery has been moved to Pool 2 Ultra Rare.
Card Pool Updates
- Helya and Odyn, Prime Designate have been banned from initial deckbuilding.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where unintended changes were made to Glaivezooka, Swipe, and Dragon's Breath.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Don Han’Cho was updated to 5/6 stats instead of the intended 5/5 stats.
- [Hearthstone] Updated Wyrm Weaver’s textbox to match updated Mana Wyrm stats.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Captain Sanders was in the Thorim, Stormlord Hero Power pool in games where the Golden Arena Anomaly was active.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Golden Leeching Felhound cost more than 3 Health.
- [Duels] Neptulon will no longer be generated by Chaos Storm.
odyn warrior needs 8 mana to become properly online
blizzard : lets nerf it, that shit is broken
spamming mech with guaranteed passive treasure, or quest 5/5 magnetic mech at turn 3
blizzard : this is perfectly balanced
Denathrius’ Anima Reserves is kinda useless if you let that random completion as idiotic as in the last meta..wonder if the would really start thinking when release something.
Is Halduron a safe dust? I have the signature one and the 3200 dust sounds particularly juicey
when caverns of time set comes out, do we get refund for both duels and arena?
Still, no nerf about Warlock huh???
Yes, it may not be the best deck. But goddamn it, it s so annoying as hell to play against.
Forge of Will is annoying as hell, and many cards are like if you can't deal with it right away you will instantly lose.
Free heal every turn that also damages enemy from Sargeras, stealing effect from Reverb, stat copy with a rush that cost 3 from Forge of Will, Extremely power full spell that deletes enemy deck, draws a lot, cheat mana, deal A LOT of damage, summon a very sticky minion with HUGH stat. All things that made the handlock of old look cute.
You guys once said that Warlock's cards are supposed to come with a cost, and that makes it powerful. But now Warlock pays jack shit as a cost and their cards are even more powerful than when they have a cost. How is this fair???
When will Blizzard ever stop licking Druid, Warlock , Shaman boots??? I feel like when it came to unfair cards, this trio ALWAYS got them. And other classes basically only get hyper-aggro cards that make them annoying. But those trio get every kind of thing that makes them, hyper aggro , control , value , otk combo, and every anti-fun mechanic possible(deck destroying, milling, gigantic minion cheat, and so on and so on).
It's funny, I think usually Hunter and Rogue get their boots licked. I guess it just depends where you sit.
Usually, when Hunter and Rogue get problematic. Because they are so hyper-aggressive that kill you very quickly. Rarely do they become obnoxious because other kind of decks. And Blizz keeps giving them aggro cards instead of something more interesting. And other archetype that they give them usually gimmicky or doesn't work. Unlike those trio who kept getting high power card in multiple archetype , Shaman get the short end of the stick, Druid kept getting broken car.......and Warlock kept getting extremely powerful / nice gimmick deck that is so consistent , can heal a whole lot , can generate endless value , can delete everything you play , and the class itself can draw non stop which push them beyond the limit.
the nerfs are huge, actually some of the biggest i've seen for a class. the change for spirits is weird because they were not the problem but weaken hunter big time. also no double summon is strong. Also Hunter wasnt that strong anyway and compared to some crazy none interactive thing that other classes pull out just felt fair. WL - Warri - treantdruid - mech rogue? All completely nuts without easy counter..even sif Mage is annoying. So I though their strategy is that all classes can have 1 busted combo. Apparently not..
How many times does the wildseed package needs to be nerfed? At this point we're just getting 3rd nerf, for the further 4th nerf needs a rework instead
I wish that they would use a lighter touch banning cards in duels. I craft cards to use there, but I don't get any refund when they ban a card.
If the card isn't batshit broken, it is probably fine. Symphony of sins, for instance, wasn't batshit broken. Strong sometimes, but lots of stuff is strong sometimes in duels. I can't understand why it needed banned.
Things that effect hero powers I understand. But things that just feel a little bad? Just leave those in please.
Couldn't agree more. They are slowly killing the mode with all these extreme and insultingly lazy simple banns and nerf. With each update I find myself caring less and less. The fact they don't offer any dust refund on any of these is just...
doh! I just diss the signature for only 1600 :(
Is it a bug that I can't disenchant the signature version of Halduron Brightwing for its full cost (3200 dust)? I thought that it is equal to a golden legendary card :/
Yes, there is an issue with the Signature Halduron not providing a full dust refund, so they probably disabled his disenchanting.
Man, i was excited to get 3200 Dusts. Made so much dust this nerf. Including dusting my golden Ara'lon and all the wild seed cards.
It should be disenchantable again now for the correct full dust value.