We've prepared for you an easy-to-understand article with all the new changes, cards, and other things coming with the new Wild-exclusive Caverns of Time set.
NEW Cards - Live NOW
Just click on the card to display a pop-up where you can hover over the related cards as well as see a bigger resolution of the cards.
We put the 2 completely reworked cards into this section because their effects are new.
Just click on the card to display a pop-up where you can hover over the related cards to better understand what changed as well as see a bigger resolution of the cards!
This makes me so happy, I was patiently waiting for them to do something about old cards, and it's finally happening! Can't wait to hear Hallazeal the Ascended again after so many years, it was my favourite card back in the day <3
Damn, I even remember Kripp revealing it
And somehow its still not enough for most of them to play competitive...
We need better buffs, more, MORE...
I think the main focus is on Twist, not Wild. Many of these cards will be insanely powerful in that format.
Shit yeah they realised that most of the cards in their next Twist format are garbage hahaha
I love it! Although I miss Justicar Trueheart on this list. Make it cheaper with less stats
So if you own all of the reprints you only need to buy packs for the 34 new cards, which shouldn't be that many, though that depends on what the rarities will be.
But will I have time to play both Standard, Twist and Wild?
I don‘t take the cards on rewardtrack atm, cause I have all cards from new set. I was pretty lucky by opening packs and have some dust from last few years. Actually I wanted to wait for miniset. If you collect the cards then, you can switch the cards you already have into cards you don‘t have. Worked totally fine the last time with miniset. I also opened a few packs from rewardstrack to get the most common and rare. So I had to spent only dust for may one legendary and 2-3 rare to get the hole miniset without spending my gold. This just works if you nearly have every card of course.
I could be wrong, but I think the random cards from the rewards track are random Standard cards. So I might still hold off on claiming them until the miniset since they would likely not give you any new Caverns of Time leggos.
Caverns really seems like something that all players should have full access to.
But nah.
Let's just repackage it as a whole new expansion and sell it at full fucking price.
If you have the old version of a card,you will get the changed version for free. So I heard at least.
Silverware Golem is +1 Attack, not +1 health.
I love the idea and the changes
Would be interesting to buff Prince Renathal back to 40 health bonus in this format.
Would be interesting to buff him back to 40 health in every format, there was no good reason for the nerf.
Would be interesting to just straight up give everyone 40 health in wild. 30 just isn't enough anymore, so many games ending on turn 3-5.
Someone on here had a line of reasoning on the "straight up health buff" bit awhile back that made sense, and it was basically that it would create a solid combo/control meta and snuff out any aggro that kept them in check. Basically, it could have further implications than it would initially appear.
It's second time they buff Worgen Greaser lmao
Maybe it will finally be playable
Only two more buffs and he will outclass the best card ever to be printed Boulderfist Ogre by two mana.
But let's be real even then it would probably not be played unless maybe we get worgen as a minion type with some support for it.
I have mixed feelings about this.
I always wanted that they update old cards to have a more modern Power Level, specially with the cards that were already Powercreeped once, or even twice (in the case of Convert) And I for sure going to try some of this new cards.
But I don't think that this is going to shift Wild in any way, at least so far. The only cards that I can see being played are the cards that are already playable right now.
But if this is not a -one time thing- kinda like Taverns of Time was to Arena, and they keep realising Wild sets like this at least once per year, I think is a really good direction for the Format, and that eventually is going to be really meaninfull for those that have a full collection of outdated cards, or cards that never where good in the first place.