A small Data Patch, previewed yesterday, mostly to address some Balance changes and bug fixes. Read about it below!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 27.0.3 is a data-only patch, rolling out today, with the following updates and bug fixes.
Hearthstone Updates
Dev Comment: This is a smaller, numbers-only adjustment intended to address negative play experience outliers from the first few days of the new expansion. There will be another patch a couple weeks after this one where we will have more data points to make larger adjustments to the meta, if needed.
Solid Alibi
- Old: [2 Mana]
- New: [3 Mana]
Lab Constructor
- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [5 Mana]
The above cards will be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks following Patch 27.0.3.
Duels Update
- Mechwarper has been banned from deckbuilding and all card pools.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Hearthstone] Updated Sparkbots to better match their colors to their effects. WARNING: Wear proper safety equipment and read card texts to mitigate the risk of misplays while handling Sparkbots.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Dormant Titans could activate their abilities (kind of), causing issues.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where the Korean language version of the Forge tooltip displayed incorrectly.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed miscellaneous localization issues across languages.
- [Duels] Fixed a bug where Open the Doorways didn't trigger off of Symphony of Sins or Snack
- [Collection] Fixed a bug where the Sargeras card back appeared as unowned and couldn’t be favorited.
TITANS Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
I don't really understand why Blizz printed Lab Constructor with the stats/cost it started with. At a base it was a 4 mana 2 x 3/2 either of which, if left alive, could win the game. Add in mech tribe, magentise (and the potential to gain magnetise) and you have a broken combination which is going to be really un-fun and difficult to play against. The fact that it can easily gain stealth makes it especially problematic for most classes to deal with and if you can give it windfury as well it's instant loss if the opponent can't deal with it (and lets not forget rogue has many ways to clear the opponents minions without losing tempo).
I think the change to 5 mana will obviously hurt it a little, but I still think this will see play due to the massively snowbally nature of "double this minion".
It might not have seen as much play (and could obviously have tweaked stats/cost to reflect this change), but I think a more healthy version of this card would be "at the start of your turn". It could still benefit from stealth but would delay the attack of the copied minion 1 turn and make it easier to deal with before it splits.
I'm a little surprised they didn't remove windfury from the sparkbots as I think that will prove to be a massive outlier compared with the other bots.
The change to Solid Alibi wont do much outside of fringe situations imo.
as of 14.08 Lab Constructor got removed from all iterations of mech rogue deck. And there are many. Card is deaad
From my experience in Diamond 5 - 2 (EU) Rogue is dead period. I've seen a couple of Theif Rogue archetypes but very little else. I think Mech Rogue is a very "one trick pony" kind of deck and once everyone started teching silence the deck fell away rapidly. I also think a lot of players were misplaying the deck and going "all in" on one mega minion. This worked at the start of the expac when few decks were running silence, but that strategy means if the opponent plays a silence effect you lose.
I stand by my assessment of the original card though. IMO a card that could have come down as ealry as turn 2 and then snowball needs a nerf.
Hound Hunter dodging nerf again?
it's a new deck and the meta in unstable...
What a joke. Waiting weeks for 'data' to make nerfs has always been a weak point on Blizzard's side.
If I may, when did you start playing hearthstone?
Can we please delete the shaman deck already? Thank you.
Solid Alibi is tame compared to the repertoire of bullshit Mage is capable of in constructed. Upping it's mana by 1 is equally tame.
I will never understand why Team 5 only hits the combo enablers instead of dealing with the cards that cause problems because of their verbiage (Ice Block, Objection!, Rewind, Sif, Time Warp).
Harsh about Mech Rogue but it needed to happen.
Rainbow mage is Tier 2.
Undead priest with literally zero new cards, has higher win rate.
The problem is that you are TRASH at the game.
Cards like Sif and what Shaman can do are just a factor of Blizzard deciding "Why balance? Just make everything more and more unbalanced and that will somehow result in balancing because... balance."
They've gone down a dark road that has made Hearthstone wholly unfun unless you really like painful experiences.
I have to 100% agree, ive been playing since release and this is the first time i feel "ok I am not enjoying the game anymore" they have no clue waht they're doing, they keep hiring those "ex-has-been-caster-twitch-person" to work on the game balance and new cards development.
I'm totally against ppl who are like the game is dead etc... but this is the most terrible patch/expansion ive ever witnessed and its VERY VERY easy to get frustrated and feel its not worth the time of having "fun"
They need to fix the game engine and discover mechanics to begin with. You shouldnt be able to discover the same card over and over again. Discover should be tied to card rarity. But they're just to dumb and basic that they cant even think of such things but instead want a meme game with "fun" randomness. Discover is a great mechanic but it shouldnt be that "unfair" and easily abused to get the outcome you want or have favorable discoveries
Mech Rogue will probably be pretty bad now, and I didn't feel it was that strong to begin with. It just preyed upon all of the experimental and greedy decks that always see lots of play at the start of every expansion.
The Solid Alibi nerf will probably hurt other Mage decks more than Rainbow Mage. Afaik most lists don't even run Alibi or cards that regularly discover it such as Vast Wisdom or Teacher.
Yes lab constructor creates a miserable experience to play against, but when it hits it's the cherry on top not the real cause why mech rogue is so nuts. Mimiron is a self-perpetuating bullshit card that ends the game just by spamming magnetic onto it and re-stealthing - when you combine stealth with minions that can get exponentially scarier then of course you're going to run into a bad time. The way to play around magnetize was to remove mechs off the board, now you can't do that. Mech rogue can apply stealth through sparkbots, spy-der and there's randomly a mimiron spare part there created solely to piss people off, apparently. This is the first time stealth has become a major issue since Conceal went to hall of fame - five years later it has basically returned to a very powercrept meta.
People should just be running 2x Smothering Starfish at the moment anyway, it's gamewinning against mech rogue and thaddius warlock which is half of the meta by itself.
Stealth has been a problem twice since conceal was hall of famed. First when they made that rogue stealth archetype around ashes of outland, and last year when their location was making 13/13s with stealth on turn 4.
Meanwhile we have Hollow Hound. At least remove the rush, so that you can actually do something before it clears your board, fully restores your opponent's health and leave a huge body on the board. Or, at the bear minimum make it tarhet just a single minion.
And I won't even remotely bring up the insane shit going on in Wild...
I crafted I wild deck a few days ago for about 5000 dust. It included 2 copies of Solid Alibi. I guess that was wasted :D
and thats why nerf refunds never fully recover a players invesments and thats how they profit from frequent balance changes.
I think that the card is far from being Umplayable, is not like Corridor Creeper that was a ban disguised as a nerf, for everything that Solid Alibi does for you is still pretty worth the cost. Is kinda like Incanter's Flow a card that is still pretty competent for its cost, because, it basically had no sence that it costed (2) Mana in the first place.
Wow, more nerfs that only serve to bump up my dust. Yay...