Upcoming balance changes are planned for tomorrow, let's look at the preview image we got as per usual before we get to know the exact changes.
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This is an absolute insane stream of conscious word vomit. Call your therapist.
I honestly love when people like him uses the counterpoint of "haha just draw the perfect non-target answer gg ez" to defend cards that are obviusly over the top in the early game and is a matter of "do you get the right mulligan? would you draw the card in time?" to decide if you win or lose the game.
Hunter is a terror in standard but no nerfs for them. I as a minion centric aggro player am happy they're nerfing Solid Alibi. I hope it becomes 2 damage instead of 1 for 2 mana instead of a mana cost nerf while keeping the take only 1 damage effect.
No, that's never been the point. Blizzard has been kind of (less than) half-assed with regard to wild balance. They've nerfed many cards, even pre-emptively, but usually only happens when there's a hue and cry from the wild player base about a particular deck.
The wild format could seriously use a broad balance overhaul, but it's huge task, and would be controversial no matter how it was done. Hence, why Blizzard introduced the Twist mode; I think they hope it gives wild players a home, and relieves the pressing need to do something substantial about wild.
Good riddance I say!
Garbage over the top busted Mech Card.
Turn 4 into a 12/12 summon another copy with stealth from bots, infinite numbers filling the board and all the removal cards are more than 6 mana so good luck dealing with that.
Honestly I don't even understand why Magnetize is even a thing!?
Who in their right mind decided that Magnetize should not only give stats but also give Taunt, Divine Shield, Poisonous, Lifesteal, Rush and Stealth on top and allow that minion who got Magnetized to also attack!?! O.o
I say just remove the beast tag. Fixed
I 100% agree with this fix.
So the class with 57% Win Rate is like totally fine and doesn't need any nerfs? Played yesterday on the lowest end of ranks and even there, I only faced hunters.. And can we talk about how Warrior is a failed class with failed class design? Did Blizzard just give up on Warrior? (And no, some cheap aggro pirate decks were never class identity to warrior..)
The warrior problem is more a problem of mage/shaman/relic dh crazy turns or OTKs on one end of the spectrum and grindier, more value-based control decks like warlock and priest on the other end. Warrior is somewhere in between but very rarely able to survive damage-based OTKs or outvalue the control decks. If warrior had a Sargeras-type card or if there was better spell disruption in the format, ctrl warrior could become high tier rather quickly. I assume you can build a pretty nasty anti-aggro ctrl warrior deck right now, but such deck just fails against anything else
and we still after 5 years waiting for wild nerfs
Isn't the point of Wild that you can play anything and it's all broken?
For a Lab Constructor i just hope they will remove Magnetic it will be harder if you need to play this guy first and magnetize other mech to it but there is forge keyword gain magnetic so this will not happen, increasing mana dont do anything
or just do Chaingang nerf in here pls ? :D just summon another Lab Constructor instead of copy of this
Okay, time to craft some hunter cards
hunter being top tier isnt a problem, its an inevitability
I feel like hunter is less problematic to handle than Rainbow Mage or Mech Rogue honestly. Its a hard match because mulligan against 3 different decks that play similar cards is hard (all 3 hunters decks i mean) but in the end Hunter being top 1 is not rare when they have 3 tier 1 decks and you need to make a Mulligan before knowing what deck are you actually facing. Rainbow Mage in my opinion is waaay stronger closing the ame and Mech Rogue is just the Snowball boogalu if you dont hold answers to the BIG stealth cloning dude they will throw at you...on turn 4.
Aaaaand as it always was and always will be: Ppl complain about things being unbalanced. There wasn’t a single moment in the last years where ppl were satisfied. I guess it’s human.
Seriously lol?! Guess I’ll keep playing control priest because of rogue.
Can we please reign in Hollow Hound a bit? I think I wouldn’t mind it as just a Death Knight card, but Hunters having ways to duplicate and buff it so easily is a pain and very out of character. A lifesteal minion would be fine, but stupid amounts of healing is just weirdly extra annoying because the class isn’t really supposed to be doing that.
It doesn't even really make sense for what the creature is. Why does an undead dog have lifesteal? The cleave at least makes sense with the three heads.
Maybe swap the Lifesteal for Reborn. Even DK normally only gets that kind of Lifesteal value on cards with 2 or 3 blood runes.