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Popular Constructed Decks of the Week
We're a week in to The Grand Tournament, what exciting decks did it bring us?
Deck | Author | Cost |
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x1phias | 4280 |
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Reynad | 4160 |
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wingsofwaxiii | 8960 |
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Trump | 2820 |
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wingsofwaxiii | 3920 |
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PurpleLum | 5420 |
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emildko1 | 2640 |
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iambr | 4280 |
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Garlicnerd | 16500 |
Deck Spotlight: Murkadin
Mrglglglgl! In today's Deck Spotlight we're checking out a recent swarm which has come to ladder thanks to The Grand Tournament's Murloc Knight, Murkadin! Play the deck as if it was an aggro spamadin and build the board. Play your trusty Murloc Knight once you can play him and a Hero Power on the same turn.
The deck is filled to the top with murlocs, costs 3940 dust to craft, and if you want to learn more, you can check out the brief deck guide and gameplay video.
Minion (22)
Ability (5)
Weapon (3) |
Loading Collection |
Noxious: Garbage Cards Redeemed!
The Grand Tournament brought some previously lower tier cards back into existence, and Noxious put together a video on it.
Welcome back Sacrificial Pact, Secretkeeper, and others.

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What about playing a normal Paladin but including the Murloc Knights, Warleader, and Ol Murk Eye?
Secretkeeper's the new undertaker, lol.
Look up some old topics about bad cards that "needed" to be buffed, and you'll find Secretkeeper in a fair number of them with suggested buffs.
I love when old cards come back.
I could not agree more!
heh so sacrificial packt is "redeemed" cause its now in another garbage deck based on other garbage card 4fun?
if you look at it that way then secret keeper was always "playable" in 4fun mage secret deck with kirin tor mage etc.
but yeah mad scientist showed how to make old cards playable again (in that case all mage secrets) way back in naxx so nothing new here
You don't allow ten minutes of Noxious into your "life"? Bro, you DON'T have a life.
Im still waiting for Magma Rager time to shine. IT WILL COME AND EVERYONE WILL CALL FOR NERF!
haha that would be too awesome :D
Magma Rager, our true Legend.
it´s not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve!
It might not be out of the question. There's Hobgoblin for 1-Attack minions, right? If something comes along for 1-Health minions and does something based on either their Mana Cost or their Attack, Magma Rager would be the best then to synergize with it.
I've never played a Murloc deck before, but Murkadin seems pretty cool. Might have to try it out!
Another good Noxious video, really underrated streamer and youtuber.
I'm linking to this video every time we see another one of those damn topics about "Why doesn't Blizzard just buff under-powered cards?".
This was already talked about between Ben and Kripp. Go watch the video please :)
I am aware of that video. It's not as useful as this one.
I'm not sure that's a fair criticism. I mean, the topic of power creep is an entirely different topic from what was being discussed in this video. You seem to be complaining that the video didn't adequately address something that it simply wasn't about? Like, if somebody posted a video about how to build a deck that reliably counters Patron Warrior, it'd be a little silly to complain that the video doesn't tell you how to reliably counter Oil Rogue. That's just not what the video was about. There are other videos on that subject.
I completely disagree. While there can sometime be some overlap, such as in the discussions of Ice Rager and Evil Heckler specifically, typically the topics of power creep and the topic of buffing underpowered cards are entirely distinct.
You say that these cards weren't underpowered to begin with, that they just weren't as usable, but I don't think there's any practical distinction. When we get yet another topic about buffing underpowered cards, this video will be totally sufficient on its own to demonstrate that underpowered cards often don't need to be buffed themselves because there's nothing wrong with them other than not (yet?) existing in a broader metagame more favorable for their use. The reply to "X is underpowered, so why not buff it?" can at least partially be "Because X in its current form might get more use and no longer be considered underpowered if there were more cards like Y and Z, so there's no need to buff it, just a need for more cards that'll let it shine.".
Also, nobody secure in their sexuality says "no homo" anymore. It stigmatizes gay folks and is homophobic.
Murkadin deck is a garbage deck, I own it every time I play it and so does anyone else I see play against it.
I am surprised that the deck isn't secretdin as it seems to have better results.
I'm glad a few Shaman decks are up there for once. I played Trump's decks with a few modifications- I only ran 1 Thunder Bluff Valiant, and instead of Mana Tide Totem, I ran Al'Akir the Windlord, and, wait for it, instead of Dr. Boom, I ran Healing Wave. I also threw in Sylvanas Windrunner. I went 7-1 at the earlier ranks, and while that doesn't mean anything at all really, I did face some "meta" decks like Mech Mage, Ramp Druid, Grim Patron, and I beat them all pretty easily. I also read that people at higher ranks (around 5 and legend) are doing pretty well with it as well.
If you haven't tried any variation of the "new" Totem/Midrange Shaman yet, I recommend you try it. It plays similarly to Zoo, but it's a lot more fun and it has more late game, and higher value plays. Every totem is A LOT more valuable and dangerous now (thanks to Thunder Bluff Valiant and Draenei Totemcarver if you run it) , and with Tuskarr Totemic, you can get totems like Mana Tide Totem, Flametongue Totem, or the dream, Totem Golem.