TITANS Theorycrafting and Pre-Release Activities - With Drops

The TITANS Theorycrafting streams with Drops will be live from Wednesday the 26th of July at 9am PST/ 12pm EST/ 18:00 CEST/ 17:00 BST. Come join the fun!

Quote from Blizzard

It’s almost time for TITANS! Join us on July 26 and 27 while your favorite content creators channel the mighty Titans and forge their first looks at the new expansion. Then pick up a pre-purchase bundle and join us for pre-release weekend, before TITANS officially launches on August 1!


Your Last Chance to Choose Your Titan

This is it! After two rounds of voting, only two Titans remain. It’s up to you to decide who is the last Titan standing.

This is your last chance to vote for your favorite Titan to earn free packs. Voting is open from now until July 25, 10:00 a.m. (PT). Everyone who votes gets one free TITANS pack; everyone who votes for the Titan that gets more votes gets an additional TITANS pack!

Check out the details and make your votes on the official Choose Your Titan event page.

Theorycrafting Streams



Once all the cards have been revealed, join your favorite content creators as they forge their first TITANS decks during the theorycrafting stream event! All participants need to include at least 10 TITANS cards in their decks (that can be 10 individual cards, 5 duplicates, or anything in between).

  • Americas and EMEA players will play on July 26, 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (PT)
  • APAC players will play on July 27, 2:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT) / 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (KDT)

Invited players will be streaming their participation on their own personal streams, so make sure that you’re following your favorite Hearthstone content creators and tune in when they go live!

Your favorite casters will also be participating with a special TheoryCASTING stream on the official PlayHearthstone Twitch channel. Join them as they bounce between games from all the participating players and provide their expert analysis.

  • Sottle and Raven will cast on July 26, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (PT)
  • Lorinda and Edelweiss will cast on July 26, from 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (PT)

Twitch Drops will be enabled category wide from July 26 at 9:00 a.m. (PT) to July 27 at 9:00 a.m. (PT), so you can watch whichever Hearthstone stream you’d like and earn up to 2 TITANS Packs! Just make sure you link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts for your watch time to award drops. In addition to category-wide Twitch Drops, all participating streams will have Pre-Purchase Mega Bundle codes to give away to their respective audiences during the event!


Pre-Release Weekend

You can join in the fun and open your Pre-Purchase packs early at a private Fireside Gathering before TITANS goes live. Eligible private Pre-Release Fireside Gatherings can take place between July 28, 10:00 a.m. (PT) and July 31, 10:00 a.m. (PT).

Head over to FiresideGatherings.com to register your private event!

The ability to create public in-person events is still disabled at this time.

Private Fireside Gatherings will:

  • Be eligible to receive Nemsy Necrofizzle if they fulfill all hosting prerequisites. This means having an established Tavern. Learn more about establishing your Tavern here.
  • Be eligible for the Fireside Gatherings card back.
  • Allow event listing creation the same day as the event is meant to be hosted.
  • Have the same Fireside Brawls as public Fireside Gatherings.
  • Be visible on the website only to the Innkeeper hosting it. The Fireside Gathering itself will be visible in the game client and participants will be able to search for it and find it in the client as well.

Private Fireside Gatherings will NOT:

  • Be visible on Tavern or upcoming event pages.
  • Show up in the search function on the upcoming events page.
  • Count towards any Tavern or Innkeeper progression. They will not count towards establishing your Tavern. You will still need to host public events in the future as part of establishing your Tavern.


Then, join us for the launch of TITANS on August 1!

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TITANS Card List & Expansion Guide

Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.

Card List - Click Me!


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