wowhobbs just revealed a new TITANS card: Ra-Den
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wowhobbs just revealed a new TITANS card: Ra-Den
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Ra'den, Keeper of Storms is...
a priest legendary? Instead of Shaman, who incidentally are getting the storm based Titan?
I've PTSD of this boss. Killed him 10+ times on mythic but never dropped the weapon for me :<
If you get this off of Creation Protocol, Ra-Den becomes the greatest dinomancer!
Unfortunately Ra-den says "other minions" so he cannot become the greatest Dinomancer. You'd need to jump a few more hoops first.
First Whirlpool, then Ra-den? Why they keep giving shamanic cards to priests? (Not talking about the effects, but the names and art). I see Thorim being more "shamany" keeper in this case, but still this card should belong to shaman. They do have The Fist of Ra-den after all.
and Ra-den has more connection to shammy things ín the lore too
People calling this effect bad whilst comparing its effect to cards that costed almost twice this card's mana is just about Hearthpwn.
It is no N'zoth. It is no Yogg. It is not even Tess. And it needs a way to activate the deathrattle on the turn you play it to be viable.
I think this will see play in control priest. Right now, control priest is copying cards from the opponent and creating copies of their colossal.
Priest is back to receiving bad greedy cards..
this is what the class gets after being strong for a while, they will start dumping the class with bad cards to send Pries to trash tier
It is extremely greedy, and I wonder if it's really worth the tradeoffs needed to make it work.
It seems to me like Tess in Thief Rogue at the moment, a good card in an archetype without enough support.
It looks pretty decent to me.
You can say "Lol Tess with Mustache" and just play it in a Thief or a generate-random-minions deck. But I think that shines the most, at least in a deck building aspect if you can build your own pool. And is not that hard to do, you have E.T.C., Band Manager (I'm pretty sure the Band don't count as starting in your deck), you have Photographer Fizzle, probably the best option. Any Card that can copy minions, which Priest have access to a bunch. Queen Azshara is a good one. You can easily get extra copies of Aman'Thul, you could build a lot of decks, like maybe you copy Spiritsinger Umbra and a bunch of other powerfull Deathrattles and when this pops unleash Pandoras Box, is that worst that just play Xyrella, the Devout, absolutly, but you can do it if you want.
So I think that has potential to, at least for me, cause I like convoluted deck building, but if sees play, it probably is just going to be like a Tess for Thief Priest. In standard. I think.
But I only play Wild, and this set is clearly not made for Wild.
I think this will be a decent payoff in my thief priest deck.
To be honest this is the first time I‘m not impressed by any card so far. Normally there are at least 3-4 cards I wanna try out no matter if they are bad cause they sound funny, have a cool effect or they are really good in the meta. This time I don‘t really see much play for the new cards in wild. Most of the titans are too expensive I guess and forge is often not worth the effort to loose two mana. I really hope the interessting cards will revealled later. Up till now they are just boring. Just my personal opinion.
How does this work with reborn? Would the second one not count as being from your deck?
Edit: Never mind, requires playing.
Boring effect. Boring statline, classic 5/5.... I will dust this if I get it.
Hunter Player?
No reno control decks, Warlock, DK and Priest and sometimes Mage.
All you have to do is discover another Ra-den that didn't start in your deck and you can relive the greatest Cruel Dinomancer scenario!