Vicious Syndicate just revealed a new TITANS card: Mimiron the Mastermind
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Seems alright, not very exciting.
We play mech rogue in 2023 pogo. I ll give it a try for sure
That time when Blizzard did a set when Rogue is heavily oriented on Magnetic, but the archetype Legendary dosn't work with Magnetic. A classic.
The card looks nice. I like the callback to the Spare Parks, tho I don't like the absolute disrespect to Armor Plating, and I personally would rather than the coolant cost (1) and reduce by (3), just for consistency. But is okay.
If Mech Rogue sees play (which I wish, cause 7 of the 10 cards they get this set are Mech related, so if the archetype bluff basically Rogue skipped a set) I can see this with the powerlevel of Potionmaster Putricide, but it really depends on the deck, while Putricide you can just put it in a lot of decks and is going to still being a good card. But the Gadgetz are really strong cards. Is basically Find the Imposter but instead of play the specific cards you need before, you need to play the specific cards after And mech are probably going to always be still better than the SI:7 cards.
So the card itslef looks good. The problem is that is attached to an archetype that has to be better that whatever other thing that Rogue rather play, and at least in Wild I doubt that Mechs are going to make the cut.
Yeah, Atleast there is small chance they will print more mechs until this rotates and it could improve. The Questline and SI:7 cards were just one expansion thing and not much room to build better deck without buffs
In what way doesnt this card work with magnetic ? Its literally built to play a magnetic card and get a attachment? Also why wouldnt you play other achetypes i naddition to this. Rogue doesnt even have enough cards to fill a deck with really. In no sense does it have to be better than previous archetypes it just has to be usable which by the looks of it some cards are.
What I mean is the effect ask you to "play" a Mech, so it wouldn't trigger if you Magnetize a Mech. But then I remember that Magnetic has this pretty unintuitive rule that Magnetic mech are count as "played" but not as "summoned", and thats why it should trigger with this card (I think) even if not triggers with cards like Mecha-Shark. So it was my mistake.
But no, there is no way that you can splash this card into a non-Mech deck. You don't have to play 30 Mech to have a Mech deck, you could have 15 cards that aren't Mechs and it would be a Mech deck if still has enough Mech synergies.
And it obiusly an usable card. Like Arcane Hunter is usable, like Elemental Warlock is usable if you want. But I'm talking about "the future of the meta" when classes use only the stronger decks and became meta, and for that Mech Rogue has to be better or at least as good as Pirate Rogue, Miracle Rogue, Weapon Rogue, or wherever a Rogue plays in standard, and this cards just look a bit too fair to be the best Rogue archetype that you can possibly play. But Yeah, you can play it an have fun with it, as with literally any card in the game. I play Tentacled Menace in a Dredge deck cause I like goofing around, but its objectively an absolute terrible card and I'm aware of that. Cause I see it being the worst card in a deck builded around that card.
i agree if they want to have a viable deck type in the future for mech rogue they actually have to add cards and not jsut forget this and never come back to it, like they did with gvg, where they did a fairly good job setting the archetype up and then never printiong cards for it again
That is a hell of an entrace. It actually scarad me because video was playing off screen.
I wonder if there are people actually excited to play mech decks..
I'm very much excited to play mech Rogue, that was the first archetype i had a lot of sucess with Rogue back in 2016. I've been waiting for this for a long time but unfortunately I don't think it's going to be strong enough not because of the cards itself but the game is completely unbalanced nowadays.
I wanted to make Mech Rogue happen since GvG....
These cards in Wild have been waiting like forever.... Cogmaster's Wrench Iron Sensei Goblin Auto-Barber
This will be going straight into my pogo hopper deck.
Spare Parts: Who are you?
Mimiron's Gadgets: I'm you, but better.