HearthstoneTopDecks just revealed new TITANS cards: 3 Cards
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HearthstoneTopDecks just revealed new TITANS cards: 3 Cards
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Impossible to read it in any other way than "Eurojizzer".
Frozen Over has a weird anti-synergy with the plagues because if you hit a plague off it, the plague counts as the card drawn by frozen over and they can play the card drawn after the "cast when drawn" effect.
The cards for this archetype don't look that good to me, but I really like how the payoff cards are all 1 or 2 runes. That means the archetype can maybe fiddle with it's last rune and we can have multiple different builds. A deck flipping its last rune to tech for certain matchups is I think the dream scenario for the rune system. Hopefully the double unholy cards aren't so good that FUU is mandatory.
"Can't play them next turn"
Cool cards. Mid power level, which I enjoy.
The problem will all the DK's plague stuff is that the class has a lot of powerful and fast cards that would overpower the slow-passing plague mechanic. Why would you play cards that not progress in power during the game and have near no impact in early-midgame?
Even vs control the plague thing isnt effective. A lot of control decks runs card like Hollow Hound that only by itself can ruin the little damage that plague cards can make. Greedy decks with no armor/health increase never have been a thing in HS.
(disregard this)
Autoincluding the Eulogizer into my Unholy deck !!!
People are underestimating Frozen Over. Mages have played Research Project without the denial effect, and it's still included in some wild decks. Seing a more powerful version of that card is scary.
Pretty sure Thrive in Shadows' cost of 2 and Northern Navigation's cost of 2 are identical. Unless one is a very small value of 2 and the other a very large value of 2?
Man, only one card that uses corpses, the main mechanic for DK, printed for the whole expansion. And the funny thing is that forging eulogizer is actively bad in the case of rainbow DK. Sucks that they print CNE and just forget about continuing supporting it.
This is fairly standard for most other class keywords. If it's not an archetype for the expansion, you may only see 1-2 cards using it. Sometimes none at all, like DH getting no Outcast cards in Nathria.
Mill DK..?
Selfish Shellfish + Mosh Pit + Death Growl + Yelling Yodeler + Frozen Over
WOW the dk cards are hot garbage.
Unholy doesn't need to become a worse version of Curse Imp Warlock that can't even play two of the archetyped cards because they got a frost rune slapped in.
And even these 3 cards, finally unrelated to this archetype, are so obviously bad. Goodbye DK.
you made me log in just to comment on your stupid ass , RE-READ the cards and try to use that thing that attached to your neck so called brain to think about the synergy for ONE second
Frozen over is just coldlight oracle. I dunno if you wanna be drawing your opponent 2 cards in modern hearthstone, there's so much card draw nowadays that you really don't need a coldlight. And i really doubt this plague archetype is going to be playable.
Northern Navigation is thrive in shadows for 1 less and an extra effect. Will see play.
Eulogizer is iffy. Unholy usually doesn't have corpse problems where you'd run down, but then again, you can forge it on 2 then play on 3. Any other turn it's meh at best. Blood would like this, but the blood decklist is just too tight.
I think that plaques miggt be playable exactly for the reason that there is so much card draw in the game that the decks are smaller way faster than in Bomb warrior days so they are more likely to be drawn. After some point you make the opponents carddraw basically unplayable, especially after Helya, which is like one sided Hakkar. Plus there is more plague generators than in Bomb Warrior
That’s why Research project still Sees Play in wild? Because it’s “garbage”?
doesnt really fit the theme of frost eulogizer seems good in unholy
Frozen Over is only for plague decks.
Navigation is good, especially in a rainbow deck to fish for the finisher.
Eulogizer seems okay at best, if you need Forge you could definitely run it.
So - simply NO red death knight card in this expansion? Wow