Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed a new TITANS card: Aman’Thul
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Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed a new TITANS card: Aman’Thul
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Insta add to my Wild Reno :) ^^ Love it
Honestly, I dunno what to say other than just being a good card for Control Priest and will just always be an auto pick for the deck.
With discover yes.
Can we just agree that ''Remove'' is like the most disgusting mechanic ever?
Why does it even exist? How do you even counter that?
Man you really can't make claims like this when there's still what, 120 more cards to see?
What's the difference between choose and discover?
Choose means from the board while discover just makes a new card
Current control priest plays as a #2 as he doesn't have proactive cards and it's the best deck in standard. With this they get such crazy tempo swing opportunity it's not even funny.
Guess who will be a t0 deck in the new expansion meta?
if U silence a titan, can he uses his ability? and can attack? how is that works?
No abilities, can attack: "If a Titan is Silenced, they can’t use their abilities and instead can perform attacks as if they were a regular minion"
People are crying but this card isn't going to be so good.
Plus it's a 3/10. Midrange decks can trade it, aggro decks can ignore it.
if U ignore, its gonne be a problem
Who asked for this??? This card is the epitomy of post 2020 HS development. Insanely broken power creep card which is going to be an auto-include in any priest deck that isn't designed to win by turn 5. And of course it's legendary so you'll have to either A: get lucky on opening it, B: Blow 1600 dust crafting it or C: not play priest because if you ever play priest without this card, you're always going to feel bad. Seriously. Can anyone tell me with a straight face that you can still play control priest without this legendary card and not be strongly unfavored in a mirror match or in any other control match where your opponent has their own stupid titan?
The effect isn't even fun either. WOW, stupid tempo swing into "if my opponent doesn't remove my 10 HP minion this turn, I win." YAY. The excitement of getting random legendary minions is going to wear out for you after a week of the expac, and then for the next 2 years of HS, it's going to enrage you when you Q for a match and it's vs a priest, then it's played against you. It doesn't matter how good the deck is, the fact is that the deck it is in will bully any other priest deck out of existence.
This one is getting nerfed after a week and probably will be nerfed a second time
Priest is the strongest class right now and definetly do not need such a power house. Not only this card generate insane value but it is hard to remove. 10 Health for a 7 drop that can win you the game on the spot if it survives?
It touches the board and instantly turn the game around removing 2 big things, generating card advantage and threatening to win the game next turn if you cant deal 10 dmg. Theres simply no situation where this card is even remotely "not-op"
Another powercreep to sell packs.
I think you are overestimating how powerful Aman'thul is. All the classes, save Druid, have access to hard removal, and it's not going to be that hard to remove. Still can be damaged, still can be outright destroyed, still can be Polymorphed. There's at least two dozen cards in Standard that can outright destroy it or take it out of the equation, and there's going to be a lot of emphasis on hard removing these Titan fuckers immediately.
The question is not about removing a titan but how much impact he does on the turn he is played.
Even in this power-crept meta. A 7 mana spell that silenced and destroyed 2 enemy minions and discovered a legendary would see play 100%. This isn't even a spell. It has a freaking 3 10 attached to it. On top of that, the 3 10 is a 'must kill or you lose the game the next turn' effect on it. This is one of the most overtuned cards they've ever printed. It's an auto-include in any priest deck that isn't aggro. It doesn't matter if it gets removed or silenced lol. If this was a battlecry, and you didn't get 3 choices, you could only pick the board clear option, it would still be a 5/5 card.
7 mana for a 3/10 minion(that is surely going to die almost immediately), that gives you a pretty solid 'battlecry' of getting a legendary minion AND another ability? This is actually a super impressive legendary minion.
Most of these Titans will be targeted immediately on the next turn, making it incredibly difficult to get more than a battlecry effect out of any of them. This one though, feel very balanced as a legendary card. So often legendary cards are made and they just suck. And Priest has a number of these cards that only work in 1 or 2 ways, making them all the more niche.
That being said, I don't really see ALL Priest decks running this big boy, but I'd be shocked if it didn't make it in most.
Most Titans won't reach their second ability at all. I think Titans are going to be underwhelming.
I think that if you judge the Titans for what they can do the turn they are summoned, they should be worth it for the cost.
Many things have to change to expect that a Titan survives consistently more than 1 turn on the board. But so far they all look like reasonable "Battlecry" minions, with the potential of be even better.
I don't think this made the cut in Big Priest, but I really like that you can trigger Titans abilities as "When summon" effects. I have my doubts about Argus and Sargueras, but I don't think that any Titan is going to have a Minion Type, so they are not going to be as easy to special summon them anyway. Except in Priest, but Sadly in Wild Neptulon still looks like the best Titan.