Patch 26.6 Known Issues - Druid Shop Deck - Prison of Yogg-Saron Bug & More

As usual there will be bugs and issues with a large patch such as this. Blizzard has a running list with the things they are tracking or have already fixed. Check them out below!

Updated: Thursday Afternoon.

Quote from Blizzard

Patch 26.6 is now live on desktop. This massive patch includes the pre-purchase for Hearthstone’s next expansion, TITANS; the launch of Hearthstone’s latest mode, Twist; and the first part of Battlegrounds’ mid-season update!

Clarification: Twist ladder bonuses are based on your Wild ladder multiplier (aka bonus stars). This is not a bug and was intentionally done as a way to try to efficiently tier the new Mode’s matchmaking. In the future, Twist will have its own multiplier, just like Standard and Wild have their own multipliers.

Here are some issues we’re tracking with this patch:

  • [Added 6/27] [Hearthstone]: Prison of Yogg-Saron doesn’t show the cards cast to both players while casting them. This will be resolved in a hotfix update soon. In the meantime, both players can see the cards cast by checking the history tile.
  • [Added 6/27] [Twist/Shop]: The Druid Battle-Ready Deck for Twist is not quite as battle-ready as we’d hope. Specifically, due to some late updates in the list, it accidentally includes Jerry Rig Carpenter without any Choose One cards. We suggest you use your free Core Set cards to make some tweaks to the deck, like replacing Jerry Rig Carpenter with Pounce or replacing another card with Feral Rage. We plan to update the shop product in a future patch to replace Jerry Rig Carpenter with a different Rare (Umbral Owl).
  • [Resolved 6/27] [Twist]: Due to the launch of Twist, we discovered a bug where Nellie, the Great Thresher causes crashes if the class playing her does not have enough Pirates for her effect (like when a Paladin gets her off The Countess’s Legendary Invitations) during these Twist Beta seasons where Neutral cards are excluded. Due to this issue, we’re temporarily instituting a fix where a class that doesn’t have enough Pirates will be able to discover Pirates from other classes. This is not expected to be a permanent change and it should only apply to these seasons of Twist, due to the combination of the card pool and ruleset.
  • [Added 6/27] [Battlegrounds]: Flourishing Frostling will incorrectly appear as having 0 attack. This is a visual-only bug that will resolve itself in-game once you get your first copy. This issue will be resolved in a hotfix update soon.
  • [Resolved 6/27] [Battlegrounds]: The team is investigating reports of Battlegrounds Missions and Track not progressing.
  • [Added 6/27] [Battlegrounds]: The “Follow the Money” Quest is inappropriately progressing while in combat. We’ve temporarily removed the Quest from the Sire Denathrius pool while we investigate the issue.
  • [Resolved 6/28] [Shop]: The Golden Phoenix Bundles Rank 1 and 2 are intended to award Golden Legendary cards. The Rank 1 Bundle’s content was wrong has been corrected. The Rank 2 Bundle’s content was correct, but its text was wrong and has been corrected. A very small number of players purchases the Rank 1 bundle before the content was corrected, and those players have now received a grant of Arcane Dust to make up for the difference between the normal Legendary they received and the Golden Legendary they were supposed to receive.
  • [Added 6/27] [Cosmetics]: The Inge Death Knight hero skin (part of the TITANS Mega Pre-Purchase Bundle) is missing her hero tray. It has been found and will be added in the next major patch.
  • [Added 6/28] [Hearthstone]: The team has identified an issue sometimes causing the “error starting your game” bug when queuing with (or against) a deck that includes both Prince Renathal and E.T.C., Band Manager. The fix is scheduled for an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Added 6/28] [Hearthstone]: The team is investigating reports that some minions (mostly tokens) are sometimes appearing as invisible. (Can one ever “appear” invisible? :thinking:)

6/27 Update: The team has released a small emergency hotfix patch to resolve the issue with players not making progress on Battlegrounds Missions, Achievements, and XP.

We will continue to update this post as we get more information.


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