Posted Jun 26, 2023(Paladin & Lady S'theno Changes)
These runes appear in WoW, all over the place on pillars inside Ironforge. This specific picture is from Steelfury's Weapon Emporium, inside the Commons. This is the only place it's presented horizontally like this. The pattern repeats several times after the Y looking rune.
Posted Jun 27, 2023(Paladin & Lady S'theno Changes)
I found a dwarfish language primer on mmo champion with a lot of the symbols in the teaser. It didn't let me translate easily, but almost all of the symbols were there unaltered. My wild theory is that its a new version of the league of explorers. The legendary they reveal today will be the neutral non-duplicate card!
Posted Jun 26, 2023(Paladin & Lady S'theno Changes)
Oooo an announcement announcing the teaser teasing the announcement. Wonder when we'll get the announcement of the announcement that the main announcement will be announced.
Posted Jun 26, 2023(Paladin & Lady S'theno Changes)
Those, VERY much look like Titan glyphs. That is a clue on it's own.
Though, the direction might be very scatter shot of what it might mean. So many things in Warcraft lore and world are touched by or influenced by the Titans, that it might be impossible to say which one they picked.
There's a TON of Titan places in Warcraft, most prominently Ulduar, which would be an AMAZING place to visit with a Hearthstone twist. There's also the lands of Uldum and the Titan installation there, but we have been there with Savior's of Uldum expansion.
There's also PEOPLE connected specifically to the Titans and searching for their installations and works, most prominently Brann Bronzebeard (though Harrison Jones too).
Who knows what this might be, but it has a ton of potential. :D
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Guys riddle is about Titans I think, but I'm not 100% sure... I just have a hunch...
-posted 28.06.2023 17:00 ETC
I don't know what it is, but Thrall might be involved.
Lol😂 I love your comments man
I got Earth Lights from these runes. Not sure if it means anything more than anything else. Might be some dwarfish or titan meaning.
I figured it out.
The set it's going to be "Slumber Party in IRONFORGE"
If you could only imagine how not funny you are...
it only means blizzard gona make some MONEY again :D
About all I could figure out unscrambling the letters....
Her Starlight...Trash lighter...Harsh glitter...
Light-r-hearts...Lather rights...Rather lights...
Hart lighters...The trash girl...The shart girl...
That's her
do you know the shart girl? i'm asking for a friend
These runes appear in WoW, all over the place on pillars inside Ironforge. This specific picture is from Steelfury's Weapon Emporium, inside the Commons. This is the only place it's presented horizontally like this. The pattern repeats several times after the Y looking rune.
I found a dwarfish language primer on mmo champion with a lot of the symbols in the teaser. It didn't let me translate easily, but almost all of the symbols were there unaltered. My wild theory is that its a new version of the league of explorers. The legendary they reveal today will be the neutral non-duplicate card!
If the R and the TH weren't doubled up, then these are the potential phrases that could be constructed:
their slag
theirs lag
their lags
I don't think Hearthstone is making a reference to the client performance here, so my current guess is
their slag
Which is a metal-smelting byproduct, could technically be connected to Titan facilities. But maybe I went completely the wrong way, we'll see.
Titan based expansion. Calling it.
Oooo an announcement announcing the teaser teasing the announcement. Wonder when we'll get the announcement of the announcement that the main announcement will be announced.
These are Ironforge Runes. I'm not sure if we get an Ironforge expansion, but these aren't Titan glyphs nor any other stuff.
Let the season of uninhibited marketing overhype commence!
not enough vowels to be an anagram (phrase or word).
Color scheme suggests dwarf-themed or uldaman.
I hope we finally get Sargeras as a legendary minion with 30/50 stats and some cool effects and mechanics.
For 3 mana cost
Those, VERY much look like Titan glyphs. That is a clue on it's own.
Though, the direction might be very scatter shot of what it might mean. So many things in Warcraft lore and world are touched by or influenced by the Titans, that it might be impossible to say which one they picked.
There's a TON of Titan places in Warcraft, most prominently Ulduar, which would be an AMAZING place to visit with a Hearthstone twist. There's also the lands of Uldum and the Titan installation there, but we have been there with Savior's of Uldum expansion.
There's also PEOPLE connected specifically to the Titans and searching for their installations and works, most prominently Brann Bronzebeard (though Harrison Jones too).
Who knows what this might be, but it has a ton of potential. :D