Hearthstone Twist Preview Event - With Twitch Drops!

Come watch the new Game Mode: Twist, live in action by many streamers starting today and into tomorrow! The streams start at 9:00 am PST/ 12:00 pm EST/ 18:00 CEST/ 17:00 BST.

You can read more about Twist in our article here!

Quote from Blizzard

Twist Preview Event with Twitch Drops!

Join your favorite content creators on June 22 and June 23 for a special preview of the Twist Beta! Competitors from around the world will be playing on a private version of the upcoming Twist ladder to test out some decks and see how far they can climb.

NA, LATAM, and EMEA participants will be playing throughout June 22, at various times from 9:00 a.m. PST – 9:00 p.m. PST.  APAC players will be playing June 23, from 2:00 a.m. PST – 8:00 a.m. PST. Participating players will be streaming from their own channels, so make sure you follow your favorites to see when they go live!

NA Group

EMEA Group


APAC Group


Category-wide Twitch drops will be enabled for this event! From June 22, 9:00 a.m. (PST) to June 23, 9:00 a.m. (PST), you can earn up to nine free packs for watching Hearthstone!

  • Watch for one hour to earn 1 Ashes of Outland pack, 1 Scholomance Academy pack, and 1 Darkmoon Faire pack.
  • Watch for another hour to earn 1 Forged in the Barrens pack, 1 United in Stormwind pack, and 1 Fractured in Alterac Valley pack.
  • Watch for a third hour to earn 1 Voyage to the Sunken City pack, 1 Murder at Castle Nathria pack, and 1 March of the Lich King pack.


Each of the pack groups corresponds to one of the last few Years of Hearthstone, so you’ll be able to use the cards you open when you jump into Twist’s Beta and try out the New Age format! We hope to see you there.

Make sure you link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts so that your viewing time counts towards drops.

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