The Dark Wanderer is This Week's Tavern Brawl: Week 2


This week's brawl is The Dark Wanderer!

Week 2, same as Week 1, but no progress save inbetween!


A hooded stranger sits to play, holding a grim deck in his hands. Can you unravel the secrets surrounding this dark wanderer?

This is played with Wild deck building rules.

If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!

This Brawl will be up for TWO weeks!

Quote from Blizzard

Special Returning Tavern Brawl: The Dark Wanderer

On June 7 and June 14, we’re bringing back a special Diablo-themed Tavern Brawl! Face off against the mysterious Dark Wanderer in this epic boss battle where progression is saved after a loss and the stakes are raised each fight!* The first time you Defeat Diablo, you’ll earn a special Lilith card back!

*Progression is saved within each week’s Tavern Brawl, not across both weeks. This is one Tavern Brawl run twice in a row, not a 2-week long Tavern Brawl. Your first time defeating Diablo each week will grant you one Standard Pack.



The Special Card Back Reward


A Standard Card Pack for winning the Brawl once.


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