The known Issues for Patch 26.4 which will be updated several times along the way as issues pop up and get fixed.
Updated: Tuesday Afternoon
Quote from BlizzardPatch 26.4 is now live, bringing with it the end of all music or your opportunity to save the sound! Find out with the new 38-card Audiopocalypse Mini-Set. Follow this page for updates on list issues we’re tracking with this patch.
The issues we’re tracking this patch include:
- We’re investigating an issue where decks that do not have a card back assigned are treated as being assigned the Classic card back. You can assign a card back to a particular deck or uncheck “limit to favorites” as workarounds.
- We’re aware that ongoing Duels runs did not retire with the patch. Instead, the season reset will happen when players finish the run on their own (either by retiring or playing all their games). Players who had an active that would have been retired with the Patch 26.4 reset will be granted one Tavern Ticket in an update soon.
- In Duels, Uber Diablo’s effect is shown as a “Battlecry” effect, but it actually triggers upon transformation. This is a text-only issue: the effect is intended to go off upon that transformation, like it does.
- [Resolved 5/31] The team is aware that old Adventures are not being offered for Gold as intended, and is investigating the issue.
- [Added 5/31] We’re aware of a text issue with Abyssal Bassist in some languages. This is expected to be resolved in an upcoming hotfix patch.
- [Added 5/31] On mobile, the background screen-blur between games does not go away. The team is expecting this to be fixed in the next major patch. In the meantime, all the buttons still function for switching decks or navigating away from the screen, and navigating away from the screen should reset it and remove the blur.
- [Added 5/31] The team is aware that the regular Audiopocalypse mini-set can’t be purchased on the web shop (only in-game). This is expected to be added to the web shop in an upcoming update.
- [Resolved 6/1] The team is aware that Arena leaderboards are not representing correctly, and is working on the solution.
- [Added 6/1] The Lilith card back is currently showing as able to be purchased in the collection, but it can’t actually be purchased. Players who try to purchase it instead get the Secret Level card back (the card back previously granted by the Dark Wanderer Tavern Brawl).
- [Updated 6/2] The team is aware that the “New Cards” tab is causing some issues viewing the collection on some devices. The button has been temporarily disabled due to these issues.
- [Added 6/1] The team is aware of a visual bug where overdrawing at 10 cards shows the card burning animation coming from the wrong deck. This is a visual-only bug.
- [Resolved 6/2] The team is aware that Magatha, Bane of Music is unintentionally revealing all the cards drawn.
- [Added 6/5] The team is aware that a stolen Snapshot (the card generated by Photographer Fizzle) will not grant any of the snapshotted cards.
- [Added 6/5] The team is investigating reported issues with Discover effects and triple-rune cards, Vulpera Scoundrel, and Hipster.
We will continue to update this post as we get more information.
I can't join games as Thief Priest. I'm assuming it's a specific card in the deck. Have no issues joining games with Undead Priest or any other class.
Or they started removing Priest from the game
i find this happens when trying to use a golden core card in a wild deck ( a golden core card which i dont have a wild golden version)
Sometimes it's E.T.C
Since patch 26.2 they still haven't fixed the tradeable card bug. Whenever you trade away the game crashes. Seems like an important thing to have on their list, no?
Every time I play a 2nd Elite Tauren Champion, it doesn’t add a 2nd Molten pick to my opponent’s hand. Also, there have been many times where no pick has been added for the first time I play him as well.
With all these issues, it's a good thing I got D4 to fall back on now.
After the update, HS started freezing all the time while being in the background on PC. Can't even switch to another window while waiting for the game to start or for the hiring stage to finish in the BGs. Does anyone else experience something similar?
Second freeze within 1/2 h without any clue because the UI still works as intended. Only hint was the missing rope and by the time i realized that, it was already too late and i missed at least 1 turn. I can't even imagine how pissed i'd be if those were ranked games.
I'm not a game dev so idk what causes these issues but something needs to be done. This game is 9 years old and runs barely better than an early access title at any given moment. And as a paying customer i'm sick of hearing their poor excuses at this point.
Blood treant doesn´t work with the quest, you pay 5 health for a 2/2 do nothing to the quest
This is the intended behavior. They reworked hero immunity and health instead of mana interactions in 26.0 patch.
Quick question. If you have armour, does it 'spend' armour instead of life? Because it shouldn't, flavour-wise it should spend Health strictly, since armour prevents damage, imo.
Also, what they said about the adventures being available in the shop for gold was a lie, they still require runestones.