Weird flex, but okay.
- zmauls
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Member for 8 years, 4 months, and 17 days
Last active Sun, Feb, 16 2025 09:12:31 -
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ostepolse posted a message on Frustration after reaching legendPosted in: Wild Format -
LightKnight posted a message on 28.0.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes for Constructed and BGs - Bug Fixes & MorePosted in: Newsyou mean the ones you get for free ?
CampinTheHut posted a message on It's just brokenPosted in: General DiscussionWas it really ever fun to begin with? There is a reason the salt thread is over a thousand pages long.
Reviewer posted a message on Unfair reporting?Posted in: General DiscussionYour low effort attempts at trilling are well known on this forum. And everyone knows the report button doesn't do anything...
sharpsh007er posted a message on Embiggen BugPosted in: Embiggen Bugdisgusting. thanks
Andrei2007 posted a message on 22.2.1 Patch Notes - Tarecgosa Balance Change in BGs - Duels Balance ChangesPosted in: NewsNo fix regarding the fatal crash that prevents you from playing duels.
No ETA for it.
Not even a mention of it.
Shame on you Blizzard.
Andrei2007 posted a message on Battlegrounds is riggedPosted in: BattlegroundsIt might just be that your skill level is around 6000, and if you don't consistently place in the upper half you will never climb. But there's nothing wrong with that, every player has a different potential.
The_George posted a message on Why there is so much hate on Mercenary mode or on Hearthstone in general?Posted in: General DiscussionI think you should go back to reddit, with the rest of the Blizzard shills and apologists.
HSam posted a message on How does someone THIS bad get THIS close to winning?Posted in: General DiscussionSounds like you're enjoying the game
Rank25GG posted a message on Firewall exploitPosted in: BattlegroundsClassic blizzard solution, trying to cure symptomes instead of the illness. The problem is the game itself, the animations are way too long, especially if someone has Elistra etc. You end up with turns of 60 seconds in the late game! Or if you want to play patches/pirates, all the animations fuck up the game. Wish they would fire Iksar already, he is so far away from the reality. I play on PC, mobile, tablet and on all 3 devices you get fucked by these stupid animations. BG has several issues (facing the same opponents over and over, damage u take in the early game, etc etc) and they just do nothing.
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Links his own off-meta deck lmao
Blizzard: Let's make one deck to directly counter highlander decks. We'll call it "Plague Death Knight." It will be low tier against everything else.
This guy: Hold my beer.
Have you tried getting his health down to 0?
The only reason this analogy works for you is because no one uses your penis either.
Easily one of the five worst Brawls ever made.
Fuckin love this guy.
"Hmm, Lightfang is under-performing. How do we fix this?"
"Give it +2/+2 in stats, as its low stats are clearly the problem."
"You're promoted."
- Idiot Blizzard Logic
Note: This is the approach they took for most of the BG buffs and nerfs.
I can't join games as Thief Priest. I'm assuming it's a specific card in the deck. Have no issues joining games with Undead Priest or any other class.
Spending a whole turn's worth of gold refreshing trying to find a specific unit is a dead giveaway that you're not very skilled at the game. If your objective is to win, gold management and efficiency are pretty important. You have to take what you get and make the most of it. That's what separates 10k MMR from 6k MMR.
"The funny thing is that poverty doesn't even affect the 1%."