• 1

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from whales >>


    ok, this has to either be a joke, or a rank 25 player, nerf diremole? seriously? i never see this card played, and when i do, it never does anything game defining, it might hit my face once or twice, but thats just 1/2 damage. and nerf hunter? seriously? i never see this class played, and when i do i win most of the time. so, either this is a joke or you need to git gud.

     I can't believe you can't see the obvious satire in this post
    ALSO I think that the MOLE should be nerfed up to at least 4 mana that way the opposing class can at least get ready for this OP card 
    True turn 6 god
    Thank you for realize the true potential of Dire moles, i hope that people see this picture and realize how damaging to hearthstone online play this card truly is... obvious by picture quality that this screen is taken from blizzard secret files, they clearly know how op card is and try to make joke to insult hearthstone community??? @Blizzard we are not as stupid as you think we are!!!!! please refrain from continue to oppress heartrhsont communitny with ridiculuso overpower card!!!!!11!11!
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from Krispy72 >>

    Dire Mole is so OP it takes 3 Dire Moles to kill 1 Dire Mole!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from cutethulu >>

    Look at this baddie not even talking about the real problem, Walnut Sprite.

    While this card has given me a lot of trouble on ranked play (I am strong player, currently rank 27 with 1.5 stars), I find it is not really a problem as by turn 3 when you can play this card opponent can already have played 5 dire moles (1 mana, 2 mana, 3 mana @ 1 mana per dire mole at turn 3) for total of 5/15 stats. Everoyne complain about 16/16 on turn 6? LOL?!?!? PLeaSE! Dire Mole with by turn 6 have effectively become 20/60 if played one dire mole per mana... please explain how this not op?P??
    Quote from Trollbert >>

    Possible fair nerf, make him ‘Uneasy Mole’.  Dire is just too emotionally OP’d.

     I agree, the name add much anxiety. @Blizzard, Please consider nerf to "Slightly Uncomfortable Mole" or "Woke-up-on-wrong-side-of-the-bed MOle" ty blizz
    Quote from Raskolnikow92 >>

    1/3 is op, they should rather make it 3/2 so you can remove it at least with 2 pings/hero attacks. 

    This is good point also, but u have to remmeber that for 2 ping, same mana Hunter can have done 4 damage to face, and u are spending whole time removing 1 minion? Remember this thread is equal important to nerf hunter, please refrain from trolling my thread with useless comments like this thank you.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from LeeroyJerkins>>

    Can't tell if this is a troll or not. 

    No. This is a troll.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 13

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from Distemper94 >>

     I am pretty sure that if you will make 1 drops bland and underpowered, then people will simply play 2 drops that are overpowered instead?

    What's then? Nerfing two drops? Ok, we'll nerf two drops making them underpowered. What would happen then? People will start playing more broken 3 drops, which may not be broken before but will become ones as a result of the nerf.

    Lets then nerf three drops and so on until we reach broken late game cards. 'But we have removal to counter them, it will not be a problem.' Well, the removals will be nerfed as well because the classes that have the specific removals will be overpowered. Then we should nerf those as well.

    What would happen at the end? After an incredible number of iterations of balance tweaks, we will have an almost perfectly balanced game with almost perfectly balanced cards. Games will usually last until fatigue and end then, with aggro matches lasting for 15 turns (if aggro will still be viable which, in this scenario, is extremely unlikely). Though just imagine how bland and boring the game will become. Bland, boring and perfectly balanced. 

    I like when people are talking about the issues surrounding cards and their power level. Though, claims like 'stop printing OP 1 drops' are toxic. Mole is ok as a card, really. It's not that hard to deal with on turn two and it's really not problematic at all. Starting to nerf cards that are moderately good is an extremely bad approach due to reasons outlined above. 


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from MunrowPS >>


    Quote from quartermonk >>

    Nerf everything! I want every class to have no cards, no hero powers and no emotes. The only way to win is to wait for the other player to concede! True 100% balance. 

     Like a staring contest without the staring, just see who can last the longest XD
     Blizzard currently testing Alpha for new game Starestone, says public version will be released by 2034.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from Poghy >>

    Spiteful summoner comes at turn 6, so you can prepare for it in the previous turns. But Dire mole is a turn 1 play, I cant even play cards before that, I just have to concede.

    I expect a Dire mole nerf very soon.

    Exactly, turn 1 concede is much stronger than turn 6 concede. I don't understand how people don't realize this. I am hoping for nerf within next couple of hours, thank you for feedback, forwarding to Blizzard right now.
    Quote from raponZ6 >>

    Also Elven Archer is insanely op.... For 1 mana to deal 1 damage and still have a 1/1. I mean look at the poor Stonetusk Boar, he deals 1 damage and then sadly dies... cruel world

    Great point! Basically mage hero power for 1 mana, plus a strong body? Need to consider nerfing this as well, how can opponent recover from 1/30th of their life taken on turn 1? Absolutely insane power creep Elven Archer.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 18

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from OverholtNA >>

    Get good, bro. I tech double scorp-o-matic in every deck I build to counter OP Dire Mole.

     Lmffao?? That would be like saying just make a deck filled with legendaries??? Not everyone can afford fancy rare cards for decks smdh....1..>..
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from Killthejohnboy >>

    Yeah and mage does 1 damage for the same mana  I mean seriously WTF?!?!.!?!.??!,!:!:,!!;#;#*!^!;!,》《▪ ●♡●¥°《●《▪》

    EXACTLY!!!! Any good player just hits face with mage hero power anyway! WHY WASTE 2 MANA ON HITTING MINION FOR 1 DAMAGE?!?! LOL!!! Mage has worst hero power in game!!!! No armor gain either?!!!11?! @Blizzard WTF
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 74

    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!

    Turn one 1/3 drop, Blizzard? Are you joking? Players cannot deal with 1/3 on turn 1, which is why other 1/3's (Voidwalker, Mana Wyrm) are class specific. Look at Tunnel Trogg. Card was essentially broken and dominated the meta before rotation, then you just print another one? Even worse, it's beast synergy so Hunter gets even more use out of it.

    Speaking of which, Hunter needs nerf as well. Most broken class in game. How is Hunter balanced? Hero power is deal 2 damage to opponent's face. Warlock does same thing, but to HIMSELF?!?! HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE BLIZZARD?!?!

    Nerf Dire Mole! Card is broken! Sick of seeing meta dominated by OP 1-drops!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Good winrate Baku/Quest Warrior

    Can't use AOE if you don't have it in hand because of lack of draw. Sorry friend, but this deck is simply not competitive in the current meta. Defend it all you wish, but a barrage of taunts and little else does nothing but make for a long, unwinnable game.

    Posted in: Good winrate Baku/Quest Warrior
  • 0

    posted a message on Proof Shudderwock is Dominating Meta


    Quote from DoubleSummon >>

    Well most people are playing a meme version.. the card is very versitile I predict people will come up with a good version eventually.

    Probably, but right now they're screaming "nerf" at a meme deck. And to counter the inevitable "no we're saying nerf the card, not the deck," search for appearances of Grumble and Saronite in the forums as well.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Proof Shudderwock is Dominating Meta


    Quote from Ilyanthiel >>

    Yep, I think I can forget getting full refund for my golden Shudderwock after nerf...

    In case you wonder, I got it in a pack and didn't craft it hoping for the refund...

     I wouldn't be so sure. Blizzode has a history of nerfing cards that don't really need it.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Proof Shudderwock is Dominating Meta


    Quote from Kovachut >>

    Is that in wild? In standard there shouldn't be any jades anymore.

     Wrong shot, fixed. Thank you.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Proof Shudderwock is Dominating Meta


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