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    posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Ultimate Infestation

    A 10 cost card that brings you closer to fatigue doesn't sound that enticing. The 5 damage and 5 armor are nice but drawing 5 cards could put you in a position where if the game doesn't end soon you will die to other control decks theough fatigue. Maybe it could be included as a one of in a midrange or combo deck (provided they exist for Druid) but as a card in a control deck it seems like a double edge blade where you get massive value in one card but if the opponent slows your game plan by using removal and keep removing your board then you will run out of resources fast. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Counterspell really counter Flare? / Eater of Secrets + Potion of Polymorph interaction?

    In Hearthstone when you play a secret it goes "dormant" until it either gets destroyed, stolen, or gets triggered. Secrets constantly survey the playing field to see if their conditions are being met. In MTG this is something called a "stack" or basically the order in which actions get resolved. When you play a secret it becomes active and waits to be fulfilled. If that secret is counterspell it's waiting for a spell to go on the stack and then when one gets played the secret jumps on top of the spell and it cancels out the spell underneath it because the secret takes priority first. That's why it doesn't work because it gets cancelled out before it even has an effect.


    As for potion of polymorph and eater of secrets or the secret stealing minion from GvG when a minion gets "played" with a battlecry the battlecry fully resolves before the minion is actually summoned on the field. Which is why the interaction would work with the destruction of the secret or it's theft. Also why if Dirty Rat pulls a Swamp King Dred it'll kill  rat.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Quest - The Caverns Below (Crystal Core)

    With the cards that have been released so far and with the knowledge of how standard might look in JTU this card isn't looking so good. It's looking downright bad because rogue has been knowing to kill with its miracle variant through either spells, through large face damage, a mixture of the two, and mill. As the class currently stands this card seems very weak without heavy support for it. We need token generation, bounce mechanics, and a way to win that doesn't involve minions with more than 5/5 in stats. Maybe charge could work but this is going into a mid to early late game win condition that if you're not controlling the board you might be dead in the water. This card seems interesting but without more heavy support it looks dead on arrival.


    *Edit* Maybe something where you control the board or at least fight for it while whittling down the opponents hp so you can get to a point where the quest spell is played you have a bunch of low cost chargers that become 5/5s for a burst at the end and maybe if you have enough bounce you can actually OTK but this is best case scenario at the moment without the rest of the expansion being shown.*

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on I have enough dust to craft three legendaries...

    I'd say go for the ones in the classic set. Get Alex, Grommash, and Leeroy because those will always have value and won't be rotasted out of standard. They also have the best general usage for decks that will always and have always been around: freeze mage/ combo decks for Alex , control warrior for Grommets , and aggro X for Leeroy. Those cards fit great into those decks and you can bet there will always be a place for those cards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on new player need help

    You could try Face Hunter if you dont have many cards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wait...did this guy just cheat?

    He probably just waited until all duplicates were out of his deck and then used Reno. Reno only asks for there to be single amounts of each card in your deck left not counting hand or your decklist.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What are the Terms that Hearthstone Has Created?

    You could say that any term that is able to be used in HS because it is a digital format would be more unique to it. Think about discover, deathrattle to a small extent, and most random mechanics like piloted shredder/ golem/ druid one that summon or receive random cards that are not currently in the game state. All though they are not terms they do make HS unique in that aspect. You could even think of the Golden Monkey's effect and hoe it is possible BC this is a digital card game and not one based on a physical medium.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Museum Curator sound

    Join or die! ... Or both.

    Love this one.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hello!

    Very well, trying to get some wins with freeze mage on ladder so I can finish my mage quests. How about you?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Baron Geddon and Healing Totem Interaction (Solved)

    It depends on the play order but I can tell you that a minion can drop below 0 or to 0 and then be healed before the turn ends leaving it alive. Think of it as it taking damage going to 0, healing for 1, and then when the game check for dead minions at the end of the end of turn actions it sees a healing totem with 1 hp.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which legendary are you going to craft next?

    Right now its a toss up for me. I have a lot of good tier one legendaries so now I'm just looking to get the final touches in what could be useful versus what's nice in my already made decks.


    Its between Vol'jin, Confessor Paletress and Malygos.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What should my next legendary be?

    Thank you very much! I ended up getting Baron Geddon since the meta is very agro right now and I can see it being put into some of my other decks with the same success as in control warrior!

    Thank you all and goodnight.

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    posted a message on What should my next legendary be?

    hank you for your response ZargX76 and currently I'm really like slower yet powerful decks (midrange, control). I know that the meta is currently fast but I already have racing decks and aggro decks. I just like the whole concept around them. So my response is definitely control. Maybe dragon/control priest or control warrior or Handlock. What sounds the best currently?

    Edit: I like playing all classes and have good decks for most of them, tier 2- 1.

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    posted a message on What should my next legendary be?

    Hello everyone long time Hearthstone player here. I've been playing since closed beta (even have golden Mek from the sale during beta.) I just amassed 1600 dust for the second time today (made Grom with my 1st 1600) and now I'm wondering what legendary should I craft now?

    I have: Archmage Antonidas , Rhonin, Lord Jaraxxus, Mal'Ganis, Grommash Hellscream, Leeroy Jenkins, Justicar Trueheart, Dr. Boom, Alextraza, Ysera, and all adventure legendaries plus all giants minus the Sea Giant.

    I'm currently looking at Ragnaros, Sylvanas, Baron Geddon, Harrison Jones, and Chillmaw.

    IG: DarkUmbra#1862 if you would like to add me.
    Please and thank you for any help you can give me!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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